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201 results

Unregulated Futures: Scenario Planning for the Unknown

Presentation / Conference
Crawford, M., Roubelat, F., & Marchais-Roubelat, A. (2024, September)
Unregulated Futures: Scenario Planning for the Unknown. Presented at Anticipation 2024, Lancaster, UK
Building from years of piloting novel methods for future visioning through group engagement, this curated session will take attendees through a fast-tracked, yet fully- immers...

Biased Foresight: A Facilitator’s Playbook

Presentation / Conference
Crawford, M. (2024, June)
Biased Foresight: A Facilitator’s Playbook. Paper presented at 33rd European Conference on Operational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark
A series of lab and field studies were conducted with managers, executives, and postgraduates to test the hypothesis that priming effects exist within any given scenario plann...

Extreme work in organizations: mapping the field and a future research agenda

Journal Article
Garavan, T., Grant, K., Holland, P., Bartram, T., & Mackenzie, C. (in press)
Extreme work in organizations: mapping the field and a future research agenda. International Journal of Human Resource Management,
Despite the growing interest in the phenomenon of extreme work amongst academics, policy makers and the media, the area is characterized by different constructs, terminology, ...

Enterprise Education and Employability Skills: adapting the DOTS Model to enhance career development – evidence from a Scottish International MBA Programme

Book Chapter
Harte, P., Fonseca, A. P., Hill, E., & Hosanoo, Z. A. (2024)
Enterprise Education and Employability Skills: adapting the DOTS Model to enhance career development – evidence from a Scottish International MBA Programme. In R. J. Crammond, & D. Hyams-Ssekasi (Eds.), Entrepreneurship Education and Internationalisation: Cases, Collaborations, and Contexts (65-85). New York: Routledge.
This chapter uses theory and application to discuss the importance of enterprise education and employability skills in the MBA curriculum. Edinburgh Napier Business School aca...

Focal firms and interorganisational relationships in small economies: Towards a multi-level theoretical framework for enhancing value co-creation and performance

Journal Article
Hosanoo, Z., Patel, P., Prikshat, V., Kanungo, R. P., & Gupta, S. (in press)
Focal firms and interorganisational relationships in small economies: Towards a multi-level theoretical framework for enhancing value co-creation and performance. Journal of International Management, Article 101135.
Underpinning Resource-Based View (RBV) and Relational View (RV) as theoretical premises, we examine the influence of the macro and micro-level factors on inter-organisational ...

Re-evaluating the East-West divide in the European Union

Journal Article
Volintiru, C., Surubaru, N., Epstein, R. A., & Fagan, A. (2024)
Re-evaluating the East-West divide in the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy, 31(3), 782-800.
This introduction argues that the East-West divide in Europe continues to be politically salient since the fall of the Berlin Wall and two decades since the accession of most ...

Qualitative Research Approaches: Case Study Research Method

Book Chapter
Tjandra, N. C., & Feri, A. (2023)
Qualitative Research Approaches: Case Study Research Method. In P. Foroudi, & C. Dennis (Eds.), Researching and Analysing Business: Research Methods in Practice. Oxon: Routledge
In this chapter we have provided a guidance of conducting a qualitative case study in business and management research. At the end of this chapter the reader will be able to (...

Human resource management, leadership, and knowledge management: Never the twain shall meet

Book Chapter
Garavan, T., Grant, K., Darcy, C., O'Brien, F., & Clarke, N. (2022)
Human resource management, leadership, and knowledge management: Never the twain shall meet. In P. Holland, T. Bartram, T. Garavan, & K. Grant (Eds.), The Emerald Handbook of Work, Workplaces, and Disruptive Issues in HRM (129-148). Bingley: Emerald

Wicked leadership development for wicked problems

Book Chapter
Howieson, W. B., & Grant, K. (2022)
Wicked leadership development for wicked problems. In P. Holland, T. Bartram, T. Garavan, & K. Grant (Eds.), The Emerald Handbook of Work, Workplaces, and Disruptive Issues in HRM (303-316). Bingley: Emerald

Conclusion: Work, workplaces, and human resource management in times of disruption

Book Chapter
Holland, P., Bartram, T., Garavan, T., & Grant, K. (2022)
Conclusion: Work, workplaces, and human resource management in times of disruption. In P. Holland, T. Bartram, T. Garavan, & K. Grant (Eds.), The Emerald Handbook of Work, Workplaces, and Disruptive Issues in HRM (597-602). Bingley: Emerald
12 results

SIPR Associate Director

2024 - 2027
This is a project for my role as Associate Director (Development) with the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR)
Funder: Scottish Institute for Policing Research

(SFF.DeepT+) Deep Tech in HEIs and Ecosystems through Entrepreneurial Education+

2023 - 2024
SFF.DeepT+ Project sets the pathway to the future, towards 2030 and beyond, with a new Systemic DeepTech Innovation framework involving (as drivers and key-actors) the relevant stakeholders of an Open...
Funder: EIT Urban Mobility

