24 July 2016
ACM Press
QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
006 Special Computer Methods
Innovate UK
Koniaris, B., Israr, A., Mitchell, K., Huerta, I., Kosek, M., Darragh, K., …Moon, B. (2016). IRIDiuM: immersive rendered interactive deep media. https://doi.org/10.1145/2929490.2929496
LecturerSchool of Computing Engineering and the Built Environment
0131 455 2460
ProfessorSchool of Computing Engineering and the Built Environment
0131 455 4779
Zero Hour LecturerSchool of Computing
University TutorSchool of Computing Engineering and the Built Environment
0131 455 2827
real-time rendering, VR, viewer tracking, interaction
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