Malcolm Jones is the Head of Library Services in Information Services


Malcolm shares his career story in this Q&A

Tell us a bit about your career to date?

I first came to Edinburgh Napier in November 1990 and since then I’ve done a variety of roles within the Library service. When I first joined I was responsible for the campus library at Sighthill which included all operational elements of running a library but also supporting the academic side of the library service around subject librarianship. I was in fact a subject librarian myself for the two schools that make up the business and management functions, which at the time were two separate schools.

How did you secure your current role?

Two of the projects I am currently involved in are in areas I’ve not got much experience in so I have had to get up to speed pretty quickly. These are developing our special collections, which is a specialised area of library activity and taking on responsibility for the learning technology support service. The approach I take is to see opportunities for development and go for them, even if I am a bit unsure about them initially. Through this approach I have been able to get the experience that has enabled me to progress in my career.

What difference has working at Edinburgh Napier made to your career?

I developed my role by taking on a variety of responsibilities and getting involved in lots of activities as the opportunities presented themselves. I’ve developed myself in terms of project involvement and project engagement. I’ve also attended relevant training both internally and externally and reached out across the sector to expand my network and make the most of sector wide opportunities and the societies and organisations that support professional librarians. 

Malcolm's Napier Story