Convent and Training College

It was sold to the trustees of the Society of the Sacred Heart, an enclosed religious order, to be used as a convent and training college for Catholic teachers. Also, at this time Craiglockhart became part of Edinburgh, as the Colinton parish was subsumed into the city. 

The main building was added to over the years with a Chapel opened in 1933 and extended in 1963, and a new wing on the other side of the building built in 1957. In 1965 a six-storey hall of residence was added along with a new lecture block, hall and gymnasium and the whole was renamed Craiglockhart College of Education, which it remained for the next 20 years.

Napier Polytechnic

Black and white aerial photograph of Craiglockhart buliding and grounds

The most recent chapter in the history of the building and its environs began in 1986 when the College was bought by Napier Polytechnic, now Edinburgh Napier University.