125 results

Leadership development in the Hong Kong Civil Service: Accessing social resources through guanxi networks

Journal Article
O’Neil, J. J., McMillan, J., & Garavan, T. (in press)
Leadership development in the Hong Kong Civil Service: Accessing social resources through guanxi networks. Public Administration and Development, https://doi.org/10.1002/pad.2040
Drawing on guanxi and conservation of resources theory we explore how close personal ties between middle managers who participated in leadership development, constitutes an im...

Skill Enhancing HR Investments, Contextual Endowments, and Innovation: A Four Country, Two-Wave Study

Journal Article
Sheehan, M., Garavan, T., & Morley, M. J. (2020)
Skill Enhancing HR Investments, Contextual Endowments, and Innovation: A Four Country, Two-Wave Study. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1), https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2020.19174abstract
We theorize and test the combined effects of both firm level skill- enhancing human resource investments, designed to boost specific and general knowledge resources, and of na...

Coaction Interrupted: Logic Contestations in the Implementation of Inter‐organisational Collaboration around Talent Management in the Public Sector in Scotland

Journal Article
Grant, K., Garavan, T., & Mackie, R. (2020)
Coaction Interrupted: Logic Contestations in the Implementation of Inter‐organisational Collaboration around Talent Management in the Public Sector in Scotland. European Management Review, 17(4), 915-930. https://doi.org/10.1111/emre.12404
Our study explores how Human Resources (HR) actors from 24 public sector organisations in Scotland interpret and address multiple and competing institutional logics in the con...

Multidimensionality of HRD in Small Tourism Firms: A Case Study of the Republic of Ireland

Journal Article
Nolan, C., Garavan, T., & Lynch, P. (2020)
Multidimensionality of HRD in Small Tourism Firms: A Case Study of the Republic of Ireland. Tourism Management, 79, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2019.104029
This case study explores multiple dimensions of human resource development (HRD) in small tourism firms (STFs) within the Republic of Ireland. Underpinned by the evolutionary ...

Training and Organizational Performance: A Meta-Analysis of Temporal, Institutional and Organizational Context Moderators

Journal Article
Garavan, T., McCarthy, A., Lai, Y., Murphy, K., Sheehan, M., & Carbery, R. (2021)
Training and Organizational Performance: A Meta-Analysis of Temporal, Institutional and Organizational Context Moderators. Human Resource Management Journal, 31(1), 93-119. https://doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12284
Drawing on systems theory, we conducted a moderated meta-analysis of the training and organizational performance relationship using 119 primary studies. We examined the moder...

Transformational leadership and work unit innovation: A dyadic two-wave investigation

Journal Article
Sheehan, M., Garavan, T. N., & Morley, M. J. (2020)
Transformational leadership and work unit innovation: A dyadic two-wave investigation. Journal of Business Research, 109, 399-412. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.10.072
Mobilising arguments from conservation of resources theory (COR) and employing time-lagged, multi-source data, we propose and test a model connecting unit level transformation...

L&D professionals in organisations: much ambition, unfilled promise

Journal Article
Garavan, T., Heneghan, S., O'Brien, F., Gubbins, C., Lai, Y., Carbery, R., …Grant, K. (2020)
L&D professionals in organisations: much ambition, unfilled promise. European Journal of Training and Development, 44(1), 1-86. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJTD-09-2019-0166
This monograph reports a study investigating the roles of learning and development (L&D) professionals in Irish, UK European and US organisations. The study investigates the c...

The effects of subordinates’ use of upward influence tactics on their supervisors’ job performance evaluations in Saudi Arabia: the significance of loyalty

Journal Article
Clarke, N., Alshenalfi, N., & Garavan, T. (2022)
The effects of subordinates’ use of upward influence tactics on their supervisors’ job performance evaluations in Saudi Arabia: the significance of loyalty. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33(2), 239-268. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2019.1686650
Most research examining the effects of subordinates’ use of upward influence tactics on supervisor job performance evaluations has been conducted in Western countries. In thes...

Another sleepless night: Does a leader's poor sleep lead to subordinate's poor sleep? A spillover/crossover perspective

Journal Article
Tariq, H., Weng, Q. (., Garavan, T. N., Obaid, A., & Hassan, W. (2020)
Another sleepless night: Does a leader's poor sleep lead to subordinate's poor sleep? A spillover/crossover perspective. Journal of Sleep Research, 29(1), https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.12904
Given the importance of sleep to an individual's health and well‐being, relatively little research has been conducted in the management and organizational behaviour literature...

External and internal networks and access to HRD resources in small professional service firms

Journal Article
Nolan, C. T., & Garavan, T. N. (2019)
External and internal networks and access to HRD resources in small professional service firms. Human Resource Development International, 22(5), 477-503. https://doi.org/10.1080/13678868.2019.1625853
A key challenge facing small professional service firms (PSFs) in the context of implementing human resource development (HRD) is access to resources. The use of external and ...

