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After Action (AAR) and Hot Reviewing in sport: An overview

Presentation / Conference
Westbury, T. (2017, December)
After Action (AAR) and Hot Reviewing in sport: An overview. Paper presented at British Psychological Society Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Glasgow, Scotland
In a range of performance areas, it has become common practice to engage in 'huddles' or times out. The purpose being to reorient individual or team performance to the goals e...

Sport officials' strategies for managing interactions with players: Face-work on the front-stage

Journal Article
Cunningham, I., Simmons, P., & Mascarenhas, D. (2018)
Sport officials' strategies for managing interactions with players: Face-work on the front-stage. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 39, 154-162. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2018.08.009
Communication is central to managing perceptions of fairness and performance in sport officiating. Most of the few studies that focus on sport official communication have been...

Investigating the association of self-regulation of learning with adolescent leisure-time physical activity

Journal Article
Pitkethly, A., & Lau, P. W. C. (2014)
Investigating the association of self-regulation of learning with adolescent leisure-time physical activity. Journal of Sports Sciences, 32(sup2), s89.
Low levels of physical activity (PA) are associated with numerous health problems, and although a moderately active lifestyle can reduce these risks, levels of adolescent PA r...