This category covers information relating to the way Edinburgh Napier University is governed and how decisions are made. It includes information on the legal status of the institution, which individual member of staff or group within the organisation is responsible for specific functions and where they fit in the overall structure of the organisation.
Legal framework
For Information on how the University was established and its standing from a legal perspective, see our Instruments of Governance pages.
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Governance structure
This category contains information on our governance structures and related operational procedures.
The Edinburgh Napier Court and Main Committees structure illustrates our governance processes. It highlights the roles and responsibilities of the main committees, with names of the Chairs and Convenors.
See information concerning the University Court membership.
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Governance precepts
We have specific procedures to ensure compliance with good governance precepts. For the effective conduct of our business we need relationships based on confidence, trust and sharing information between the Principal, the Court Chairman and members of Court. We base the conduct of our affairs on the seven principles of public life as defined by the Committee on Standards in Public Life:
- selflessness
- integrity
- objectivity
- accountability
- openness
- honesty
- leadership
Further information on our arrangements for compliance with governance precepts can be found in our Court Handbook.
Edinburgh Napier employs both internal and external auditors to ensure robust systems of internal control and accurate and transparent annual accounts. Internal and external audit functions are contracted out. Scott Moncrieff presently provides Edinburgh Napier University's internal audit function, while KPMG provides the external auditor service. For further information about the internal or external audit functions including audit summary reports, please email
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Conflict of interest policy
In the interests of good corporate governance, probity, transparency and best practices, court members disclose any pecuniary or other material interest which might conflict with any business coming before the Court or its sub committees. This is our Conflict of Interest policy. Further information on governance precepts can be found in our Court Handbook.
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Register of interests
In keeping with Governance precepts, we maintain a Register of Interests for members of Court. This can be viewed online here.
Applicants who wish to examine the Register of Interests should email
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Institutional structure
This category provides information about our organisational units and how they interrelate. Our University's structure chart illustrates how we are organised by Senior Management group, School and Professional Service.
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Major committees
This category provides information on the activities of the major committees with devolved decision-making powers. See information on the Court, Academic Board and Court sub-committees.
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Relationship with the General Council
In keeping with the Model Publication Scheme, this category should cover the legal and structural basis of the institution's relationship with its General Council (or similar statutory bodies representing its graduates). Edinburgh Napier University does not have a General Council or similar statutory body.
Subsidiary companies
This category covers information on the names, addresses, broad functions and purposes of companies where the University is a majority shareholder. The following company is wholly owned by the University and have its own publication scheme:
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Honorary degrees
Edinburgh Napier University confers Honorary Awards on persons of distinction who, through their work or other commitments, embody the values of the University and reflect, in the excellence of what they do, the nature of the University. There are two categories of honorary awards:
- an Honorary Doctorate Degree, appropriate for those who have made a major contribution at national and / or international level
- an Honorary Master's Degree, appropriate for those who have made a major contribution in a particular region or locality, or for outstanding service to the University
Our policies and procedures for awarding honorary degrees can be found in our Honorary Awards guidelines.
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