15 results

Men's Perspectives of Caring for a Female Partner with Cancer: A Longitudinal Narrative Study

Journal Article
Young, J., Snowden, A., Kyle, R., & Stenhouse, R. (2022)
Men's Perspectives of Caring for a Female Partner with Cancer: A Longitudinal Narrative Study. Health and Social Care in the Community, 30(6), e5346-e5355. https://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.13956
Increasing evidence on men's involvement in informal, unpaid care has not transferred to the research literature around men's experiences. The aim was to explore the perspecti...

Evaluation of Improving the Cancer Journey: Final Report

Young, J., Snowden, A., & Savinc, J. (2020)
Evaluation of Improving the Cancer Journey: Final Report. Macmillan

Meeting psychosocial needs to improve health: a prospective cohort study

Journal Article
Snowden, A., Young, J., & Savinc, J. (2020)
Meeting psychosocial needs to improve health: a prospective cohort study. BMC Cancer, 20(1), Article 528. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12885-020-07022-w
Background Cancer impacts on patients and their families across a range of different domains. For that reason, optimal cancer care has moved away from a disease-centric focus ...

A J-curve of interprofessional change: co-locating non-health partners in an oncology unit

Journal Article
Young, J., & Snowden, A. (2020)
A J-curve of interprofessional change: co-locating non-health partners in an oncology unit. British Journal of Nursing, 29(3),
Background Internationally, clinicians face increased demand, pressure on resources and unmet patient needs. A community social support service was co-located within cancer cl...

A qualitative study on the perceived impact of using an integrated community-based supportive cancer service

Journal Article
Young, J., & Snowden, A. (2019)
A qualitative study on the perceived impact of using an integrated community-based supportive cancer service. European Journal of Cancer Care, 28(3), https://doi.org/10.1111/ecc.13001
Objective ‘Improving the Cancer Journey’ (ICJ) is an original, community based, multidisciplinary service offering holistic support to people diagnosed with cancer in Scotland...

Holistic Needs Assessment: Changing Consultation Dynamics to Support Patient Self-management

Presentation / Conference
Snowden, A., & Young, J. (2018, September)
Holistic Needs Assessment: Changing Consultation Dynamics to Support Patient Self-management. Presented at 16th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare
Background Holistic needs assessment (HNA) helps patients articulate their wider needs during consultation. The study objective was to establish how HNA changes consultation d...

Proactive community support tailored to holistic needs: A cohort study

Journal Article
Snowden, A., Young, J., & Savinc, J. (2018)
Proactive community support tailored to holistic needs: A cohort study. Cancer Medicine, 7(9), 4836-4845. https://doi.org/10.1002/cam4.1709
Background: It is increasingly internationally recognised that a cancer diagnosis impacts on people practically and financially as well as physically and psychologically. It ...

Exploring male identity in non-professional carers of someone with cancer: preliminary analysis

Presentation / Conference
Young, J., Snowden, A., Stenhouse, R., & Kyle, R. (2018, March)
Exploring male identity in non-professional carers of someone with cancer: preliminary analysis. Poster presented at British Psych-Oncology Society Annual Conference
Background Across the world the majority of home‐based care for ill family members is carried out by women. Consequently, research in this field has predominately focused on ...

The relationship between emotional intelligence, previous caring experience and successful completion of a pre-registration nursing/midwifery degree

Journal Article
Snowden, A., Stenhouse, R., Duers, L., Marshall, S., Carver, F., Brown, N., & Young, J. (2018)
The relationship between emotional intelligence, previous caring experience and successful completion of a pre-registration nursing/midwifery degree. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(2), 433-442. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13455
Aim To examine the relationship between baseline emotional intelligence and prior caring experience with completion of pre-registration nurse and midwifery education. Backgrou...

A screening tool for predicting gatekeeping behaviour

Journal Article
Snowden, A., & Young, J. (2017)
A screening tool for predicting gatekeeping behaviour. Nursing Open, 4(4), 187-199. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.83
Aim: To develop a typology and screening tool for gatekeeping behaviours by nurses responsible for recruitment in palliative care research. Design: Concurrent analysis. Method...

