20 results

Delphi Study of Risk to Individuals who Disclose Personal Information Online

Journal Article
Haynes, D., & Robinson, L. (in press)
Delphi Study of Risk to Individuals who Disclose Personal Information Online. Journal of Information Science, https://doi.org/10.1177/0165551521992756
A two-round Delphi study was conducted to explore priorities for addressing online risk to individuals. A corpus of literature was created based on 69 peer-reviewed articles ...

Monitoring information security risks within health care

Journal Article
van Deursen, N., Buchanan, W. J., & Duff, A. (2013)
Monitoring information security risks within health care. Computers and Security, 37, 31-45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2013.04.005
This paper presents an overview of possible risks to the security of health care data. These risks were detected with a novel approach to information security. It is based on ...

Response to risk: experts and end-user perspectives on email security, and the role of the business information professional in policy development

Journal Article
Kelleher, Z., & Hall, H. (2005)
Response to risk: experts and end-user perspectives on email security, and the role of the business information professional in policy development. Business Information Review, 22(1), 46-52. https://doi.org/10.1177/0266382105052266
This article considers the main sources of e-mail security risk, and means of addressing it with particular reference to the creation and deployment of e-mail security policie...

HI-Risk: a socio-technical method for the identification and monitoring of healthcare information security risks in the information society

van Deursen Hazelhoff Roelfze, N. (2014)
HI-Risk: a socio-technical method for the identification and monitoring of healthcare information security risks in the information society. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/6921
This thesis describes the development of the HI-risk method to assess socio-technical information security risks. The method is based on the concept that related organisations...

The case for a risk-assessed approach to organisational records management in the Oil and Gas sector

Journal Article
Muir, L. J., Cousins, F., & Laing, A. (2014)
The case for a risk-assessed approach to organisational records management in the Oil and Gas sector. Information Research, 19,
Introduction. Processes and practices for information management service delivery, including retention, retrieval and disposal of documents and records, are not easily quantif...

Understanding Personal Online Risk To Individuals Via Ontology Development

Conference Proceeding
Haynes, D. (2020)
Understanding Personal Online Risk To Individuals Via Ontology Development. In Knowledge Organization at the Interface: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International ISKO Conference, 2020, Aalborg, Denmark (171-180). https://doi.org/10.5771/9783956507762-171
The concept of risk is widely misunderstood because of the different contexts in which it is used. This paper describes the development of an ontology of risk as a way of bett...

Opportunity and risk in social computing environments

Hall, H., Golzari, S., Blaswick, B. & Goody, M. (2008)
Opportunity and risk in social computing environments. United Kingdom: TFPL
This report discusses the main findings of a pilot study that set out to establish the main risks and opportunities of the adoption of social computing tools within organizati...

Better out than in? Issues and implications of outsourced research and information services for business information professionals.

Journal Article
Goody, M., & Hall, H. (2007)
Better out than in? Issues and implications of outsourced research and information services for business information professionals. Business Information Review, 25(1), 36-42. https://doi.org/10.1177/0266382107075927
The term “outsourcing” represents a number of activities related to the delegation of work from one unit to a third party. There are different “flavours” of outsourcing: the u...

Organizational culture in knowledge creation, creativity and innovation: Towards the Freiraum model

Journal Article
Auernhammer, J. M., & Hall, H. (2014)
Organizational culture in knowledge creation, creativity and innovation: Towards the Freiraum model. Journal of Information Science, 40(2), 154-166. https://doi.org/10.1177/0165551513508356
This paper draws on findings from an in-depth case study of practices related to the meeting of organisational goals pertinent to knowledge creation, creativity and innovation...

A Study of Online Safety and Digital Literacy of Academic Researchers Working from Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Presentation / Conference
Haynes, D., & Salzano, R. (2022, April)
A Study of Online Safety and Digital Literacy of Academic Researchers Working from Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Paper presented at ASIS&T Global 24-hour Conference, 2022, Online
Universities in the UK responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by moving teaching to an online environment and requiring staff to work from home, as far as possible. Researchers fa...