Criminology alumnus Shelby Brown is passionate about supporting people to overcome their barriers and reach their full potential. As a student she received a scholarship from The Robertson Trust – an organisation that supports students who are most likely to experience barriers to their education because of their background. Since graduating in 2020 Shelby has worked for The Robertson Trust, first as a graduate trainee and now as permanent employee. Keep reading to learn more!

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Local girl Shelby Brown wanted to remain in Edinburgh for university and ENU’s Criminology programme appealed to her. Before embarking on her studies, she was encouraged to apply for a scholarship from The Robertson Trust and was delighted to be accepted onto their Journey to Success programme. This initiative supports 16–25-year-olds in Scotland who face barriers to higher education. In addition to funding, they also provide training and self-development opportunities and a paid internship in third year.

Shelby’s time at Edinburgh Napier sparked her desire to work in a role where she could support and help those who have experienced trauma. The University organised a trip to HMP Edinburgh and helped her secure a short placement with Criminal Justice Social Workers at the Scottish Courts in Edinburgh. In Shelby’s spare time she also took on paid roles as Edinburgh Napier student and widening participation student ambassadors.

“I absolutely loved being able to support new students transitioning to university and I was extremely passionate about working with people who had care experience or those who were young carers. I supported our student led initiative ‘ESTABLISH’ and was also a mentor.”

After finishing her studies, Shelby became a graduate trainee at The Robertson Trust. Trying to secure a job in the height of the pandemic had been a real worry and starting a job remotely was a huge challenge. It was nearly a year before Shelby met any colleagues face to face!

Shelby has been working with The Robertson Trust as a graduate trainee since 2020, after graduating from Edinburgh Napier with 1st Class Honours. In addition to supporting applicants with funding requests, Shelby manages the Trust’s ‘Partners in Change’ Programme. The aim is to influence and be leaders for Change, making a difference across Scotland for those affected by poverty and/or trauma. She is also involved in their Education Pathways thematic group, focusing on the role of mentoring, and tutoring in Scotland. Heavily linked to widening access in schools, colleges and universities, Shelby’s previous experience as a widening participation student ambassador has been particularly relevant.

Shelby has now been offered a permanent role within the organisation and is looking forward to seeing where this next chapter of her career takes her.

Published August 2022