Fiona Forrest-Anderson is the Head of Employer Engagement in Student Futures

Fiona shares her career story in this Q&A

Tell us a bit about your career to date?

I’m a HR Professional and started my HR career a long time ago in another sector as a graduate trainee. I joined Edinburgh Napier University in October 2016 as a HR Partner for Inclusion and Organisational change in a newly created role. It was a great opportunity to combine my previous skills and experience and focus on an area I feel very passionately about.

How did you secure your current role?

I was able to learn more about the sector and in particular the student experience. I also developed my strategic knowledge and understanding of the university, through the lens of student outcomes and then also graduate outcomes. All of these things and a desire to progress professionally and to continue carrying out continuing professional development (CPD) activity led to supportive conversations with my line manager. This enabled me to identify that my goal was to stay at Edinburgh Napier but move into a promoted post with a student facing remit, if the opportunity became available. 

What difference has working at Edinburgh Napier made to your career?

Attending relevant training courses, working with an external mentor and actively seeking out leadership activities I could get involved in or attend. I cannot underestimate the value of conversations with my line manager as they enabled me to make it known that I wanted to develop and to be able to jointly agree the steps to get there.

Fiona's Napier Story