Carol Gray Brunton
Carol Gray Brunton

Dr Carol Gray Brunton BA (Hons) MSc PhD CPsychol AFBPsS FHEA



I am a Lecturer in Health and Social Care Sciences. I am a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow with the British Psychological Society with expertise in qualitative health services research. I am a member of various BPS associated groups including the Division of Academics, Teachers and Researchers in Psychology; Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section; Division of Health Psychology. I am a member of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

My research interests and expertise are as a Qualitative Health Services Researcher across three programmes of research underpinned by revealing marginalised voices:
1) experiences of cancer;
2) professional role identities and service evaluations and;
3) I lead on vaccine confidence/hesitancy

I worked as a postdoctoral research fellow for 5 years at ENU in cancer and public health where I developed my own interests/expertise in vaccine uptake and confidence/hesitancy on a range of childhood vaccine e.g. for MMR, HPV, H1N1 and now for COVID-19 amongst Health & Social Care professionals. I worked as a research assistant for QMU and taught widely in psychology. I have previously worked as a psychology research assistant in the NHS on a range of research projects. I have been involved in service evaluation and consultancy for the NHS and charitable sector (Attention Fife, Macmillan Cancer Support).

I have 15 years' experience of working in Higher Education and have taught widely across undergraduate and postgraduate provision for Inter-professional education including Allied Health Professionals; Psychology; all branches of Nursing; and Business students. Underpinning this teaching is applied health including qualitative heath services research; applied psychology for public health and policy. I have taught at ENU, Queen Margaret University and the Open University.

Since 2019, I worked as the School Research Degrees Lead for over 50 research degrees students in the SHSC and lead and the development and monitor overall progress- for students and provide support for supervisors.

I have presented widely at national and international conferences. I am active in pursuing research funding and in publishing in peer-reviewed journals.

I have supervised doctoral students at PhD level for patient and carers experiences of rare cancers (two completions) and one nearing completion on vaccine confidence for HPV. I am interested in supervising students on experiences of cancer; professional role identities and services; vaccine confidence/hesitancy for HPV or COVID-19.


