Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor

Dr Mark Taylor



Lecturer in Civil Engineering teaching fluid mechanics and hydraulics. Research interests include cycling infrastructure, asset management, human vibration exposure, offsite prefabrication and automated construction. Currently working on hand-transmitted vibration exposure and cycling infrastructure asset condition monitoring systems using instrumented bicycles.




Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • BSI Committee Member to GME/21/6 Human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock


External Examining/Validations

  • University of Strathclyde External Examiner Civil & Environmental Engineering


Media Activity

  • Cyclists risk nerve damage from uneven street surfaces


Membership of Professional Body

  • Chair of the Edinburgh Section of the Permanent Way Insititution


Public Engagement Activity

  • Civil Engineering Department Volunteer for Scottish Railway Preservation Society Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway.
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Network (STEM) Registered Ambassador.
  • Various public engagement programmes including Construction and Built Environment Challenge (CABEC) and Kickstart – encouraging school pupils to consider engineering as a profession and undertake a degree at ENU.
  • Institution of Civil Engineers Edinburgh Area Branch Pre19 School activity Coordinator (2008-2011).


Public/Community Engagement

  • Construction and Built Environment Challenge 2010 - present



  • Reviewer for Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017 - present
  • Reviewer for Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 2016-present
  • Reviewer for Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2016-present
  • Reviewer for journal Construction Management and Economics, 2010-present



33 results

Railway vehicle forces on curved track: a re-evaluation of published explanations

Journal Article
Taylor, M. (in press)
Railway vehicle forces on curved track: a re-evaluation of published explanations. The PWI Journal,

An Investigation of the Effects of Drill Operator Posture on Vibration Exposure and Temporary Threshold Shift of Vibrotactile Perception Threshold

Journal Article
Taylor, M., Maeda, S., & Miyashita, K. (2021)
An Investigation of the Effects of Drill Operator Posture on Vibration Exposure and Temporary Threshold Shift of Vibrotactile Perception Threshold. Vibration, 4(2), 395-405.
The present study involved performing an experiment to clarify whether vibration measurement values on the tool handle, in accordance with ISO 5349-1, can assess risk from wor...

Immune Response of Elite Enduro Racers to Laboratory and Racing Environments: The Influence of Training Impulse and Vibration

Journal Article
Kirkwood, L., Ingram-Sills, L., Taylor, M. D., Malone, E., & Florida-James, G. (2021)
Immune Response of Elite Enduro Racers to Laboratory and Racing Environments: The Influence of Training Impulse and Vibration. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9),
Introduction: Understanding the sport-specific immune response elicited during both training and competition is imperative to maximise athlete health and performance. Despite ...

A definition and valuation of the UK offsite construction sector: ten years on

Journal Article
Taylor, M. (2022)
A definition and valuation of the UK offsite construction sector: ten years on. International journal of construction management, 22(15), 2877-2885.
Ten years on the offsite construction (OSC) industry continues to be held high as a panacea to the inefficiencies, labour shortages and environmental impact of the constructio...

Elite mountain bike enduro competition: a study of rider hand-arm vibration exposure

Journal Article
Kirkwood, L. A., Taylor, M. D., Ingram, L. A., Malone, E., & Florida-James, G. D. (2019)
Elite mountain bike enduro competition: a study of rider hand-arm vibration exposure. Journal of Science and Cycling, 8(1), 18-25.
Limited information is currently available regarding the hand-arm vibration (HAV) exposure 5 for professional off-road cyclists. Previous reports have suggested that commuting...

Cycling pavement assessment using hand-arm vibration exposure

Journal Article
Taylor, M., Edgar, A., & Raine, M. (2019)
Cycling pavement assessment using hand-arm vibration exposure. Infrastructure Asset Management, 6(2), 86-101.
A defective pavement surface discourages cyclists from selecting certain routes and vibration exposure is a noticeable consequence of reduced path surface quality. Current as...

Wearable technology and workplace epidemiology: a practical example from the field of hand-arm vibration

Presentation / Conference
Taylor, M. (2019, April)
Wearable technology and workplace epidemiology: a practical example from the field of hand-arm vibration. Poster presented at The 12th UK/Ireland 1-day Meeting on Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology
This work investigates the application of wearable technology for the collection of exposure data relevant to the study of Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome. Wearable technology des...

Determination of hand-transmitted vibration risk

Presentation / Conference
Maeda, S., Taylor, M., Anderson, L. C., & McLaughlin, J. (2019, April)
Determination of hand-transmitted vibration risk. Poster presented at Occupational Hygiene 2019
Hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) is a debilitating industrial disease induced by exposure to vibrating machinery. As an irreversible condition, monitoring, controlling and r...

Determination of hand-transmitted vibration risk on the human

Journal Article
Maeda, S., Taylor, M., Anderson, L. C., & McLaughlin, J. (2019)
Determination of hand-transmitted vibration risk on the human. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 70, 28-37.
Objective: The purpose of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of the proposed consideration for hand-transmitted vibration measurement on the human. Method: To obtain t...

Cyclist exposure to hand-arm vibration and pavement surface improvement in the City of Edinburgh

Taylor, M., Edgar, A., & Raine, M. (2018)
Cyclist exposure to hand-arm vibration and pavement surface improvement in the City of Edinburgh
Cyclist exposure to hand/arm vibration Napier University's Dr Mark Taylor used an instrumented bike to assess the effect of setts and other road surfaces on hand-arm vibra...

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