Christine Haddow
Christine Haddow

Dr Christine Haddow

Associate Professor


I am an Associate Professor of Criminology (Learning and Teaching) and Programme Leader for the BA (Hons) Criminology degree at Edinburgh Napier University. In my role as Programme Leader I am responsible for enhancing the programme to deliver an excellent student experience, supporting and coordinating module leaders, strategic planning, management and review. I am currently module leader for Violence and Society, Violence and Society (Hong Kong), and Criminal Justice in Practice, and contribute to a range of other undergraduate and postgraduate modules. I am an Employability Lead for the Social Sciences Subject group. In 2018 I received an Above and Beyond ‘Inspiring Leadership’ award in relation to these roles. In 2021 I became the School Academic Lead for Curriculum Design for the School of Applied Sciences, supporting the implementation and development of the ENhance curriculum framework. In this role I continue to lead capacity building initiatives to enhance learning and teaching practice at school and university level.

I have led and contributed to a number of learning and teaching related projects and innovations. Since 2018 I have been a leader of the QAA Scotland Enhancement Themes sector cluster on Programme Leadership, and have led and presented at roundtable and webinar events, and produced outputs to support programme leaders. I also supported, and led the evaluation of, ENU’s institutional Enhancement Themes work on Community and Belonging at university and have published and presented on this work at national and international conferences. I am a member of the Centre for Higher Education Research at Edinburgh Napier University , and the British Society of Criminology Learning and Teaching Network steering group, leading on the award of national prizes for L&T excellence. I gained HEA Fellowship in 2016 and HE Senior Fellowship in 2022.

I have extensive experience of programme development, having supported several new programmes including: MSc Applied Criminology and Forensic Psychology; BSc (Hons) Policing and Criminology; MBA (Criminal justice); MSc in Social Research. I have been external peer for several validation/revalidation events. I am currently the external examiner for London South Bank University’s suite of criminology programmes.

In my disciplinary research, I am passionate about understanding and giving a voice to the lived experiences of those with convictions. In criminology, my areas of expertise include: experiences of imprisonment; mental health; violence; masculinities; desistance; justice involved veterans. My skills and experience are in qualitative research, particularly with vulnerable populations and in institutional settings. I led 2 funded (Edinburgh Napier and Carnegie Trust) projects exploring the lived experience of veterans in custody in Scotland and have disseminated this work at international conferences, and policy and practice focused knowledge exchange events. I am an academic link in the National Veterans in Custody Support Officer network. More recently, I completed 2 funded projects (Scottish Funding Council and Criminal Justice Volunteer Sector Forum) which explored the experiences of 3rd sector criminal justice organisations during the Covid-19 pandemic. I am currently Co-I on a funded pilot project which applies participatory action research approaches to teaching social research methods to people in custody in the Scottish Prison Service, and the RELEASE project (Chief Scientist Office funded) exploring mental health and substance use care and support after prison.

Research Areas


Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Invited to join Veterans Scotland: Veterans in the Criminal Justice System Working Group
  • Invited to Stanley Prison, Hong Kong, for knowledge exchange about violence treatment and prevention
  • Invited to join cluster leadership group for QAA Scotland Enhancement Themes: Sector Cluster on Enhancing Support for Programme Leaders
  • Invited to join Scottish Prison Service National Veterans in Custody Support Officer (VICSO) meetings as academic link
  • Chair: Learning and Innovation Workshop Improving Outcomes for Community Justice: Health


Conference Organising Activity

  • Webinar Series Co-Organiser: QAA Enhancement Themes Collaborative Cluster on Programme Leadership
  • Event Coordinator and Chair: Veterans in Custody in Scotland Stakeholder Event
  • Roundtable Series Co-Organiser: QAA Enhancement Themes Collaborative Cluster on Programme Leadership
  • Chair: Violent Crime Panel, British Society of Criminology Conference


External Examining/Validations

  • Validation of BA Criminology, Psychology and Social Justice, External Peer, University of Roehampton/Croydon College
  • Revalidation of BSc (hons) Criminology programme suite, External Peer, London South Bank University
  • Validation of BSc (Hons) Criminology with Journalism, External Peer, London South Bank University
  • Validation of MSc Applied Management of Offending Behaviour, External Peer, Edgehill University
  • External Examiner for Criminology programme suite, London South Bank University


