Achille Fonzone
Achille Fonzone

Prof Achille Fonzone



Achille is Professor of Transport Analysis and Planning at Edinburgh Napier University.
He has a background in Civil Engineering, a PhD in Transport and Planning, a Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
He has authored 50 peer-reviewed publications, 20 presentations in conferences, and several book chapters and scientific reports. He has published in the top-ranking transport scientific journals, including Transportation Research Part A, B and C and Analytic Methods in Accident Research. He is Associated Editor of the Journal of Intelligent Transport Systems and member of the Editorial Board of Sustainability. He has edited special issues of Transportation Research Part A and Journal of Intelligent Transport Systems.
He is leading the evaluation of the large Horizon 2020 project SUNRISE, promoting sustainable mobility at the neighbourhood level through co-creation in 6 countries in Europe, and the societal research in the Innovate UK/C-CAV flagship project CAV Forth, which will build and operate a fleet of level 4 full-size buses for the first time in the world. In response to the challenges generated by the outbreak of COVID-19, Achille has established and is leading a research group on the impacts of the pandemics on transport and location choices.
He has active research collaborations with leading researchers in the UK and the rest of Europe, Japan, and the USA. He has been invited to give talks at top international Universities and transport organisations. He is full member of the EPSRC Review College and fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Research Areas




Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Member of the steering group of the Zero Emission Mobility them of the Energy Technology Partnership
  • TRI representative in the UK section of UITP
  • "Friend" of several TRB committees
  • Young Member of the TRB committee Transportation and Economic Development


Conference Organising Activity

  • Member of the committee of the special track on Intelligent Transport Systems, 14th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing
  • Publication chair of MT-ITS2021
  • Member of the International Committee of the Travel Demand Management Symposium
  • Member of the steering group of the Scottish Transport Applications and Research conference
  • Member of the local organising committee of the Travel Demand Management Symposium 2019
  • Program committee member of KNOWMe - International Workshop on “KNOWledge Discovery from Mobility and Transportation Systems, ECML/PKDD 2017


Editorial Activity

  • Member of Editorial Board of Sustainability
  • Guest Editor of Transportation Research Part A
  • Associate editor of Journal of Intelligent Transport Systems
  • Guest editor of Transportation Research Part A
  • Guest Editor of Journal of Intelligent Transport Systems


Fellowships and Awards

  • Best paper at mobil.TUM 2016
  • Best paper from a Young Professional at Scottish Transport Applications and Research conference 2016


Grant Reviewer

  • Grant reviewer for the Israeli Smart Transportation Center
  • Grant reviewer for the Israel Science Foundation
  • Full member of EPSRC peer review college
  • Associate member of EPSRC peer review college


Invited Speaker

  • Presentation at the Automated Vehicles Symposium 2021 organised by TRB
  • Panelist at the CIHT Scotland YPN Event - E-Scooters: The Big Questions
  • Invited panelist at MFTS20
  • Presentation at the Automated Vehicles Symposium 2020 organised by TRB
  • Seminar at UC Davis, USA
  • Keynote presentation at 5th Polish National Scientific Technical Conference
  • Webinar for TRB Traffic Flow Committee
  • Lecture at Smart Mobility Summer School, Universidad de Verano de Maspalomas, Spain
  • Seminar at King’s College London
  • Seminar at Kyoto University, Japan
  • Seminar at Ohio State University, Columbus, USA


Media Activity

  • Interview with Radio Forth on the impacts of COVID-19 on transport
  • Articles on several online and paper outlets about the report "Impact of COVID-19 on travel behaviour, transport, lifestyles and location choices in Scotland"


Public/Community Engagement

  • Member of the Open Transit Software Foundation


Research Degree External Examining

  • Referee of PhD thesis at Universita' di Palermo
  • PhD examiner at University of Leeds
  • Referee of PhD thesis at Universita' di Bologna
  • Member of Final Examination Committee for the PhD programme "Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Civile e Architettura" of the University of Cagliari
  • PhD examiner at KTH, Stockholm
  • PhD viva Rapporteur at Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport (LVMT), Paris


Visiting Positions

  • Visiting Researcher at University of California Davis
  • Visiting Lecturer at King's College London
  • Visiting Professor (Professore a contratto) at Politecnico di Bari



90 results

Use of ubiquitous real-time bus passenger information

Journal Article
Islam, M. F., Fonzone, A., MacIver, A., & Dickinson, K. (2020)
Use of ubiquitous real-time bus passenger information. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 14(3), 139-147.
Ubiquitous real-time passenger information (URTPI) enhances the perceived quality of service of public transport and enables travellers to make better pre-trip and en-route tr...

