Fair Work Statement

Edinburgh Napier University Fair Work First Statement

Fair Work First is the Scottish Government’s flagship policy for driving high quality and fair work across the labour markets in Scotland by applying fair work criteria to grants, other funding and contracts being awarded by and across the public sector, where it is relevant to do so. 

This statement has been jointly developed and agreed by Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) and our recognised Trade Unions, EIS and Unison. It highlights the actions being taken at ENU and how they align with the Fair Work Principles. 

We are committed to working in partnership with our Trade Unions to deliver these actions for the benefit of our colleagues. Where possible, we will seek to go beyond the minimum requirements.

We are committed to ensuring that we have Fair Working Practices in place and to advancing the Fair Work First criteria, specifically:


Appropriate Channels for Effective Colleague Voice
  • EIS and Unison Trade Union recognition for the purposes of collective bargaining and consultation on key initiatives. We have a quarterly Joint Negotiation and Consultation Committee with senior manager representatives and representation from EIS and Unison. We also have fortnightly meetings which allow dialogue to be maintained between Trade Union representatives and the University to support consultation on relevant matters, foster the best possible relations, and make reports and recommendations on matters discussed.
  • We provide facility time to support trade union activity.
  • We communicate with our colleagues regularly through a variety of channels such as fortnightly newsletters, Managers’ Brief, intranet articles, and film.
  • We provide opportunities for colleagues to give their views or ask questions through colleague surveys, focus groups, MS Teams livestream, senior leadership talks, and local campus forums/discussions.
  • Our commitment to providing opportunities for two-way dialogue is demonstrated through our continuous listening approach; which provides regular, short, topic specific surveys to ensure an ‘always-on’ approach to the colleague voice.


Investment in Colleague Development

  • Learning and development is supported and encouraged throughout the colleague journey. We provide a range of manager and colleague development programmes including training, facilitation, and online resources.
  • Career development is a priority for both Academic and Professional Services, as we actively foster a culture of growth within the university. Emphasising the importance of career conversations and personalised development plans, we are committed to creating an environment that allows individual and collective progress. In tandem, we are strategically aligning skills-based learning according to grades, ensuring the right learning opportunities are available to the right individuals at the right time.
  • Career conversations are encouraged throughout the year through the University’s ‘MyContribution’. This supports colleagues’ career development through objective setting and both work and personal development plans.


No Inappropriate Use of Zero-hour Contracts

  • We have a very limited number of zero-hour contracts which are for appropriate reasons and often because it is the colleague’s preference.
  •  Colleagues on variable-hour contracts have comparable contractual rights.


Action to Tackle the Gender Pay Gap and Create a More Diverse and Inclusive Workforce
  • We report and publish annually the Gender Pay Gap (GPG). The report outlines the key actions we are taking to further address the gap.
  • We are committed to undertaking Equal Pay Audits in order to identify any pay related concerns relating to protective characteristics and developing associated action for improvement.
  • Inclusion is one of our core values and we are committed to valuing diversity and inclusion within the workplace through colleague inclusion networks and the colleague recognition scheme.
  • Policy developments and new procedures are subject to Equality Impact Assessments to address any detrimental impact a policy/procedure may have on a particular group of colleagues.
  • A clear focus demonstrated through our Equality Outcomes Plan is to continue to tackle the under-representation of key groups amongst our colleague community and in key grades.


Offer Flexible and Family Friendly Working Practices for all Workers from Day One of Employment

  • We are striving towards offering a progressive suite of family-friendly policies with day one entitlements that go beyond statutory entitlements.
  • We offer flexibility through hybrid working and flexible working practices.


Oppose the Use of Fire and Rehire Practice

  • We do not engage in ‘fire and rehire’ practices.


Payment of at least the Real Living Wage

  • We are an accredited Living Wage employer with all our colleagues being paid at or above this level.

Carolann Begbie
Director of People & Services

Date Statement agreed:
Statement Review Date: February 2024.