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246 results


Presentation / Conference
Hejjas, K., Gilek, M., & Bratton, A. (2024, August)
21009. Paper presented at The 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024), Chicago, Illinois
Social exchange theory is used to understand the relationship between leadership and employee corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagement in a hybrid work environment. Us...

The sustainable festival city and local communities: Engaging secondary stakeholders through placemaking

Presentation / Conference
We will present initial findings from our research which considers how Edinburgh’s (UK) festivals and tourism sectors can deliver sustainable community engagement. Our study a...

'Memory Travels' selected For 'Then and Now: One Hundred Years of Visual Arts Scotland (VAS) Centenary Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Scotland (RSA)

Exhibition / Performance
Todd, L. 'Memory Travels' selected For 'Then and Now: One Hundred Years of Visual Arts Scotland (VAS) Centenary Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Scotland (RSA)
[Oil painting]. Exhibited at Royal Scottish Academy (RSA), Edinburgh. 17 February 2024 - 13 March 2024. (Unpublished

The origin story: behind the scenes of food festivals

Journal Article
Orea-Giner, A., Fusté-Forné, F., & Todd, L. (in press)
The origin story: behind the scenes of food festivals. Event Management,
The relationships between food festivals and food storytelling have been scarcely explored by previous research. Nevertheless, these relationships are a source of memorable ex...

Where I want to be now

Exhibition / Performance
Todd, L. (2023)
Where I want to be now. [Painting]. Exhibited at Society of Scottish Artists Website. 18 November 2023 - 14 January 2024. (Unpublished
Original painting titled: Where I want to be now, themed around Visual Culture of Tourism Research, Society of Scottish Artists, 30 x 30 online exhibition, 2023-2024

Two original paintings titled Sunbathing and Other places

Exhibition / Performance
Todd, L. Two original paintings titled Sunbathing and Other places. [Fine Art Painting, Drawing]. Exhibited at Wester Hailes Open Exhibition, WHALE Arts, Edinburgh. 10 November 2023 - 29 November 2023. (Unpublished)

Todd, L. Two original paintings titled Sunbathing and Other places. [Fine Art Painting, Drawing]. Exhibited at Wester Hailes Open Exhibition, WHALE Arts, Edinburgh. 10 November 2023 - 29 November 2023. (Unpublished
Two original paintings titled Sunbathing and Other places, and themed around visual culture of tourism research, Exhibited in Wester Hailes Open Exhibition, [Fine Art Painting...

Hybrid Servicescapes in Tourism and Hospitality

Book Chapter
Urquhart, E. (in press)
Hybrid Servicescapes in Tourism and Hospitality. In N. Stylos, R. Rahimi, & P. Robinson (Eds.), Contemporary Marketing Management for Tourism and Hospitality. Palgrave Macmillan
Despite being 30 years since the publication of Bitner’s (1992) seminal article, the servicescape concept remains central to the marketing and management of tourism and hospit...

The Semiotic Paradigm for Deconstructing Event Design and Meaning

Journal Article
Viol, M., Todd, L., & Anastasiadou, C. (2023)
The Semiotic Paradigm for Deconstructing Event Design and Meaning. Event Management, 27(7), 1063-1079.
Festivals and events convey a range of historical, political, social and cultural signs and meanings, however, there remains limited methodological guidance for understanding ...

Deconstructing commemorative narratives: the anniversaries of the fall of the Berlin Wall

Journal Article
Viol, M., Anastasiadou, C., Todd, L., & Theodoraki, E. (2024)
Deconstructing commemorative narratives: the anniversaries of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Leisure Studies, 43(1), 153-170.
Historically, researchers have studied commemorative events primarily for their political role in the (re)construction of contested national collective memories and identities...

Re-enactment in Lighter Dark Tourism: An Exploration of Re-enactor Tour Guides and Their Perspectives on Creating Visitor Experiences

Journal Article
Wyatt, B., Leask, A., & Barron, P. (2024)
Re-enactment in Lighter Dark Tourism: An Exploration of Re-enactor Tour Guides and Their Perspectives on Creating Visitor Experiences. Journal of Travel Research, 63(2), 496-516.
This study explores the perspectives of re-enactor tour guides (RTG) concerning their role and re-enactment of dark histories—an overlooked topic within dark tourism research....
13 results

Monitoring and evaluation indicators for just transition to net zero in tourism and events

2024 - date
Sebastian Lattekamp | Director of Studies: Dr Constantia Anastasiadou | Second Supervisor: Dr Alexandra Witte

A Critical Evaluation of the Factors that Influence Visitor Engagement with UK Slavery Heritage Museums: A Blended Passive Symbolic Netnographic Study

