Jose Roberto Camargo graduated in 2014 from Edinburgh Napier’s Marketing & Festival and Event Management course. He is now Head of Public Relations at RecargaPay. Learn more about his career!

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What is your current role?

I lead Communications and PR for one of the main payments fintechs in Brazil, a soon-to-be unicorn with over 30 million downloads and millions of customers all over the country.

This role came in as an offer after I've developed communications for companies such as Amazon, YouTube and TransferWise in Brazil, while working in a boutique PR agency called SMARTPR.

What skills and experiences have you found most valuable in your career?

Profile picture of Jose Roberto Camargo against a brick wall
As my career progressed, I found that leading skills were just as important as technical PR skills.

Great strategy comes easier when you get more experienced. Understanding how companies operate, their core business, and how communication flows into each country is a major game-changer for a PR professional.

What advice would you give to students or recent graduates who are looking to enter a similar career as yourself?

Invest in professional relationships. Value the experience of working in a PR agency, which should provide the basis for the work you'll be developing throughout your career.

Keep track of your fellow journalists' colleagues: where they work, how they write, and what they like. A junior journalist of today could be the editor and/or publisher of tomorrow.

Be responsible with your work and strive to deliver always something you can be proud of.

And finally…

Engaging in a Masters course at Edinburgh Napier was an important step for my career. It showed recruiters and colleagues that I was serious about my profession and that helped open up some paths that wouldn't be available for me otherwise, such as working in multinational companies with a strong international atmosphere.

Published December 2021