Research Interest
I am a soil microbiologist interested in the roles of soil microorganisms (bacteria, archaea and fungi) in biogeochemical cycles, such as nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, and their spatial and temporal distribution in soils. In particular, I am interested in the environmental drivers that regulate microbial functions and their responses to anthropogenic activity (fertilisation, land use change) and global change. My work focus on arable land (grassland, cropland) in Europe but also in the Southern Hemisphere, and on “pristine” land, such as the Arctic tundra. I have experience of field and lab experiments on bacteria, archaea and fungi, as well as microorganisms involved in the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles. I am familiar with a range of molecular methods (DNA extraction, high throughput sequencing, quantitative-PCR, fingerprinting methods), soil properties analysis, bioinformatics and multivariate statistical analysis (R software). I recently worked on the relationship between the plant and microbial diversity in the Park Grass long-term experiment at Rothamsted Research Institute. I also work extensively on the microorganisms involved in the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, and how organic and inorganic fertilisation and soil pH alteration affect the balance of the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles in UK grassland and cropland.
Lecturer in Applied Microbiology: Edinburgh Napier (Sept 2019 - )
Postdoctoral researcher: Rothamsted Research Institute (2015 – 2019)
Postdoctoral researcher: The University of Sheffield (2013 – 2014)
Ph.D: The University of Sheffield (2008 – 2012)
I am the module leader for Environmental Microbiology in the UK (MIC09102) and in Sri Lanka (MIC09802), 3rd year students. In this module, I am teaching environmental microbiology, terrestrial/aquatic microbiology, and molecular microbiology.
I am involved in the teaching of several modules, delivering lectures, tutorial and practical:
- Lecture on microbial ecology for 1st yr students (Introductory Microbiology; MIC07100)
- Tutorial on statistical software R for 1st yr students (Scientific Enquiry; ENV07101)
- Tutorial, practical and mentoring of Honours project working on “antibiotics unearthed” (Scientific Research Project; ENV10100)
- Supervision of MSc students (Research Project; BMS11102)