2020 - 2023
There is a substantial body of literature in slave...
Dr Shemroy Roberts | Director of Studies: Dr Craig Wight | Second Supervisor: Prof Anna Leask

Barriers and Enablers to a Circular Economy in Small Island Destinations: The Case of the Orkney Islands, Scotland

2019 - date
Angelo Sciacca | Director of Studies: Dr Constantia Anastasiadou | Second Supervisor: Dr Gavin Urie

Sustainable festivals and events - an enquiry of leadership and futures

2015 - 2017
As a societal phenomenon, festivals and planned events are discussed in a wide policy context. They have entered a broader discus...
Dr Martin Robertson | Director of Studies: Prof Anna Leask | Second Supervisor: Prof Jane Ali-Knight

An investigation of university and employer perceptions of barriers and enablers of work based learning (WBL) partnerships in the tourism sector in Scotland

2015 - 2020
An investigation of perceptions of work base...
Dr Lynn Waterston | Director of Studies: Prof Paul Barron | Second Supervisor: Dr Matthew Dutton

The role of interactive technology in the co-creation of experience in Scottish visitor attractions

2014 - 2019
" As a sector that is reliant on the creation and management of memorable experiences, visitor attrac...
Dr Ellis Urquhart | Director of Studies: Prof Anna Leask | Second Supervisor: Dr Ivana Rihova

Journey into Higher Education: A study of postgraduate Indian students' experiences, as they make the educational journey, to a new teaching and learning environment in the UK

2014 - 2020
Dr Pauline Gordon | Director of Studies: Prof Paul Lynch | Second Supervisor: Dr Gerardine Matthews-Smith

Heritage interpretation challenges and management issues at film-induced tourism heritage attractions: case studies of Rosslyn Chapel and Alnwick Castle

2011 - 2015
Although previous research has widely acknowledg...
Dr Justyna Bakiewicz | Director of Studies: Prof Anna Leask | Second Supervisor: Prof Paul Barron

Governance of protected areas: the case of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park

2010 - 2016
Dr Stephen Taylor | Director of Studies: Dr Eleni Theodoraki | Second Supervisor: Dr Monika Foster

The role of niche tourism products in destination development

2009 - 2011
Niche tourism refers to how a specific tourism product can be tailored to meet the needs of a particular audience/market segment. Locations...
Prof Jane Ali-Knight | Director of Studies: Prof John Ensor


Research Centres Groups


Research Areas


9 results

Gender and Sexuality Research at Edinburgh Napier University

Merchiston Campus, room: MER_H11
6 March 2024

Dark Tourism Research Symposium: Memory, Pilgrimage and the Digital Realm

Craiglockhart Campus
4 May 2022

An Edinburgh Festival City Map for Wester Hailes. This public engagement with research initiative was delivered as part of Explorathon 2019: European Researchers' Night. It involved a participative drawing and collage activity where members of the local community were asked to contribute to an Edinburgh Festival City Map for Wester Hailes

Whale Arts, Wester Hailes
27 September 2019

Festival Frontiers: The Festival City.

Edinburgh International Science Festival, Lomond Room, Pleasance, Edinburgh
8 April 2019

Visual Methods and Ethnography in Interdisciplinary Research

The Business School
6 March 2019 - 4 June 2019

The Fringe - my BFF. Everyday branded products, from instant coffee to cars, have long been imbued by marketers with human traits as a means of appealing to consumers’ self-image. Indeed an interpersonal relationships metaphor is applied to some products, with them viewed as people – such as friends, partners, family members and even enemies. Since its origination in 1947, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe has grown in a relatively organic way to become the largest and most renowned festival in the world. My talk will consider if a phenomenon like the Fringe is considered in similar interpersonal terms by its consumers as they organise, attend, support, and participate in their various stakeholder roles, from audience members to performers, and beyond. I will discuss my research where I interviewed consumers about their relationships with the Fringe. I discovered that the Fringe is viewed in numerous interpersonal terms, from casual, childhood and best friendships; to marriages and flings; and even in darker obsessive terms. My research also uncovered that many relationships with the Fringe are life-long, change over time, and can impact upon important life decisions. What does this tell us about ourselves and how we relate to something which is neither another human being nor a valued product, but an experience?

Skeptics on The Fringe 2017, Edinburgh Skeptics Society, Banshee Labyrinth, Edinburgh
14 August 2017

Academics Online: Building your research profile in the digital age

The Rivers Suite, Craiglockhart Campus
1 May 2017

DLP 2016 Open for Applications!

21 April 2016

Visual Methods and Ethnography Research Seminar and Workshop

The Rivers Suite, Craiglockhart Campus
11 May 2015