Featured partnerships
From prisons to museums, we have fostered links and partnerships with arts, creative and community organisations throughout Edinburgh and beyond. 

RSPB Scotland

Our partnership with RSPB Scotland gives students on our undergraduate Film and Television courses the chance to work on creative projects that highlight the work of RSPB Scotland and help achieve its conservation goals.


Our links with STV, Scotland’s home of news and entertainment, provides students on our undergraduate Television and Journalism courses the chance to undertake work placement opportunities.

National Musuem of Scotland

Our partnership with Scotland's most popular visitor attraction blossomed from a campaign created by an interdisciplinary agency featuring students from relevant courses for a major exhibition.

Eric Liddell Centre

This inspiring partnership helps students take part in placement projects based as the Eric Liddell Centre.

HMP Edinburgh and HMP & YOI Polmont

This award-winning partnership helps undergraduate students take part in placement projects within the education departments of prisons in Edinburgh and Polmont.

Contact us: 

Lindsay Morgan

School Placement Coordinator