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Exploring sociotechnical interaction with Rob Kling: five “big” ideas

Journal Article
Wood‐Harper, T., Horton, K., Davenport, E., & Wood-Harper, T. (2005)
Exploring sociotechnical interaction with Rob Kling: five “big” ideas. Information Technology and People, 18(1), 50-67.
Purpose – To provide a view of Rob Kling’s contribution to socio-technical studies of work. Design/methodology/approach – The five “big ideas” discussed are signature themes i...

Cyber-Green: idealism in the information age

Journal Article
Duff, A. S. (2015)
Cyber-Green: idealism in the information age. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 13(2), 146-164.
Purpose This paper retrieves relevant aspects of the work of idealist thinker T.H. Green in order to improve comprehension of, and policy responses to, various dilemmas facing...

HUWY D7.4 Results

Kimpeler, S., Lehner, C., Lindner, R., Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, P. & Taylor-Smith, E. (2010)
HUWY D7.4 Results. Edinburgh: European Community
HUWY (Hub Websites for Youth Participation) was an eParticipation Preparatory Action project, which piloted a distributed (networked) discussion. The pilot ran in Estonia, Ger...

Is intellectual property theft? BI’s hidden ideology.

Journal Article
Duff, A. (1994)
Is intellectual property theft? BI’s hidden ideology. Research strategies : RS. 13, 132-143. ISSN 0734-3310
Discusses the "hidden" ideology in traditional bibliographic instruction's treatment of intellectual property rights and copyright laws, and suggests that protection of these ...

Resource management in an electronic environment: company library Web pages and collection development principles

Conference Proceeding
Hall, H. & Russell, A. (1995)
Resource management in an electronic environment: company library Web pages and collection development principles. In Raitt, D. I. & Jeapes, B. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 20th International Online Meeting, 471-475
Traditional information services provision relies on the systematic and rational building of a collection to meet current and future user information needs. This is achieved t...

Autopoietic organisation of knowledge, creativity and innovation: a case study of the automotive manufacturer Daimler AG

Auernhammer, J. M. Autopoietic organisation of knowledge, creativity and innovation: a case study of the automotive manufacturer Daimler AG. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
This doctoral thesis presents an analysis of the context in which creativity and innovation emerges. It is based on an investigation of a single case organisation. The theoret...

The Past, Present, and Future of Information Policy: Towards a normative theory of the information society

Journal Article
Duff, A. S. (2004)
The Past, Present, and Future of Information Policy: Towards a normative theory of the information society. Information, Communication and Society, 7(1), 69-87.
The profile of information policy in academic and policy-making circles has been rising in recent decades, a function, presumably, of the expansion of an 'information society'...

Between exhibition and contemplation: exposing everyday entanglements within two online photography sites.

Presentation / Conference
Forrest, E. & Hall, H. (2014, March)
Between exhibition and contemplation: exposing everyday entanglements within two online photography sites. Paper presented at Helsinki Photomedia 2014, Aalto University
Why do we still have a powerful compulsion to show our pictures to each another? Ever since visiting guests popped their Cartes-de-Visites in the Victorian parlour tray, there...

Designing e-Participation with Balkan journalists.

Journal Article
Taylor-Smith, E. & Buckner, K. (2008)
Designing e-Participation with Balkan journalists. JeDEM eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government. 1, 12-20. ISSN 2075-9517
This paper describes the use of scenarios as a central part of the design methodology, in a project to create an e-participation initiative, working with the national news age...

eParticipation to support the Information Society.

Presentation / Conference
Taylor-Smith, E. (2010, December)
eParticipation to support the Information Society. Paper presented at ePractice workshop on eParticipation, European Commission, Brussels
eParticipation lives in the Internet. The Internet technologies that help us to organise and share information are changing the way we live and work: we live in an Information...