Great Expectations! The Reality of Police Officers' Psychological Contracts

2023 - 2024
The project will explore the 'psychological contract' of police officers. It would incorporate a mixed methods approach - initial online survey to new recruits at the Police College about their pre-w...
Funder: Scottish Institute for Policing Research | Value: £19,170

Incentives to Motivate Active Mobility

2022 - 2022
In addition to reducing carbon emissions, active mobility (i.e., walking and cycling) improves citizens’ health by increasing physical fitness and well-being. In many cases, however, citizens exhibit ...
Funder: EIT Urban Mobility | Value: £17,721

Young people's expectations of work and readiness of the workplace: Two sides of the same coin?

2019 - 2021
The aim of this research is to examine high-potential Generation-Z’s (young people aged 16-18 years in full-time education who demonstrate key leadership qualities and attributes) expectations of work...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £9,978

A qualitative comparison study of online store branding in Indonesia and the United Kingdom”.

2017 - 2019
A qualitative comparison study of online store branding in Indonesia and the United Kingdom
Funder: Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE) Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia

UFHRD Research Honorarium

2016 - 2017
Addressing the Business Support and Training Needs of Minority Ethnic Group (MEG) Family-run Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Scotland The study proposes an in-depth exploration of the business ...
Funder: University Forum for Human Resource Development | Value: £1,000

An evaluation of a dissertation e-toolkit designed for direct entry students transitioning to HE

2015 - 2015
An evaluation of a dissertation e-toolkit designed for direct entry students transitioning to HE
Funder: Advance HE | Value: £3,304

KTP Voluntary Action Fund

2015 - 2017
To design and establish a grant-making and development support platform that connects and aligns the CSR activities of Scottish Businesses and the real and emerging needs in Scotland and the Third Sec...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £124,378

Destination Organisations in Scotland: types, issues and characteristics

2014 - 2015
The aim of this project is to carry out a comparative study of the adaptation of destination organisations to their policy and operating environment in Scotland and Denmark with the view of identifyin...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £585



Qualification level

12 results

A Critical Evaluation of the Factors that Influence Visitor Engagement with UK Slavery Heritage Museums: A Blended Passive Symbolic Netnographic Study

2020 - 2023
There is a substantial body of literature in slave...
Dr Shemroy Roberts | Director of Studies: Dr Craig Wight | Second Supervisor: Prof Anna Leask

Sustainable festivals and events - an enquiry of leadership and futures

2015 - 2017
As a societal phenomenon, festivals and planned events are discussed in a wide policy context. They have entered a broader discus...
Dr Martin Robertson | Director of Studies: Prof Anna Leask | Second Supervisor: Prof Jane Ali-Knight

A study of entrepreneurial action within the social enterprise sector of Scotland

2015 - 2021
Dr Maggie Anderson | Director of Studies: Dr Matthew Dutton | Second Supervisor: Dr Janice McMillan

An analysis of sustainable leadership challenges and prospects in Scottish Higher Education

2012 - 2020
The aim of this PhD thesis is to explore the challenges in and prospects for achieving sustainable leadership...
Dr Laura Gerard | Director of Studies: Dr Janice McMillan | Second Supervisor: Norma D'Annunzio-Green

Achieving service co-ordination in labour market activation : the influence of effective governance

2012 - 2017
Dr Vanesa Fuertes | Director of Studies: Prof Robert Raeside | Second Supervisor: Dr Valerie Egdell

An analysis of EHEA business school approaches to the development, configuration and management of international academic alliances

2011 - 2017
Dr Patrick Harte | Director of Studies: Prof Anne Munro | Second Supervisor: Prof Mary Fischer

Lean in Healthcare: An Evaluation of Lean Implementation in NHS Lothian

2010 - 2016
- Thesis is a single organisation (multi-site) case study, utilising documentary analysis interviews and observations, involving ...
Dr Claire Lindsay | Director of Studies: Dr Jacqueline Brodie

Entrepreneurship and the spatial context: evidence on the location of continuing entrepreneurial activity in Scotland

2009 - 2013
Dr Andrew Ross | Director of Studies: Linda Juleff | Second Supervisor: Dr Kenny Crossan

Customer retention through continuous improvement (CI), culture and customer service

2009 - 2013
Customer retention has long been considered an important element in achieving competitive advantage for business org...
Dr Barbara McCrory | Director of Studies: Dr Nick Pilcher | Second Supervisor: Dr Janice McMillan

The potential for 'green' fiscal policy measures to influence individuals' vehicle purchasing decisions in Scotland

2009 - 2015
This research focuses upon measures targeting individuals’ future vehicle purchasing ...
Dr Sarah Borthwick Saddler | Director of Studies: Michael Carreno | Second Supervisor: Kevin Cullinane