10 results

Seeking, hearing and acting: Staff perspectives of changes in assessment practice through TESTA

Journal Article
Adamson, E., Webster-Henderson, B., & Carver, M. (2017)
Seeking, hearing and acting: Staff perspectives of changes in assessment practice through TESTA. SEDA Educational Developments, 18(4), 12-15
Assessment and feedback continues to be a key focus of attention within higher education. The TESTA (Transforming the Experience of Students through Assessment) methodology ha...

Enhancing assessment and feedback: using TESTA (Transforming the Experience of Students through Assessment) as a catalyst for change.

Presentation / Conference
Adamson, E. & Webster-Henderson, B. (2016, April)
Enhancing assessment and feedback: using TESTA (Transforming the Experience of Students through Assessment) as a catalyst for change. Presented at SEDA Conference 2016, Carlton Hotel, Edinburgh
No abstract available.

Innovation in assessment and feedback: Enhancing the student experience.

Conference Proceeding
Adamson, E., & Webster, B. (2015)
Innovation in assessment and feedback: Enhancing the student experience
Assessment is central to students learning and is a powerful driver in determining what students will do and how (Beaumont , O’Doherty and Shannon 2011).Feedback is known to b...

TESTA - lessons learned.

Presentation / Conference
Webster, B. & Adamson, E. (2015, June)
TESTA - lessons learned. Presented at Learning, Teaching and Assessment Conference, Edinburgh Napier University, Craiglockhart Campus
No abstract available.

Innovation in assessment and feedback: enhancing the student experience.

Presentation / Conference
Adamson, E. & Webster-Henderson, B. (2015, April)
Innovation in assessment and feedback: enhancing the student experience. Presented at International Conference on Research in Education and Science, Antalya, Turkey
No abstract available.

Evaluating assessment and feedback practice within nursing and midwifery programmes using TESTA

Journal Article
Adamson, E., & Webster, B. (2015)
Evaluating assessment and feedback practice within nursing and midwifery programmes using TESTA. Edinburgh Napier University Teaching Fellows Journal, Spring 2015,
No abstract available.

Enhancing the student experience through innovation in assessment and feedback.

Presentation / Conference
Adamson, E. (2014, January)
Enhancing the student experience through innovation in assessment and feedback. Paper presented at NET COnference, Churchill College, Cambridge

Developing global citizenship online: An authentic alternative to overseas clinical placement

Journal Article
Strickland, K., Adamson, E., McInally, W., Tiittanen, H., & Metcalfe, S. (2013)
Developing global citizenship online: An authentic alternative to overseas clinical placement. Nurse Education Today, 33(10), 1160-1165. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2012.11.016
Background This paper presents the findings of a pilot project to develop and evaluate an international nursing module delivered using a collaborative online platform between...

International collaboration: developing an international nursing module through the use of Wiki technology

Journal Article
Metcalfe, S., McInally, W., Strickland, K., Adamson, E., & Tiittanen, H. (2012)
International collaboration: developing an international nursing module through the use of Wiki technology. Educational developments, 13, 18

Compassion in the nursing curriculum: making it more explicit

Journal Article
Adamson, E., & Dewar, B. (2011)
Compassion in the nursing curriculum: making it more explicit. Journal of Holistic Healthcare, 8, 42-45
Working with student nurses has taught me that the majority join the profession because they genuinely want to care compassionately but this does not mean that they know what ...