Development of a cross-cultural HPV community engagement model within Scotland
Journal Article
Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Gray Brunton, C., Hogg, R., Kennedy, C., Hilton, S., …Pow, J. (2017)
Development of a cross-cultural HPV community engagement model within Scotland. Health Education Journal, 76(4), 398-410.
To examine cultural barriers and participant solutions regarding acceptance and uptake of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine from the perspective of Black Afric...
Young men with intellectual disabilities’ constructions of the human papillomavirus and vaccine
Journal Article
Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Gray Brunton, C., Harding, S., Hilton, S., Hogg, R., …Willis, D. (2016)
Young men with intellectual disabilities’ constructions of the human papillomavirus and vaccine. European Journal of Public Health, 26(suppl_1), ckw169.050. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckw169.050
Scotland is one European country offering a national schoolbased
HPV vaccination programme to at least one age-cohort of females, however it does not include young men. A subs...
Cultural reflections on the Scottish HPV vaccination programme
Journal Article
Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Gray Brunton, C., Hanif, N., Harding, S., Hilton, S., …Pow, J. (2016)
Cultural reflections on the Scottish HPV vaccination programme. European Journal of Public Health, 26(1 supp 1),
The Scottish HPV vaccination programme serves young
women aged 11 to 18 years and reports consistently high
uptake rates, yet these figures may conceal levels of un...
Critical discursive psychology as methodology for exploring ambivalence around the HPV vaccine amongst marginalised groups
Presentation / Conference
Gray Brunton, C., Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., & Todorova, I. (2016, August)
Critical discursive psychology as methodology for exploring ambivalence around the HPV vaccine amongst marginalised groups. Poster presented at The 30th joint European Health Psychology Society Conference/British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology
Background: Public vaccinations rely on individual acceptance and uptake. The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine was introduced internationally to protect against common stra...
Young men with intellectual disabilities, the HPV vaccine, and constructions of sexual health risk
Presentation / Conference
Carnegie, E., Gray Brunton, C., Whittaker, A., Kennedy, C., Hogg, R., Harding, S., …Willis, D. (2016, August)
Young men with intellectual disabilities, the HPV vaccine, and constructions of sexual health risk. Paper presented at The 30th joint European Health Psychology Society Conference/British Psychology Society Division of Health Psychology
Background: The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine was introduced internationally in order to provide a vaccine against common strands of the HPV virus which is implicated in...
The views of young women on HPV vaccine communication in four European countries.
Journal Article
Petrova, D., Gray Brunton, C., Jaeger, M., Lenneis, A., Muñoz, R., Garcia-Retamero, R., & Todorova, I. (2015)
The views of young women on HPV vaccine communication in four European countries. Current HIV Research, 13(5), 347-358
The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) and can cause cervical cancer. Two vaccines are available to protect against the most c...
Fluid role boundaries: exploring the contribution of the advanced nurse practitioner to multi-professional palliative care
Journal Article
Brooks Young, P., Kennedy, C., Brooks Young, P., Nicol, J., Campbell, K., & Gray Brunton, C. (2015)
Fluid role boundaries: exploring the contribution of the advanced nurse practitioner to multi-professional palliative care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(21-22), 3296-3305.
Aims and objectives
To evaluate the introduction of Advanced Nurse Practitioners in a specialist, multi-professional palliative care context. The objective is to explore the c...
‘I didn’t think men were affected’: Scottish and Spanish men’s constructions of risks, responsibilities and knowledge in relation to the HPV vaccine.
Presentation / Conference
Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Gray Brunton, C., Gullone, A., Pow, J., Petrova, D., & Garcia-Retamero, R. (2015, July)
‘I didn’t think men were affected’: Scottish and Spanish men’s constructions of risks, responsibilities and knowledge in relation to the HPV vaccine. Paper presented at 9th Biennial International Society of Critical Health Psychology Conference
European vaccine policy predominantly targets preadolescent girls prior to sexual debut in HPV vaccine campaigns. Boys and young men are currently excluded in such single-gend...
Young men’s constructions of the HPV vaccine from the United States: ‘It’s optional but not crucial to health’.
Presentation / Conference
Whittaker, A., Carnegie, E., Todorova, I., & Gray Brunton, C. (2015, July)
Young men’s constructions of the HPV vaccine from the United States: ‘It’s optional but not crucial to health’. Paper presented at 9th Biennial Ineternational Society of Critical Health Psychology Grahamstown, Conference
Since 2011 the United States has licensed the HPV vaccine for use amongst boys and young men. The vaccine is provided through personal health insurance. The aim of this study ...
Negotiating parental accountability in the face of uncertainty for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Journal Article
Gray Brunton, C., McVittie, C., Ellison, M., & Willock, J. (2014)
Negotiating parental accountability in the face of uncertainty for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Qualitative Health Research, 24, 242-253.
Despite extensive research into attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), parents’ constructions of their
children’s behaviors have received limited attention. This is ...