24 results

“I feel happy when I surf because it takes stress from my mind”: An Initial Exploration of Program Theory within Waves for Change Surf Therapy in Post-Conflict Liberia

Journal Article
Marshall, J., Ferrier, B., Ward, P., & Martindale, R. (2020)
“I feel happy when I surf because it takes stress from my mind”: An Initial Exploration of Program Theory within Waves for Change Surf Therapy in Post-Conflict Liberia. Journal of Sport for Development, 9(1),
Surf therapy is a novel form of sport for development (SFD) intervention being utilized to support well-being within post-conflict settings. There is currently little research...

Unsuccessful Transitions: Understanding Dropout from the Athlete's Perspective

Journal Article
Andronikos, G., Westbury, T., & Martindale, R. J. (2019)
Unsuccessful Transitions: Understanding Dropout from the Athlete's Perspective. Athens Journal of Sports, 6(4), 195-214. https://doi.org/10.30958/ajspo.6-4-2
Limited studies have investigated the experiences of athletes who did not "make it" to elite level. To target this research gap, this study accessed and investigated this hard...

Psychological factors and future performance of football players: a systematic review with meta-analysis

Journal Article
Ivarsson, A., Kilhage-Persson, A., Martindale, R., Priestley, D., Huijgen, B., Ardern, C., & McCall, A. (2020)
Psychological factors and future performance of football players: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 3(4), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2019.10.021
Objectives: This systematic review had 3 key objectives: (1) to investigate whether psychological factors were associated with future football performance ( e.g., progression ...

The Talent Development Environment Questionnaire as a Tool to Drive Excellence in Elite Sport Environments

Journal Article
Hall, A., Jones, L., & Martindale, R. (2019)
The Talent Development Environment Questionnaire as a Tool to Drive Excellence in Elite Sport Environments. International Sport Coaching Journal / ISCJ, 6(2), 187-198
Currently, little work has evaluated the impact of interventions within talent development environments (TDEs). This study is the first of its kind to evaluate the efficacy o...

Relationships between talent development environments and mental toughness: The role of basic psychological need satisfaction

Journal Article
Li, C., Martindale, R., & Sun, Y. (2019)
Relationships between talent development environments and mental toughness: The role of basic psychological need satisfaction. Journal of Sports Sciences, 37(18), 2057-2065. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2019.1620979
Although the talent development environment and mental toughness are critical for athletes to realise their athletic potential, there is a dearth of literature on whether the ...

The value of participating in British exploring society expeditions: a three year multi-cohort study

Journal Article
Allison, P., Martindale, R., Stott, T., Gray, S., Nash, C., Fraser, K., & Wang, J. (2018)
The value of participating in British exploring society expeditions: a three year multi-cohort study. Acta Universitatis Carolinae: Kinanthropologica, 54(1), 5-15. https://doi.org/10.14712/23366052.2018.1
A primary aim of many expeditions is to facilitate personal development of young people and while there is much anecdotal evidence to support this aim, there is limited empiri...

Relative age effects in international age group championships: A study of Spanish track and field athletes

Journal Article
Brazo-Sayavera, J., Martínez-Valencia, M. A., Müller, L., Andronikos, G., & Martindale, R. J. J. (2018)
Relative age effects in international age group championships: A study of Spanish track and field athletes. PLOS ONE, 13(4), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0196386
The relative age effect is a well-researched phenomenon, however there is still a dearth of understanding in track and field and female sport. This study investigated the role...

The Effects of British Army Footwear on Ground Reaction Force and Temporal Parameters of British Army Foot-Drill

Journal Article
Rawcliffe, A. J., Graham, S. M., Simpson, R. J., Moir, G. L., Martindale, R. J., Psycharakis, S. G., & Connaboy, C. (2020)
The Effects of British Army Footwear on Ground Reaction Force and Temporal Parameters of British Army Foot-Drill. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 34(3), 754-762. https://doi.org/10.1519/jsc.0000000000002139
High rates of occupational training-related lower-limb musculoskeletal [MSK] overuse injuries are reported for British Army recruits during basic training. Foot-drill is a rep...

Identifying talented track and field athletes: The impact of relative age effect on selection to the Spanish National Athletics Federation training camps

Journal Article
Brazo-Sayavera, J., Martínez-Valencia, M. A., Müller, L., Andronikos, G., & Martindale, R. J. J. (2016)
Identifying talented track and field athletes: The impact of relative age effect on selection to the Spanish National Athletics Federation training camps. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35(22), 2172-2178. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2016.1260151
This study examined the impact of relative age effect (RAE) on selection to the Spanish National Athletics Federation (RFEA) training camps (TC) between 2006 and 2013. Overall...

Relative age effect: implications for effective practice

Journal Article
Andronikos, G., Elumaro, A. I., Westbury, T., & Martindale, R. J. J. (2016)
Relative age effect: implications for effective practice. Journal of Sports Sciences, 34(12), 1124-1131. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2015.1093647
Physical and psychological differences related to birthdate amongst athletes of the same selection year have been characterised as the “relative age effects” (RAEs). RAEs have...