Research Areas


Conference Organising Activity

  • Gray Bunton, C. (2021, August). Vaccine hesitancy, COVID-19 vaccination and healthcare workers. Snapshots Symposium: Photo-essay Paper presented at International Society of Critical Health Psychology 12th Binennial Conference, Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand (online)
  • Gray Brunton, C., Carnegie, E., Pow, J., Whittaker, A., & Todorova, I. (2017, June). Qualitative, critical and discursive methodology for exploring ambivalence around the HPV vaccine amongst marginalised groups. Poster presented at Sympoisum for the Vaccine Confidence Project, London School of Tropical Medicine: Building trust, managing risk: vaccine confidence and Human Papillomavirus vaccination.
  • Gray Brunton, C., & Carnegie, E. (2017, July). Media and Social Media representations of the HPV vaccine. Paper (Pecha Kucha) presented at 10th Biennial International Society for Critical Health Psychology Conference, Loughborough
  • Gray Brunton, C., & Carnegie, E. (2017, May). Young people, constructions, context and the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and HPV vaccine. Paper presented at International Week, School of Health and Social Care, Global issues in Healthcare
  • Gray Brunton, C., Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Kennedy, C., Hogg, R., Harding, S., …Willis, D. (2016, August). Young men with intellectual disabilities, the HPV vaccine, and constructions of sexual health risk. Paper presented at The 30th joint European Health Psychology Society Conference/British Psychology Society Division of Health Psychology
  • Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Gray-Brunton, C., Kennedy, C., Hogg, R., Pow, J., …Hanif, N. (2016, April). The human papillomavirus and HPV vaccine: accounts from young people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups in Scotland aged 16-26 years. Paper presented at RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2016
  • Gray Brunton, C., Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., & Todorova, I. (2016, August). Critical discursive psychology as methodology for exploring ambivalence around the HPV vaccine amongst marginalised groups. Poster presented at The 30th joint European Health Psychology Society Conference/British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology
  • Symposium Organiser: Whittaker, A., Carnegie, E., Todorova, I., & Gray Brunton, C. (2015, July). Young men’s constructions of the HPV vaccine from the United States: ‘It’s optional but not crucial to health’. Symposium presentation at 9th Biennial International Society of Critical Health Psychology Grahamstown, South Africa. e
  • Symposium Organiser: Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Gray Brunton, C., Gullone, A., Pow, J., Petrova, D., & Garcia-Retamero, R. (2015, July). ‘I didn’t think men were affected’: Scottish and Spanish men’s constructions of risks, responsibilities and knowledge in relation to the HPV vaccine. Symposium presentation at 9th Biennial International Society of Critical Health Psychology Conference, Grahamstown, South Africa.
  • Symposium Organiser: Gray, C., Hogg, R & Kennedy, C (2012). Health literacy and empowerment in child and adolescent vaccination: A qualitative study focusing on the MMR, H1N1 and HPV vaccines. Symposium presentation on Beliefs, Attitudes and dilemmas about Vaccination in a Cross-Cultural Perspective at the 26th European Health Psychology Society Conference, 21-25 August, Prague.
  • Symposium Organiser: Petrova, D., Gray, C., Farver, I., Jaeger, M., Lenneis, A., Parve, K., Patarcic, D., Hogg, R., Todorova, I. & Kennedy, C (2012). Young women’s experiences of the HPV vaccine: A Qualitative, Cross-Cultural Study in Scotland, Serbia, Spain and Bulgaria. Symposium presentation on Beliefs, Attitudes and dilemmas about Vaccination in a Cross-Cultural Perspective at the 26th European Health Psychology Society Conference, 21-25 August, Prague.
  • Kennedy, C., Gray, C., Black, P., Campbell, K & Nicol, J. (2011). ‘Crossing boundaries’: the role of the advanced nurse practitioner in an integrated specialist palliative care service in NHS Tayside. Poster presentation at the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care Conference, 6 October 2011, Edinburgh
  • Kennedy, C., Gray, C., Black, P., Campbell, K. & Nicol, J. (2011). Crossing boundaries: the role of the advanced nurse practitioner in an integrated specialist palliative care service in Scotland. Paper presentation at the European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress, 23-26 Sep, Stockholm
  • Gray, C., McIntosh, P. & Kennedy, C. (2011). More than just a jag? The delivery of childhood vaccinations as an interpersonal over a technical skill. Roundtable discussion at the 2nd International Conference on Compassionate Care, June, Edinburgh
  • Gray, C. & Kennedy, C. (2011). The complexities of trust in the delivery of childhood vaccines in Scotland: A qualitative study. Paper presentation at the 25th European Health Psychology Society Conference; 20-24 Sep; Crete
  • Gray, C. & Kennedy, C. (2010). The discursive construction of risk and responsibility in childhood vaccinations: A qualitative study of parental talk in Scotland. Paper presentation at the 24th European Health Psychology Society Conference; 1-4 Sep; Cluj, Romania
  • Gray, C., Hogg, R. & Kennedy, C. (2010). Occupational boundary work, community nurses and changes to generalist working: A qualitative case study and the implications for patient care. Poster presentation to the Lothian NMAHP Research Framework and Clinical Academic Research Careers Scheme and Edinburgh Health Services Research Unit Launch, 6 May 2010. Edinburgh: Queen’s Medical Institute
  • Kennedy, C., Gray, C., McIntosh, P., Craig, A., Rust, S. & Harden, J. (2010). Exploring stakeholder views for the MMR and HPV vaccines: A qualitative study in progress. Poster presentation to the Lothian NMAHP Research Framework and Clinical Academic Research Careers Scheme and Edinburgh Health Services Research Unit Launch, 6 May 2010. Edinburgh: Queen’s Medical Institute
  • Gray, C., Hogg, R. & Kennedy, C. (2010). Occupational boundary work, community nurses and changes to generalist working: A qualitative case study and the implications for patient care. Poster presentation to the Scottish School of Primary Care Conference; 27-28 April; Crieff, UK
  • Gray, C., Kennedy, C., McIntosh, P., & Hogg, R. (2010) Exploring stakeholder experiences for the MMR and HPV Vaccines: A Qualitative Study in Progress. Oral presentation to the Scottish School of Primary Care Conference; 27-28 April; Crieff, UK
  • Gray, C., Kennedy, C. & Hogg, R. (2009). (Mis)Communication and Context for Childhood Vaccinations: A Role for Critical Health Psychology? Poster presentation for the 6th International Society for Critical Health Psychology,Lausanne, Switzerland, 8-11 July 2009
  • Kennedy, C., McIntosh, P., Hogg, R., Gray, C. & Christie, J. (2009). Beyond the ‘Conveyor Belt’ Experience: Parents and Professional Views of Childhood Immunisation Services in Edinburgh. Poster presentation at the NHS Lothian Best Practice Day/Improving the Quality of the Patient Experience, Edinburgh, 4-5 June 2009
  • Gray, C. (2009). ‘Resisting’ Ritalin: Parental Talk about Treatment Medication in Childhood ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Paper presentation at the 6th International Society for Critical Health Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland, 8-11 July 2009.
  • Gray, C. (2008). Negotiating the 'good parent': Parental talk about their child's ADHD diagnosis. Paper Presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society/11th Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology, 9-12 September, Bath, UK.
  • Kennedy, C., McIntosh, P, Hogg, R., Christie, J & Gray, C. (2008). A Profiling Exercise of Childhood Immunisations Practices in Edinburgh. Poster presentation to NHS Lothian Research Day, 30 October, Edinburgh.
  • Gray, C. (2007). Parent's experiences of their child's ADHD: A Critical Review. Poster Presentation at the 21st Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 15-18 August, Maastricht, Netherlands.


