Staff and students take starring role at 2018’s Edinburgh Festivals

Date posted

24 July 2018


Last updated

27 January 2023

Staff and students from Edinburgh Napier are busy adding the final touches to their shows as they gear up to take a starring role in this year’s Edinburgh Festivals.

From musicals, to big data, science, sex and everything in between, we’ve created this handy guide for those of you looking for a little bit of inspiration as to what to catch live throughout this upcoming August.

Edinburgh Napier Acting students: Shows for 2018

And Peggy…

The Edinburgh Napier University Drama Society returns to the stage with a musical spin-off of Hamilton. ‘...and Peggy’ tells the story of Peggy Schuyler, a woman who defied the stereotypical roles of the 18th century. Whether you’ve never heard of Hamilton or learnt the whole soundtrack, do not throw away your shot to see this musical. It shows 3-18 August, tickets here.

Jumpers for Goalposts

Edinburgh Napier Acting for Stage and Screen students perform in Jumpers for Goalposts. After being sacked from the Lesbian Rovers for being too bossy, Viv has a mission: to make a five-a-side LGBT football team. Blissfully funny but at times deeply affecting, Jumpers for Goalposts poses the question: what secrets remain when everyone is out of the closet?  Shows throughout August, tickets here.


All eyes are on the city of Thebes. Antigone dares to raise the question: whose laws matter most – the laws of men or the laws that come from natural or divine justice? In defying the powerful Creon, Antigone’s stance invokes a timeless, moral issue and takes ‘civil disobedience’ to a very dark place indeed. Shows throughout August, tickets here.

Breathing Corpses

The story is always that of the victim. But what about the people who found the bodies? Three unlucky individuals lose the luxury of ignorance, when they come face to face with death in this dark comedy. There’s no going back after what they’ve seen. What does dealing with death reveal about life? Shows throughout August, tickets here.

The Monster in the Hall

The Monster in the Hall by David Greig follows a day in the life of Duck Macatarsney as she cares for her dope-smoking biker father who suffers from multiple sclerosis. Duck is anxiously awaiting a visit from social services to check up on them and is terrified she will be taken into care. Worst of all, Duck’s dad has woken up this morning completely blind. This hilarious ensemble performance uses larger-than-life characters to show the challenges of young carers in a way that is simultaneously touching and hysterical. Shows throughout August, tickets here.


When a mismatched group of rebellious young art students are tasked with another mundane project, they are inspired to do something different. Something real. Something more than just another PowerPoint presentation. Spurred on by Nick, an enigmatic outsider with radical ideas, the group’s perceptions and beliefs are tested as tensions rise and the group dynamic shifts in dangerous ways. Working out of a dingy flat, their project spirals into a plot that could shake the foundations of modern art forever. Shows throughout August, tickets here.

Is That Right Aye?

For all things Scottish, come see the four Glaswegians give you a true representation of what being patriotic is all about. From uniquely creative sketches about Irn Bru to songs about ScotRail, this show is a must see this year! For current, relevant and relatable comedy with a Glaswegian twist, look no further. Is That Right Aye? Aye. It is! Shows throughout August, tickets here.

Sob Story

What does it take to win Yorkshire’s Got Talent? Six old school friends reunite in the hope of sweeping the contest, but rehearsals get derailed when they realise talent isn’t enough – they need a tale of tragedy and triumph to win the judges’ hearts. In their quest to find (or invent!) their sob story, things take a dark turn. Shows throughout August, tickets here.

Cabaret of Dangerous Idea 2018

Who do you want to wipe your bum?

Bills, dating, raising children – life is challenging enough! Who wants to think about potential future health issues and care needs with more immediate matters to consider? Edinburgh Napier’s Dr Anna Schneider works with big data to explore the care needs of Scottish people in their last year of life. She’ll highlight a few things worth thinking about – considering you’ve got an 80% chance of needing care at the end of life! Shows 5 August, tickets here.

