The Court is the governing body of the University and is responsible for determining our overall strategic direction. It establishes the budgetary framework, appoints the head of the institution and oversees the University’s performance and development.
The Court of Edinburgh Napier University was constituted in 1993 by Statutory Instrument (as amended by the Edinburgh Napier University Amendement Order of Council 2018).
Court's responsibilities include:
- approving the University Strategy and monitoring performance against it
- approval of budgets, monitoring of financial performance and presentation of audited financial statements for each financial year
- ensuring the University complies with the requirements of the Combined Code and subsequent codes of Corporate Governance
- ensuring an effective system of internal control
- overseeing the strategic and reputational risks facing the University
- ensuring that statutory requirements for health and safety, equality and diversity, and other areas are met
- the appointment and, if necessary, dismissal of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor, the University Secretary, and any Vice-Principals and Assistant Principals
The full Statement of Primary Responsibilities of the University Court is published on the University's intranet site.
Court meetings
The Court normally meets four times per year, as well as an annual strategy event with the University senior management team.
The Court has a number of standing committees, some of which have sub-committees. In addition, it establishes working groups and other bodies from time to time, charged with specific and time-limited tasks.
Court membership
The Constitution of Court defined 10 categories of membership, as shown below.