17 results

Risk management capability building in SMEs: a social capital perspective

Journal Article
Gao, S. S., Sung, M. C., & Zhang, J. (2012)
Risk management capability building in SMEs: a social capital perspective. International Small Business Journal, 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1177/0266242611431094
This article addresses the under-researched issue of risk management (RM) and risk management capability building in small and medium sized enterprise (SMEs). It draws upon th...

An assessment of ‘international best practice’ in visitor attraction management: does Scotland really lag behind?

Journal Article
Garrod, B., Leask, A., & Fyall, A. (2007)
An assessment of ‘international best practice’ in visitor attraction management: does Scotland really lag behind?. International Journal of Tourism Research, 9, 21-42. doi:10.1002/jtr.591
This paper compares and contrasts selected management practices among visitor attractions in Scotland, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The catalyst for the study was the gr...

Careers in hospitality management: Generation Y's experiences and perceptions.

Journal Article
Barron, P., Maxwell, G., Broadbridge, A. & Ogden, S. (2007)
Careers in hospitality management: Generation Y's experiences and perceptions. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 14, 119-128. doi:10.1375/jhtm.14.2.119. ISSN 1447-6770
This article is founded on Broadbridge, Maxwell and Ogden's (2006) work on the job experiences and career expectations of Generation Y undergraduates who are soon to embark on...

An investigation of hotel property renovation.

Journal Article
Hassanien, A. (2007)
An investigation of hotel property renovation. Property Management. 25, 209-224. doi:10.1108/02637470710753602. ISSN 0263-7472
The purpose of this paper is to present an empirically-based insight into the practice and perception of architects, interior designers and building contractors who make up th...

The application of prediction capability and adaptive target control to the newspaper business

Journal Article
Pearson, M., & Pearson, M. (2006)
The application of prediction capability and adaptive target control to the newspaper business. European Journal of Operational Research, 168(2), 475-491. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2004.05.013
A newspaper wholesaler determines the optimal supply of newspapers, which minimises costs or maximises profit when demand is uncertain. Targets concerning the mean number of u...

The entrepreuner in economic theory - some issues

Conference Proceeding
McQuaid, R. W. (2005)
The entrepreuner in economic theory - some issues

The impact of social and economic development on corporate social and environmental disclosure in Hong Kong and the UK.

Journal Article
Xiao, J. Z., Gao, S. S., Heravi, S., & Cheung, Y. C. Q. (2005)
The impact of social and economic development on corporate social and environmental disclosure in Hong Kong and the UK. Advances in international accounting, 18, 219-243. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0897-3660%2805%2918011-8
This study compares corporate social and environmental disclosure (CSED) in Hong Kong (HK) and the U.K. through a content analysis of 334 annual reports prepared by 69 listed ...

Entrepreunership - some views from the UK

Presentation / Conference
McQuaid, R. W., & Greig, M. (2005, March)
Entrepreunership - some views from the UK. Paper presented at Unknown
No abstract available.

Tuning into tensions in times of change – the experiences of managers in the contract catering sector.

Journal Article
D'Annunzio-Green, N. & Francis, H. (2005)
Tuning into tensions in times of change – the experiences of managers in the contract catering sector. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 17, 345-358. doi:10.1108/09596110510597606. ISSN 0959-6119
The purpose of this paper is to present case study evidence of how managers in a contract catering firm made sense of an organisational change initiative that encouraged them ...

Russian entrepreneurship: A question of ambiguity or certainty, risk taking or risk averse.

Journal Article
Gallagher, J. (2004)
Russian entrepreneurship: A question of ambiguity or certainty, risk taking or risk averse. International Business and Economics Research Journal. 3, 31-38. ISSN 1535-0754
This article stems from a case study based on a series of in-depth interviews carried out on the All Russia Association of the Blind (VOS). It traces how two of the most succe...