5 results

No dominion over nature: why treating ecosystems like machines will lead to boom and bust in food supply

Huxham, M., Hartley, S., Pretty, J., & Tett, P. (2013)
No dominion over nature: why treating ecosystems like machines will lead to boom and bust in food supply. London: Friends of the Earth England and Wales
Healthy ecosystems are essential for the long-term wellbeing of humans as they provide vital services such as food production, pollination, climate regulation and flood protec...

The impacts of harvesting on the carbon balance of mangrove forests

Journal Article
Lang'at, J. K. S., Huxham, M., Kairo, J., & Mencuccini, M. (2009)
The impacts of harvesting on the carbon balance of mangrove forests. CarboAfrica, 5
The study is part of a five-year project “Mangrove forests potential carbon sinks for mitigating climate change”, being implemented at Gazi bay, Kenya, by Earthwatch Institute...

Influence of species richness and environmental context on early survival of replanted mangroves at Gazi bay, Kenya

Journal Article
Kirui, B. Y. K., Huxham, M., Kairo, J., & Skov, M. (2008)
Influence of species richness and environmental context on early survival of replanted mangroves at Gazi bay, Kenya. Hydrobiologia, 603(1), (171-181). doi:10.1007/s10750-007-9270-3. ISSN 0018-8158
Mangrove reforestation projects often suffer from low sapling survival, especially after transplanting saplings from nurseries to reforestation areas. This may be due to the s...

Science and the search for truth

Huxham, M. (1999)
Science and the search for truth. In Science and environmental decision making, 1-32. Prentice Hall (Pearson Education

Why conserve wild species?

Huxham, M. (1999)
Why conserve wild species?. In Science and environmental decision making, 142-168. Prentice Hall (Pearson Education