Ann Daniels shares experiences of her dramatic Polar explorations as part of Chancellor Talk series

Date posted

19 May 2017


Last updated

25 May 2023

Ann Daniel’s story is quite remarkable. She’s a single mum who became a record-breaking Polar explorer after responding to a newspaper advert. She’s battled carbon monoxide poisoning, frostbite, moving ridges and thin ice in expeditions to the ends of the earth.

She teamed up with four others to complete a 700-mile journey across the bleak wastes of Antarctica to become the first British all-women’s team to ski to the South Pole in 2000.

The former banker and mother of triplets also made the tortuous journey to the North Pole in 2002.

Ann Daniels’ determination to drive herself to new peaks is there for all to see, and it was fascinating to get a first-hand insight into what makes her tick.

Dr David Eustace

Chancellor of Edinburgh Napier

Her expeditions are cemented in history and she recently shared her insight and inspiration from her challenges with a Craiglockhart audience at the latest installment of the University’s Chancellor Talk series.

A motivational speaker, she reinforced her notion that nothing worthwhile is achieved without hard work – a great team that supports each other is exactly how the magic happens.

Just watch out for the Polar Bears.