18 results

The Determinants of Well-Being Among International Economic Immigrants: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis

Journal Article
Bak-Klimek, A., Karatzias, T., Elliott, L., & Maclean, R. (2015)
The Determinants of Well-Being Among International Economic Immigrants: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis. Applied research in quality of life, 10(1), 161-188. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-013-9297-8
Over the past decades migration has increased dramatically. Most of the scientific literature on immigrant mental health has focussed on stress, distress and mental illness. L...

Has untargeted sexual health promotion for young people reached its limit? a quasi-experimental study

Journal Article
Elliott, L., Henderson, M., Nixon, C., & Wight, D. (2013)
Has untargeted sexual health promotion for young people reached its limit? a quasi-experimental study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 67, 398-404. https://doi.org/10.1136/jech-2012-201034
Background Theoretically, there may be benefit in augmenting school-based sexual health education with sexual health services, but the outcomes are poorly understood. Healthy ...

Carer involvement with drug services: a qualitative study

Journal Article
Orr, L. C., Barbour, R. S., & Elliott, L. (2012)
Carer involvement with drug services: a qualitative study. Health Expectations, https://doi.org/10.1111/hex.12033
BACKGROUND: Empirical research suggests that involving carers brings benefits to families and services. Consequently, drug-related policy and guidance has increasingly encou...

What support can community mental health nurses deliver to carers of people diagnosed with schizophrenia? Findings from a review of the literature

Journal Article
MacLeod, S. H., Elliott, L., & Brown, R. (2011)
What support can community mental health nurses deliver to carers of people diagnosed with schizophrenia? Findings from a review of the literature. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 48, 100-120. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2010.09.005
Objectives The purpose of this review was to determine the nature of support that mental health nurses could deliver to carers of people diagnosed with schizophrenia. The aim ...

The relationship between communication and behaviour in children: a case for public mental health?

Journal Article
Law, J., & Elliott, L. (2009)
The relationship between communication and behaviour in children: a case for public mental health?. Journal of Public Mental Health, 8, 4-10. https://doi.org/10.1108/17465729200900002
This paper examines the overlap between two groups of children, those with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) and those with social, emotional and behavioural dif...

Mental health inequalities and mental health nursing

Journal Article
Elliott, L., & Masters, H. (2009)
Mental health inequalities and mental health nursing. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 16(8), 762-771. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2850.2009.01453.x
Reducing inequalities in health, including mental health, is of high priority in many national policies. However, it is not yet known how mental health nurses might respond to...

Targets to tackle the obesity epidemic: a review of twelve developed countries.

Journal Article
Crombie, I. K., Irvine, L., Elliott, L., & Wallace, H. (2009)
Targets to tackle the obesity epidemic: a review of twelve developed countries. Public Health Nutrition, 12, 406-413. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1368980008002292
OBJECTIVE: Health targets describe government intentions for improving population health. The present paper determines whether the targets which twelve developed countries hav...

Review of nursing in the community: baseline study.

Kennedy, C., Elliott, L., Rush, R., Hogg, R., Cameron, S., Currie, M., …Lauder, W. (2009)
Review of nursing in the community: baseline study
This baseline study was commissioned by the Scottish Government in order to collect information which will be used in the subsequent evaluation of the new model of community n...

Psychiatry was broke - people are fixing it.(Letter)

Journal Article
Barker, P., Buchanan-Barker, P., Biley, F., Cooper, D., Cooper, P., Elliott, L., …Wilkin, P. (2008)
Psychiatry was broke - people are fixing it.(Letter). British Journal of Psychiatry,

‘Carers’ of People with mental health problems: proposals in current public mental health policy in nine countries

Journal Article
Crombie, I. K., Irvine, L., Elliott, L., & Wallace, H. (2007)
‘Carers’ of People with mental health problems: proposals in current public mental health policy in nine countries. Journal of Public Health Policy, 28, 465-481. https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.jphp.3200146
This study investigates how public mental health policy addresses the role and needs of those who care for people with mental health problems. Public mental health policy reco...


Research Centres Groups

Research Areas


11 results

Behavioural Couples Therapy

2016 - 2018
Behavioural Couples Therapy (BCT) is a psychosocial intervention for the treatment of alcohol and drug problems; recommended by NICE for discordant couples where one person has an addiction and the ot...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £122,123

Rethinking Health: Community Public Health Demonstration Project

2015 - 2021
Funder: Big Lottery | Value: £6,600

Interventions to reduce risky sexual behaviour

2014 - 2015
Funder: National Institute for Health Research | Value: £1,169

LAC Dental Linkage

2013 - 2016
Children that are 'looked after' include those that are accommodated in foster, kinship and residential care placements, as well as those at home on compulsory supervision. They have poorer physical a...
Funder: National Records for Scotland | Value: £10,556

Social and Emotional Education & Development (SEED)

2012 - 2017
The need for robustly evaluated social interventions - In Scotland, primary schools are encouraged to include programmes for promoting emotional and social development, in line with the Curriculum for...
Funder: Medical Research Council | Value: £9,745

DESIST - Development & Evaluation of Strategies

2011 - 2014
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £1,929

Evaluation of Community Health Nurse Model across 3 sites in Scotland

2010 - 2014
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £37,070

Edinburgh Beltane Fellowship

2009 - 2010
Funder: Beltane Public Engagement | Value: £7,939

The Telehealth Curation Lifecycle

2009 - 2010
The Telehealth Curation Lifecycle
Funder: The University of Edinburgh | Value: £1,486

Public health, nurse-led blood pressure monitoring

2008 - 2012
Funder: Bupa Foundation | Value: £233,524