Twins support each other from their childhood to their university career

Date posted

7 July 2022


Twins Tosin and Toyosi Oye studied for a PhD in Engineering together at Edinburgh Napier University. They both decided to study at the same university and chose Napier due to its track record of achievement and the great support they provide for students.

Twins Tosin and Toyosi outside the Usher Hall

Prior to applying to Edinburgh Napier University, Tosin and Toyosi spent a hours researching the research facilities on offer at the university and which lecturers would teach them during their studies. Napier ticked all the boxes for what the twins were looking for in their education and also the environment in which they wanted to study in.

Tosin said: “The student experience encompasses many aspects of academic and intellectual development; social and emotional life; and growth. We’re proud to say we have all these at Edinburgh Napier University.”

Toyosi added: “Our university experience was great, and we enjoyed every bit of it. We’re really looking forward to graduation and our plan after graduation is to continue with postdoc and thereafter be lecturers.”

Tosin and Toyosi have always supported each other from their childhood to their university career. During their time at Edinburgh Napier University, they assisted each other with their university work, for instance by taking the time to discuss the best ways to solve technical areas of their studies.