11 results

An Introduction to Visual Research Methods in Tourism.

T. Rakić, & D. Chambers (Eds.), An Introduction to Visual Research Methods in Tourism. Routledge
An Introduction to Visual Research Methods in Tourism is the first book to present, discuss and promote the use of a range of visual methods in tourism studies. It introduces ...

Narratives of Travel and Tourism.

J. Tivers, & T. Rakić (Eds.), Narratives of Travel and Tourism. Ashgate Publishing
Travel and tourism 'stories' have been told and recorded within every culture, in every period of oral and written history, and across the breadth of the fact/fiction continuu...

Rethinking the consumption of places

Journal Article
Rakić, T., & Chambers, D. (2012)
Rethinking the consumption of places. Annals of Tourism Research, 39, 1612-1633. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2011.12.003
The phenomenological concept of embodiment has underpinned the ‘performance turn’ in tourism studies which, along with the ‘mobilities paradigm’, has contributed to the disrup...

Innovative techniques in tourism research: An exploration of visual methods and academic filmmaking

Journal Article
Rakić, T., & Chambers, D. (2010)
Innovative techniques in tourism research: An exploration of visual methods and academic filmmaking. International Journal of Tourism Research, 12, 379-389. https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.761
While visual methods have long been utilised as legitimate research techniques in the social sciences, within mainstream tourism research these techniques are rarely employed....

Transnational network formation through sports related regional development projects in the Arabian Peninsula

Journal Article
Amara, M., & Theodoraki, E. (2010)
Transnational network formation through sports related regional development projects in the Arabian Peninsula. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 2, 135-158. https://doi.org/10.1080/19406940.2010.488060
The exploration of the phenomenon of regional development through sports related projects in the Arabian Peninsula shows ways in which urban regeneration investment projects a...

Erfolgreiches Risikomanagement im Mittelstand

Henschel, T. (2010)
Erfolgreiches Risikomanagement im Mittelstand. Erich Schmidt
Für mittelständische Unternehmen ist ein funktionierendes Risikomanagement unerlässlich: Es zählt zu den wichtigen Kriterien im Ratingverfahren der Banken und ist somit ein en...

Evaluating the experience of children with cerebral palsy and their parents in the transition from primary school to secondary school

Noble, A. M. Evaluating the experience of children with cerebral palsy and their parents in the transition from primary school to secondary school. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/3742
The transition from primary to secondary school has been identified as a time that requires further investigation. In particular there is a need to include the experiences of ...

Researcher with a movie camera: visual ethnography in the field.

Journal Article
Rakić, T., & Chambers, D. (2009)
Researcher with a movie camera: visual ethnography in the field. Current Issues in Tourism, 12, 255-270. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500802401972
This paper seeks to ‘promote’ the use of moving image visual ethnography within tourism research while concurrently acknowledging the methodological and practical challenges i...

Recruiting Women into Scottish Wood Chain Industries

Journal Article
Ridley-Ellis, D., MacPherson, S., & Thomson, E. (2008)
Recruiting Women into Scottish Wood Chain Industries. Timber Engineering, 1, 477-485
In common with many countries, the composition and attitudes of Scotland’s population are changing. It is the regions where the industries in the wood products value chain are...

Employer recruitment preferences and discrimination: a stated preference experiment.

McQuaid, R. W., & Bergmann, A. (2008)
Employer recruitment preferences and discrimination: a stated preference experiment
This paper presents a novel approach of applying stated preference methods in the field of labour economics. Differences in behaviour and labour market disadvantage are connec...