6 results

Measuring risk and efficiency in Police Scotland custody settings: A pilot study

Wooff, A. & Elvins, M. (2017)
Measuring risk and efficiency in Police Scotland custody settings: A pilot study. http://www.sipr.ac.uk/downloads/SIPR_Annual_Report_16.pdf: Scottish Institute for Policing Research
No abstract available.

Cameras help spot risky drivers before they crash

Stradling, S. G. (2007)
Cameras help spot risky drivers before they crash

Psychological intervention for acute mental health inpatient care: A meta-analysis and feasibility study

Paterson, C. Psychological intervention for acute mental health inpatient care: A meta-analysis and feasibility study. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/1256371
Psychological intervention has been recommended to address some of the common problems reported in acute psychiatric inpatient services, such as having nontherapeutic environm...

What are the factors underlying unintended pregnancy in young women in Hull?

Brown, S. & Thornton-Jones, H. (2007)
What are the factors underlying unintended pregnancy in young women in Hull?
The recent public health white paper “Choosing Health” (2004) made significant commitments to sexual health and in particular the reduction of unintended teenage pregnancies, ...

Evaluating train protection systems

Journal Article
Riddington, G., Beck, M., & Cowie, J. (2004)
Evaluating train protection systems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55(6), 606-613. https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.jors.2601724
This paper arose from the work carried out for the Cullen/Uff Joint Inquiry into Train Protection Systems. It is concerned with the problem of evaluating the benefits of safet...

Transforming challenges into opportunities in social housing: a case study from Italy

Conference Proceeding
Pomponi, L., Sablone, E., Rusconi Clerici, L., Consalez, L., & Pomponi, F. (2017)
Transforming challenges into opportunities in social housing: a case study from Italy. In L. Brotas, S. Roaf, & F. Nicol (Eds.), PLEA Conference Proceedings Volume III
Social housing often aims to provide sheltering for people on low incomes or with particular needs. This results in a constraints-dominated context where environmental and soc...



