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11 results

The Use of Phenomenological Approach in Evaluating Mentorship Preparation Program in South East Scotland

Journal Article
Neades, B. L., Lawson, B., Watson, W., & Montgomery, S. (2017)
The Use of Phenomenological Approach in Evaluating Mentorship Preparation Program in South East Scotland. Sage Research Methods Cases,
The Nursing and Midwifery Council for the United Kingdom highlighted the importance of the role of the mentor in the development of competence in student nurses and midwives. ...

Developing your Practice Portfolio for Application to FEN

Presentation / Conference
Neades, B. L. (2006, November)
Developing your Practice Portfolio for Application to FEN. Paper presented at RCN Emergency Care Conference, Daresbury, Cheshire

Working Together: Models of Facilitation for Enhancing Research Cultures

Presentation / Conference
Neades, B. L. (2006, October)
Working Together: Models of Facilitation for Enhancing Research Cultures. Paper presented at RCN Practice Development, Action Research and Reflective Practice, 6th International Conference, Edinburgh

Developing your Practice Portfolio for Application to FEN

Presentation / Conference
Neades, B. L. (2005, November)
Developing your Practice Portfolio for Application to FEN. Paper presented at RCN Emergency Care Conference, Daresbury, Cheshire

The Role of the Emergency Care Association and the Faculty of Emergency Nursing in supporting and Influencing Emergency Care

Presentation / Conference
Neades, B. L. (2005, May)
The Role of the Emergency Care Association and the Faculty of Emergency Nursing in supporting and Influencing Emergency Care

Developing your Practice Portfolio for Application to FEN

Presentation / Conference
Neades, B. L. (2005, April)
Developing your Practice Portfolio for Application to FEN. Paper presented at RCN Congress

Developing your Extended C.V. for FEN Application

Presentation / Conference
Neades, B. L. (2004, November)
Developing your Extended C.V. for FEN Application. Paper presented at RCN Emergency Care Conference, Daresbury, Cheshire

The Faculty of Emergency Nursing: where next?

Journal Article
The Faculty of Emergency Nursing: where next?. Emergency Nurse, 12(5), 10-13. doi:10.7748/en2004.
The RCN Faculty of Emergency Nursing (FEN) is a professional nursing body formed to develop and maintain standards of competence and professional integrity.

Research Governance Framework in Practice

Presentation / Conference
Neades, B. L. (2004, March)
Research Governance Framework in Practice. Paper presented at RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Debate : Should We Change the Law on Organ Donation?

Journal Article
Wrightson, N. & Neades, B. L. (2003)
Debate : Should We Change the Law on Organ Donation?. Nursing Times. 100, 19. ISSN 0954-7762