Fellowships and Awards

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (AFBPsS)


Grant Reviewer

  • NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Partnership


Invited Speaker

  • Keynote: Psychosocial constructions of the HPV vaccine amongst young women in Scotland, Spain, Serbia and Bulgaria. 26th September, 2014; Global Health Department and Department of Health Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston.
  • Seminar: Gray, C. The assessment of vulnerability for public health nurses: Mothers and health visitors’ perspectives, with a focus on the Lothian Child Concern Model.Joint Edinburgh Napier University, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care / University of Edinburgh, School of Health in Social Sciences/QMU/NHS Lothian Research Seminar Series , 13th January 2013, NHS Lothian., Waverley Gate
  • Seminar: Gray, C. Exploring Stakeholder views for the MMR and HPV Vaccines: A Qualitative Study in Progress. Joint Edinburgh Napier University, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care / University of Edinburgh, School of Health in Social Sciences Research Seminar Series/QMU/NHS Lothian, 24 June 2010., Edinburgh Napier University
  • Seminar: Gray, C. Parental talk about Ritalin for Childhood ADHD: A Discourse Analysis. Edinburgh Napier University, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care Research Seminar Series, 29th January 2009


Membership of Professional Body

  • Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section (BPS)
  • International Society for Critical Health Psychology Society Member
  • Division of Health Psychology
  • Division of Teachers, Academics and Researchers in Psychology (BPS)
  • Chartered Psychologist (BPS)



  • Reviewed for a number of journals including: Journal of Clinical Nursing; Health; Sociology of Health & Illness; Qualitative Health Research; Psycho-Oncology; Journal of Advanced Nursing; Psychology and Health; BMC Public Health ;


Visiting Positions

  • Visiting Scholar Department of Health Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, US; 7 Sep - 3 Oct 2014
  • Visiting Scholar to Health Psychology Research Centre, Sofia, Bulgaria; 23-30 April 2012.
  • Visiting Research Supervisor, European Federation of Psychology Students,23-31 July 2011, Balaton, Hungary;



48 results

Negotiating parental accountability in the face of uncertainty for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Journal Article
Gray Brunton, C., McVittie, C., Ellison, M., & Willock, J. (2014)
Negotiating parental accountability in the face of uncertainty for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Qualitative Health Research, 24, 242-253.
Despite extensive research into attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), parents’ constructions of their children’s behaviors have received limited attention. This is ...

‘Just that Little Bit of Doubt’: Scottish Parents', Teenage Girls' and Health Professionals' Views of the MMR, H1N1 and HPV Vaccines

Journal Article
Kennedy, C., Gray Brunton, C., & Hogg, R. (2013)
‘Just that Little Bit of Doubt’: Scottish Parents', Teenage Girls' and Health Professionals' Views of the MMR, H1N1 and HPV Vaccines. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine,
Background Parental decision making about childhood vaccinations is complex and the vaccination schedule everchanging. Vaccination may be controversial even in countries with...

