19 results

The relationship between creativity and attention in adults

Journal Article
Carruthers, L., MacLean, R., & Willis, A. (2018)
The relationship between creativity and attention in adults. Creativity Research Journal, 30(4), 370-379
Creativity is a valuable attribute that involves the generation of original ideas; attention is a vital function that facilitates information selection. There is some evidence...

Heuristics: The good, the bad, and the biased. What value can bias have for decision makers?

Journal Article
Curley, L. J., Murray, J., & MacLean, R. (2017)
Heuristics: The good, the bad, and the biased. What value can bias have for decision makers?. the Quarterly, 41-44
This discussion paper will look at heuristics (rule of thumb techniques for decision making), (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974) and their potential value. Typically, heuristics have ...

Developing a reflective and empirically informed undergraduate research methods module, including a worked exemplar.

Murray, J. (2016)
Developing a reflective and empirically informed undergraduate research methods module, including a worked exemplar. In Penman, C. & Foster, M. (Eds.). Innovations in Learning and TeachingMerchiston Publishing. ISBN 978-0-9576882-8-5
Teaching research methods is challenging for both staff and students. With increasing expectations to teach a wider breadth of material, the balance and maintenance of suffici...

Male Youth Perceptions of Violent Extremism: towards a Test of Rational Choice Theory

Journal Article
Dhami, M. K., & Murray, J. (2017)
Male Youth Perceptions of Violent Extremism: towards a Test of Rational Choice Theory. The Spanish journal of psychology, 19(E51), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1017/sjp.2016.49
Understanding how people perceive the pros and cons of risky behaviors such as terrorism or violent extremism represents a first step in developing research testing rational c...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Executive Function Impairment: An Overview.

Journal Article
Carruthers, L. (2016)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Executive Function Impairment: An Overview. the Quarterly, 98,
As with any cognitive ability, attention is vulnerable to dysfunction. The most common attentional problem is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This brief overv...

The effects of a recalled injustice on the experience of experimentally induced pain and anxiety in relation to just-world beliefs

Journal Article
McParland, J., Knussen, C., & Murray, J. (2016)
The effects of a recalled injustice on the experience of experimentally induced pain and anxiety in relation to just-world beliefs. European Journal of Pain, 20(9), 1392-1401. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejp.862
Background: A growing field of investigation into social justice cognitions and pain suggests perceived injustice has a negative impact on pain, but little is known about indi...

Demonstrating the links between psychology and biology: the practical use of Biopac in undergraduate psychology teaching.

Presentation / Conference
Murray, J., Shaw, M., & Willis, A. (2016, January)
Demonstrating the links between psychology and biology: the practical use of Biopac in undergraduate psychology teaching. Paper presented at The Teaching Fellows' Conference: innovations in teaching and supporting student learning, Edinburgh Napier University
For those unfamiliar with psychology, there is often a perception that it is a subject that is all about the mind and ‘talking therapies. However, since the 1930s this has not...

Developing a theory-informed interactive animation to increase physical activity among young people with asthma.

Presentation / Conference
Murray, J., Todoran, A., Williams, B., & Hoskins, G. (2015, September)
Developing a theory-informed interactive animation to increase physical activity among young people with asthma
The current paper describes the development of a theory-informed interactive animation and which aims to increase levels of physical activity in young people with asthma. The ...

Investigating the Influence of Causal Attributions on Both the Worksheet and Checklist Versions of the HCR-20

Journal Article
Murray, J., Charles, K. E., Cooke, D. J., & Thomson, M. E. (2014)
Investigating the Influence of Causal Attributions on Both the Worksheet and Checklist Versions of the HCR-20. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 13(1), 8-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/14999013.2014.890978
Attribution theories suggest that when assessing an individual's actions, judgments are made about the cause of these behaviours and often these judgments focus on internal or...

Developing a Theory-Informed Interactive Animation to Increase Physical Activity among Young People with Asthma

Conference Proceeding
Murray, J., Williams, B., Hoskins, G., McGhee, J., Gauld, D., & Brown, G. (2013)
Developing a Theory-Informed Interactive Animation to Increase Physical Activity among Young People with Asthma. In Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Systems and Applications; Lecture Notes in Computer Science. , (60-65). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-39420-1_7
The current paper describes the development of a theory-informed interactive animation and which aims to increase levels of physical activity in young people with asthma. The...