4 results

An ethnographic interpretation of the work environment within a creative culture in the advertising sector

Band, C. An ethnographic interpretation of the work environment within a creative culture in the advertising sector. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/6613
Purpose and rationale The purpose of the exploratory research is to provide a deeper understanding of how the work environment enhances or constrains organisational creativit...

Creativity work environment: do UK advertising agencies have one?

Journal Article
Ensor, J., Pirrie, A. & Band, C. (2006)
Creativity work environment: do UK advertising agencies have one?. European Journal of Innovation Management. 9, 258-268. doi:10.1108/14601060610678130. ISSN 1460-1060
Purpose ? The aim of the present study is to identify whether the work environment of advertising agencies display the key elements (both positive and negative) of the concept...

Fostering knowledge management through the creative work environment: a portable model from the advertising industry

Journal Article
Ensor, J., Cottam, A., & Band, C. (2001)
Fostering knowledge management through the creative work environment: a portable model from the advertising industry. Journal of Information Science, 27(3), 147-155. https://doi.org/10.1177/016555150102700304
Within the knowledge-creating organisation, building communities of practice and allowing people to form social networks in order to disperse information is critical in order ...

A benchmark study of strategic commitment to innovation.

Journal Article
Cottam, A., Ensor, J. & Band, C. (2001)
A benchmark study of strategic commitment to innovation. European Journal of Innovation Management. 4, 88-94. doi:10.1108/14601060110390594. ISSN 1460-1060
Describes the results of an empirical investigation of the FTSE 100 which was undertaken to ascertain whether UK industry is taking steps to address innovation at a strategic ...


6 results

Exploring a social selling framework to support the acquisition process of customers and partners within a multilevel marketing environment

2017 - 2022
Florian Kaufmann | Director of Studies: Dr Christine Band | Second Supervisor: Dr Gerardine Matthews-Smith

The impact of advertising and promotion on the comsumer's behaviour and an organisations' profitability in the financial industry within the Caribbean Region

2017 - date
Vinette Carmeta Rowe | Director of Studies: Dr Christine Band | Second Supervisor: Prof Jane Ali-Knight

Influencer marketing campaigns decoded: The process of campaigning with Instagram’s luxury fashion influencers in marketing strategies

2017 - date
Jessica Disch | Director of Studies: Dr Christine Band | Second Supervisor: Prof Thomas Peisl

Empirical examination of the attitude of Ghanaian ethnic youth towards foreign brands in the clothing market in Ghana: The socio-cultural moderating effect of Ghanaian ethnic consumer groups

2016 - date
Ohene Dwomoh | Director of Studies: Dr Nathalia Tjandra | Second Supervisor: Dr Paul Naughton

An analysis of nudging as a social marketing technique using Front of Pack nutrition labels: A study of women's perceptions of food labels

2014 - 2019
Dr Clidna Soraghan | Director of Studies: Dr Elaine Mercer-Jones | Second Supervisor: Prof John Ensor

An ethnographic interpretation of the work environment within a creative culture in the advertising sector

2009 - 2014
Purpose and rationale The purpose of the exploratory research is to provide a deeper understan...
Dr Christine Band | Director of Studies: Prof John Ensor | Second Supervisor: Prof Anna Leask