Fellowships and Awards

  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Above and Beyond Award: Inspiring Leadership
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Invited Speaker

  • Invited Webinar: Australasian Services Care Network Military Transitions Seminar Series
  • Invited Webinar for QAA Scotland: Creating Cultures of Enhancement, Supporting Programme Leadership
  • Invited Panel Member: QAA Exploring Student Surveys event


Media Activity

  • Radio Panel Discussant: BBC Radio Scotland, Good Morning Scotland, 05/10/2021
  • Radio Panel Discussant: BBC Radio Scotland, Good Morning Scotland, 20/03/2021


Membership of Professional Body

  • British Society of Criminology Learning and Teaching Network
  • Associate Member: Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research



  • Journal Reviewer: Journal of Public Mental Health
  • Manuscript Proposal Reviewer: Routledge Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • Journal Reviewer: Scottish Affairs
  • Journal Reviewer: International Journal of Forensic Mental Health



31 results

Exploring the Data Landscape from the Programme Leaders’ Perspective

Working Paper
Haddow, C. (2019)
Exploring the Data Landscape from the Programme Leaders’ Perspective
Abstract not available.

A Collaborative Approach to Enhancing Undergraduate Employability at Programme Level

Presentation / Conference
Haddow, C. (2019, February)
A Collaborative Approach to Enhancing Undergraduate Employability at Programme Level. Paper presented at Programme Leadership Collaborative Cluster Roundtable, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow
No abstract available.

Identity, Shame and Pride: Exploring Desistance for Ex-Military Personnel in Custody in Scotland

Presentation / Conference
Haddow, C. (2018, July)
Identity, Shame and Pride: Exploring Desistance for Ex-Military Personnel in Custody in Scotland. Paper presented at British Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Birmingham City University

Exploring opportunities for desistance from crime for ex-Military personnel in custody in the Scottish Prison Service

Presentation / Conference
Haddow, C. (2018, March)
Exploring opportunities for desistance from crime for ex-Military personnel in custody in the Scottish Prison Service. Paper presented at Redesigning Justice: Promoting civil rights, trust and fairness international conference

Power and research: a qualitative approach to understanding the relationship between major mental illness, masculinity and violence

Digital Artefact
Haddow, C. (2018)
Power and research: a qualitative approach to understanding the relationship between major mental illness, masculinity and violence. [Sage Research Methods Case Study]
This case study reflects on research which explored the relationship between major mental illness and masculinity in the context of violent offending behavior. Studies which e...

Beyond criminal justice: connecting justice and sustainability

Journal Article
Hallenberg, K. M., & Haddow, C. (2016)
Beyond criminal justice: connecting justice and sustainability. Law Teacher, 50(3), 352-370.
The potential of higher education in advancing sustainability has been widely accepted and even partly realised, although a wholesale reorientation of core activities and curr...

Beyond Major Mental Illness: Comparing the Life Histories of Patients and Prisoners

Presentation / Conference
Haddow, C. (2016, July)
Beyond Major Mental Illness: Comparing the Life Histories of Patients and Prisoners. Paper presented at British Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK
Major mental illness is often perceived to be the cause of and solution to violence by mentally disordered individuals. In spite of this, much research has demonstrated the li...

An exploration of the impact of embedding ESD in the criminological curriculum

Presentation / Conference
Haddow, C., & Hallenberg, K. (2016, January)
An exploration of the impact of embedding ESD in the criminological curriculum. Paper presented at Teaching Fellows Conference, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh
Purpose The spark for the project was of personal and professional nature for myself and my former colleague Dr Katja Hallenberg. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) “...

Identity, Transitions and Support: Processes of Desistance Among Ex-Military Personnel in Custody. Report for the Scottish Prison Service

Haddow, C., Winterton, M., & Morrison, K. (2021)
Identity, Transitions and Support: Processes of Desistance Among Ex-Military Personnel in Custody. Report for the Scottish Prison Service. Carnegie Trust/Scottish Prison Service

The Challenge of Community and Belonging: In-Depth Evaluation for QAA Scotland

Haddow, C., & Brodie, J. (2020)
The Challenge of Community and Belonging: In-Depth Evaluation for QAA Scotland. QAA Scotland/Edinburgh Napier University

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • ESRC +3 PhD Scholarship: Patient and Prisoner Experiences: Major Mental Illness and Masculinity in the Context of Violent Offending Behaviour

Current Post Grad projects