Big Boys Don’t Cry

Toxic masculinity is blamed for everything from the #MeToo movement to rates of male suicide. Our own Dr Fiona McQueen wants to know whether men becoming more emotional can undo the nasty sides of manliness and really eradicate toxic masculinity? Shows 21 August, tickets here.

Suspect Confessions

Have you ever admitted to something you didn’t do? At home? At work? What would it take to own up to breaking the law? Our own Dr Faye Skelton explores the psychology of false confessions and what we can do to prevent them. Shows 17 August, tickets here

What does sex sell?

Men are sexual predators and women are sex objects – or so advertisers tell us. ‘Sexy’ themes have been used in advertising for decades, based on the notion that ‘sex sells’. Edinburgh Napier researcher Kat Rezai broadens this debate to ask: what do ‘sexy’ ads really sell? Does it sell that ‘sexy’ product, or does it sell specific behaviours? Join Kat in this engaging and challenging discussion. Shows 3 August, tickets here

Obesity bankrupted the NHS - Unbound at the Edinburgh International Book Festival

The Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas allows some brilliant researchers to let their most challenging ideas loose on the public. Is obesity crushing the NHS? Let Dr Richard Kyle lead the debate and get you thinking. Shows 21 August, tickets here

Edinburgh Skeptics

Welcome to the Algorithmic Age

Our cities are changing and those changes are happening all around us. Whether you call it the hybrid city, the sentient city, the media city, the smart city, or just the place where you live or work, what has changed in the last decade is the rapid technologisation of everyday urban life. Our own Dr Michael Smyth says: “Welcome to the Algorithmic Age.” Shows 10 August, more details here

Predictably Unpredictable

Violence risk assessment is a complex task which has been hotly debated in the literature and in the media when things ‘go wrong’. Edinburgh Napier’s Dr Jennifer Murray will discuss the pros and cons of these eras of risk assessment and will argue that we should no longer seek to predict risk of violence, as it is not a meaningful metric. Shows 11 August, more details here

Musical moments

Inverkeithing Big Band

Returning to the Fringe for its fourth year, Inverkeithing Community Big Band promises an afternoon of exciting jazz and swing. Enjoy big band sounds from Ellington, Basie, Maynard Ferguson and many more. Edinburgh Napier’s own Sean Hughes will be behind the drums. Shows 26 August, tickets available here


Celebrating Leonard Bernstein’s 100th birthday today, culminating with his choral masterpiece, Chichester Psalms. Cadenza, one of Scotland’s foremost ensembles, sets the mood with Elgar’s magnificent Lux Aeterna, Scarlatti’s Stabat Mater and Trois Chansons by Debussy. Edinburgh Napier’s Susanna Goetzold takes to the stage. Shows 25 August, tickets here


Edinburgh's stunning and versatile choir – including our own Stephanie Miller and Lucy Pratt - has sold out every concert and show they've done since they began at the end of 2015. This year, Pitchcraft presents another spectacular combination of unique, powerful a cappella arrangements to suit every age and musical taste. If you see only one choir at this year's festival and Fringe, this is the one. Shows 17 August, tickets here.

Students set to Rip It Up

Edinburgh Napier music students and graduates Ruth Gillies, Liam Stuart, Georgia Rose and Annie Booth will perform at the National Museums of Scotland throughout August as part of Rip It Up – the museum’s story of Scottish Pop. Shows across August, tickets here.

EIF Opening Concert

Edinburgh Napier music students Lorna Murray, Eleanor Wilson and Morven McIntyre will sing with the National Youth Choir of Scotland at the opening concert of this year’s Edinburgh International Festival at the Usher Hall on 4 August, tickets here

The same singers will also perform at the National Youth Choir of Scotland's dedicated concert within the Usher Hall on 5 August. Tickets here

St Giles’ After Dark

Edinburgh Napier music students will also sing at two concerts within St Giles’ Cathedral with the St Giles’ Cathedral Choir. St Giles’ After Dark - directed by recent music graduate Ian Sutherland - is on 18 August and Choral Classics - conducted by lecturer Michael Harris - on 10 August. Tickets are here and here