Supporting Urban Consolidation Centres with Urban Freight Transport Policies: A Comparative Study of Scotland and Sweden

Journal Article
Akgün, E. Z., Monios, J., & Fonzone, A. (2019)
Supporting Urban Consolidation Centres with Urban Freight Transport Policies: A Comparative Study of Scotland and Sweden. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 23(3), 291-310.
This study investigates how supportive urban freight transport (UFT) policies work in conjunction with stakeholder collaboration to support public-led urban consolidation cent...

Transferred versus local Safety Performance Functions: A geographical analysis considering two European case studies

Journal Article
Intini, P., Berloco, N., Binetti, R., Fonzone, A., Ranieri, V., & Colonna, P. (2019)
Transferred versus local Safety Performance Functions: A geographical analysis considering two European case studies. Safety Science, 120, 906-921.
Two main approaches can be used to predict road accidents: transferring existing Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) from other areas (transferred SPFs), and developing local ...

Operational and policy implications of ridesourcing services: a case of Uber in London, UK

Journal Article
Jama Mohamed, M., Rye, T., & Fonzone, A. (2019)
Operational and policy implications of ridesourcing services: a case of Uber in London, UK. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 7(4), 823-836.
New technologically driven, on-demand ridesourcing business models that provide low-cost alternative transport to car ownership and public transport – such as those provided b...

Study of the Accessibility Inequalities of Cordon-Based Pricing Strategies Using a Multimodal Theil Index

Journal Article
Comporeale, R., Caggiani, L., Fonzone, R., & Ottomanelli, M. (2019)
Study of the Accessibility Inequalities of Cordon-Based Pricing Strategies Using a Multimodal Theil Index. Transportation Planning and Technology, 42(5),
The implementation of an appropriate pricing policy in an urban area could alleviate both environmental and congestion problems by encouraging a shift towards more sustainable...

Simulating the actions of commuters using a multi-agent system

Journal Article
Urquhart, N., Powers, S., Wall, Z., Fonzone, A., Ge, J., & Polhill, G. (2019)
Simulating the actions of commuters using a multi-agent system. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 22(2),
The activity of commuting to and from a place of work affects not only those travelling but also wider society through their contribution to congestion and pollution. It is de...

Influences on urban freight transport policy choice by local authorities

Journal Article
Akgün, E. Z., Monios, J., Rye, T., & Fonzone, A. (2019)
Influences on urban freight transport policy choice by local authorities. Transport Policy, 75, 88-98. doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2019.01.009
Individual freight transport policies have been investigated in the literature extensively in the last 10–15 years, yet there has surprisingly been very little attention to th...

Recovery time and propagation effects of passenger transport disruptions

Journal Article
Malandri, C., Malandria, C., Fonzone, A., & Cats, O. (2018)
Recovery time and propagation effects of passenger transport disruptions. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 505, 7-17.
We propose a method to evaluate public transport network vulnerability. We study the evolution of the passenger Volume Over Capacity (VOC) ratio throughout the network to meas...

Evolving solution choice and decision support for a real-world optimisation problem

Conference Proceeding
Urquhart, N., & Fonzone, A. (2017)
Evolving solution choice and decision support for a real-world optimisation problem. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2017. , (1264-1271).
Agencies who provide social care services typically have to optimise staff allocations and the travel whilst attempting to satisfy conflicting objectives. In such cases it i...

Bike share usage characterization-initial results from a cluster analysis of London santander cycles scheme data

Conference Proceeding
Martin Moral, E., & Fonzone, A. (2017)
Bike share usage characterization-initial results from a cluster analysis of London santander cycles scheme data
No abstract available.

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • COST Action TU1004 "Modelling Public Transport Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)”

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects