Anna is an Associate Professor in Accounting and Finance and the Programme leader of the development of online BA Accounting (top up) with ACCA accreditation at The Business School, Edinburgh Napier University. She is also the Research Lead and PhD Coordinator of Accounting and Finance Subject Group. She line manages and provides leadership to a team of AnF academics.
Anna gained her PhD in Finance from the University of Nottingham, UK. Prior to joining Edinburgh Napier University, Anna was a Senior Lecturer in Finance and Deputy Director for The Finance and Banking Research Centre (FiBRe, 57 members) at Leicester Castle Business School, De Montfort University. She also worked as a Senior Lecturer in Finance at Leeds Business School, and taught at Nottingham University Business School, University of Nottingham, China Campus.
Anna's research interests focus on cross-border mergers and acquisitions, Fintech, corporate finance, sustainable finance, financing strategies & investments by emerging market multinational companies. Her research initiatives have been awarded external funding totalling £164,890, including five grants from The National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC) under the auspices of the State Council of China. These grants include a grant of £40,415 (350,000 RMB) for the first project, followed by subsequent four grants of £23,095 (200,000 RMB) each, in collaboration with co-investigators in China. The NSSFC, a distinguished funding body governed by the State Council of China, plays an instrumental role in the formulation and adjustment of government policies within China by supporting rigorous research in the social sciences.
Anna has a total of thirty-one publications in international peer-reviewed journals and a book chapter. Her work has appeared in international peer-reviewed journals, including British Journal of Management (CABS 4), Energy Economics (CABS 3), International Business Review (CABS 3), International Review of Financial Analysis (CABS 3), Review of Quantitative Finance & Accounting (CABS 3), International Marketing Review (CABS 3), Technological Forecasting and Social Change (ABS 3), Journal of Environmental Management (CABS 3), among others. Anna is the author of twenty outputs eligible for the next REF 2029 with a healthy pipeline of new work under review or in final preparation for well-regarded journals.
Anna is an Associate Editor of Research in International Business and Finance (CABS 2; IF:6.5; 6th out of 111 finance journals based on impact factor ), a guest editor of Resources Policy (Impact Factor 10.2) and an editorial board member of Journal of Organisational Effectiveness: People and Performance. She serves as a reviewer for several international peer-reviewed Journals and Research Development Fund (RDF) in China. She has served as a scientific/committee board member at six international conferences and also presented a number of papers at international conferences in Sydney, Australia; Paris, France; Atlanta, USA; Steyr, Austria; Queenstown, New Zealand; Prague, Czech Republic; Istanbul and Izmir, Turkey; Wuhan, Hangzhou, Ningbo and Beijing, China; Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam; Belfast, UK.
Anna has shown a significant dedication to guiding academic development, actively engaging in the supervision of doctoral students. She has successfully supervised four PhD students to completion and continues supervising research students. She frequently serves in the capacity of both internal and external examiner for doctoral dissertations, across the UK, Australia, and China.
As a teacher, Anna has over ten years of experience teaching accounting and finance courses on BA, MSc, MBA, Executive MBA and PhD programmes and served as a programme leader of MSc Finance and BA Business Management with Finance at Leeds Business School. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
In addition, Anna serves as an external examiner of MSc Accounting and Finance modules at University of Surrey, UK; a distinguished visiting professor at Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, China and a distinguished visiting professor at Zhijiang College, Shaoxing, China.
Anna's teaching abilities have been repeatedly honoured, securing her the esteemed award of Best Lecturer in Accounting, Finance, and Law at the ENSA Excellence Awards for two consecutive years, in 2022 and 2023.