University joins city-wide drive to reduce carbon emissions

Date posted

23 September 2021


Edinburgh Napier has reinforced its commitment to achieving its net zero carbon goals by becoming the latest signatory to the Edinburgh Climate Compact.

Principal sitting at a glass desk in her office, signing a document

The Edinburgh Climate Compact is a commitment by the leading businesses and employers in Edinburgh to take action within their own organisation to contribute to a green recovery and radically reduce the city’s carbon emissions.

The University has already removed all direct investments from fossil fuel companies and set a target of net zero carbon emissions in all its business operations by 2030 at the latest, and this latest commitment further underpins its commitment to meeting its sustainability goals.

Principal Andrea Nolan said: “Edinburgh Napier University staff and students are committed to achieving the carbon reduction target wider environmental sustainability aspirations embedded within our University Strategy. We recognise to deliver these challenging goals we must further develop collaborative and action driven working relationships.

“By signing the Edinburgh Climate Compact we proudly confirm our intention to continue our work with a wide range of partners within Edinburgh to lead and support reduction in place-based emissions and impact throughout the city.”

The University signed the Edinburgh Climate Compact to ensure it plays its part within Edinburgh to meet the net zero by 2030 target and wider aspirations set within the city. As a university, we look to engage and learn from best practice led and developed by other organisations, and expect all Compact members to drive and lead place-based working and project opportunities.

More information on the Edinburgh Climate Compact here

More about our sustainability work and achievements here