Young Women's Constructions of the HPV Vaccine: A Cross-Cultural, Qualitative Study in Scotland, Spain, Serbia and Bulgaria

Journal Article
Gray Brunton, C., Farver, I., Jaeger, M., Lenneis, A., Parve, K., Patarcic, D., …Todorova, I. (2013)
Young Women's Constructions of the HPV Vaccine: A Cross-Cultural, Qualitative Study in Scotland, Spain, Serbia and Bulgaria. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine,
Background: Following international trends, the HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccine was introduced in Europe for protection against infection from common strands of the HPV vi...

Young women’s experiences of the HPV vaccine: A Cross-Cultural, Qualitative Study in Scotland, Spain, Serbia and Bulgaria. EHPS 2012 Abstracts.

Journal Article
Petrova, D., Gray Brunton, C., Farver, I., Jaeger, M., Lenneis, A., Parve, K., …Kennedy, C. (2012)
Young women’s experiences of the HPV vaccine: A Cross-Cultural, Qualitative Study in Scotland, Spain, Serbia and Bulgaria. EHPS 2012 Abstracts. Psychology and Health, 27, 104
Background: Cervical cancer remains one of the most prevalent cancers in the world. The HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Vaccine was introduced for prevention against infection aga...

Supporting the case for “progressive universalism” in health visiting: Scottish mothers and health visitors’ perspectives on targeting and rationing health visiting services, with a focus on the Lothian Child Concern Model

Journal Article
Hogg, R., Kennedy, C., Gray Brunton, C., & Hanley, J. (2012)
Supporting the case for “progressive universalism” in health visiting: Scottish mothers and health visitors’ perspectives on targeting and rationing health visiting services, with a focus on the Lothian Child Concern Model. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22, 240-250.
Aims. To explore parents and professionals’ experience of family assessment in health visiting (public health nursing), with a focus on the Lothian Child Concern Model (LCCM)....

New Horizons in Palliative Nursing: The Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Presentation / Conference
Campbell, K., Gray Brunton, C., Kennedy, B. Y. P., & Nicol, K. (2012, October)
New Horizons in Palliative Nursing: The Advanced Nurse Practitioner. Poster presented at 19th International Congress on Palliative Care, Montreal, Canada

A qualitative study exploring health literacy for child and adolescent vaccination in Scotland. EHPS 2012 Abstracts.

Journal Article
Gray Brunton, C., Hogg, R., & Kennedy, C. (2012)
A qualitative study exploring health literacy for child and adolescent vaccination in Scotland. EHPS 2012 Abstracts. Psychology and Health, 27(sup1), 1-357
Background: Parental decision-making for childhood and adolescent vaccination is complex and health literacy is important. The aim of this study was to explore health literacy...

Three into one don't go

Journal Article
Gray Brunton, C. (2012)
Three into one don't go. Nursing Standard, 26, 69
Attempts to consolidate three specialist community nursing roles into one generalist post in community nursing in Scotland have prompted opposition.

‘New Horizons in Palliative Nursing: The Advanced Nurse Practitioner’.

Presentation / Conference
Kennedy, C., Brooks Young, P., Gray Brunton, C., Campbell, K., & Nicol, J. (2012, January)
‘New Horizons in Palliative Nursing: The Advanced Nurse Practitioner’. Poster presented at 19th International Congress on Palliative Care,

The complexities of trust in the delivery of childhood vaccines in Scotland: A qualitative study

Journal Article
Kennedy, C., & Gray Brunton, C. (2011)
The complexities of trust in the delivery of childhood vaccines in Scotland: A qualitative study. Psychology and Health, 26,
Background: The objective was to explore the challenges for health professionals in delivering controversial vaccines, the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, and newly ...

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • Gray, C. (2007). Parent’s experiences with the services of a holistic charity for children’s attentional difficulties: a Qualitative Evaluation. Report for ATTENTION Fife; Kirkcaldy, June
  • Older men’s talk about health, ill health and help-seeking behaviour; Queen Margaret University.
  • Gray, C. & Schwannauer, M. (2004). Audit and Evaluation of the NW Edinburgh ADHD Project: A Multi-Agency Approach. Report for NHS Lothian

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects