Christos Chrysoulas
christos chrysoulas

Dr Christos Chrysoulas



Dr. Christos Chrysoulas received his Diploma and his Phd in Electrical Engineering from the University of Patras in 2003 and 2009 respectively. During his Phd (2004-2009) and PostDoc studies (2010-2015) his research was focused on Smart Grids, IoT, Industrial Automation, Machine Learning, Big Data, E-Learning systems, Computer Networks, High Performance Communication Subsystems Architecture and Implementation, Wireless Networks, Service Oriented Architectures (SOA), Resource Management and Dynamic Service Deployment in New Generation Networks and Communication Networks, Grid Architectures, Semantics, and Semantic Grid. He joined CISTER Research Center, Porto, as an invited Researched in 2013. He joined University of Porto as Post-Doc Research fellow in 2014 and from July 2015 he was with the University of Essex, holding a Senior Officer Researcher position. From September 2017 till January 2020, he was holding a Lecturer’s position in Software Engineering in the London South Bank University, UK. Currently is holding a Lecturer’s position in Software Engineering in the Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland, UK.
The outcome of this effort was properly announced in more than 50 technical papers in these areas. Dr. Christos Chrysoulas also participated as Senior Research/Engineer in both European and National Research Projects.


To disseminate research findings, Christos have published over 50 peer-reviewed papers. Apart from the above dissemination activities I have given several invited talks at other UK universities, international venues, and industry as follow:
- Chrysoulas, C., (2022). “GLASS: Towards a de centralized E Governance Model.” ICISS 2022, The 5th International Conference on Information Science and Systems. August 2022
- Chrysoulas, C., (2022). “Predictive maintenance approaches and how can potentially be used for the SOH for batteries and more” as part of the GXUST – ENU Research Collaboration Action. March 2022
- Chrysoulas, C., (2019). “Machine Learning in Communication Networks.” University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
- Chrysoulas, C., (2018). “IEC 61499 and what it is good for.” International Conference on Industrial Internet of Things and Smart Manufacturing IoTSM 2018, 5-6 September 2018, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Christos received the "Leading Light Innovation" 2022 award at the Scottish Cybersecurity Awards as the CO-PI for the GLASS EU Project.

Also received the Best presentation award for the ICISS 2021 conference.


Christos has also contributed to the organisation of major scientific events. Christos actively participating in organising high impact conferences. During his Ph.D., he had the opportunity to serve as session chair for a plethora of Conferences like IWAN '05, CSNDSP '06, WEBIST '07. It was a great opportunity not only to gain
experience in such a role but also to interact with high-esteem members of the scientific community. As a Postdoctoral researcher (2013-2014), Christos worked for the Centre of Real Time and Embedded Computing Systems (Portugal) in the pioneering "ARROWHEAD: Enable collaborative automation by networked embedded devices" Artemis European project in the area of Smart Grids and Energy harvesting and transporting, worth 60 million pounds. There he had the opportunity to work closely with pioneering academics and scientists, like Prof. Jerker Delsing and Prof. Valeriy Vyatkin. Also, as a Postdoctoral researcher (2014-2015), Christos worked on the "HIPA: High Integrity Process Automation”, COMPETE European Program, with world known Academics like Prof. Alois Zoitl and Prof. Luis Almeida. From July 2015 till August 2017, Christos was working as a Postdoctoral researched in the University of Essex with Prof. Maria Fasli (holder of the prestigious UNESCO Chair in Analytics and Data Science) in the area of Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.
Christos served as the Local Arrangements Co-chair for the 2021 4th ACM International Conference on Information Science and Systems, that took place in Edinburgh. Christos have also been serving as an organizing and program committee member of major international conferences (INFOCOM, SIGCOM, ICC, RTCSA, ETFA, INDIN, WFCS, etc.)


* GLASS: SinGLe Sign-on eGovernAnce paradigm based on a distributed file exchange network for Security, transparency, cost effectiveness and truSt (EU, 2021 – 2024), co-PI
* PROFEEDBACK COST Action-funded project (EU, 2021 - 2025), PI


* SWAM: Smart WAter Management System, (Internal fund, 2021), PI
* CATALYST: Improving community services for vulnerable people, (Higher Education Funding Council for England , 2015 - 2019), Researcher
* ARROWHEAD : Enable collaborative automation by networked embedded devices. Artemis European Project (2013-2016), Researcher


Conference Organising Activity

  • - Local Arrangements co-Chair for the 2023 6th ACM International Conference on Information Science and Systems
  • - Local Arrangements co-Chair for the 2021 4th ACM International Conference on Information Science and Systems


Editorial Activity

  • - Topical Advisory Panel for the Journal of Imaging
  • - Associate Editor - International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications


Fellowships and Awards

  • "Leading Light Innovation" award at the Scottish Cybersecurity Awards for the GLASS_H2020_EU project.
  • - Best presentation award for the ICISS 2021 conference
  • - Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Fellow since 2020)


Invited Speaker

  • - Predictive maintenance approaches and how can potentially be used for the SOH for batteries and more (2022)
  • - Machine Learning in Communication Networks, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal (2019)
  • - International Conference on Industrial Internet of Things and Smart Manufacturing IoTSM (2018)


Membership of Professional Body

  • - ACM Member
  • - IEEE Member



  • - IEEE Access
  • - Electronics - MDPI
  • - Energies - MDPI
  • - Symmetry - MDPI
  • - Sensors - MDPI
  • - Education - MDPI
  • - Sustainability - MDPI
  • - Journal of Network and Computer Applications - Elsevier
  • - Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (MICPRO) - Elsevier
  • - Wiley International Journal of Network Management



55 results

GLASS: Towards Secure and Decentralized eGovernance Services using IPFS

Conference Proceeding
Chrysoulas, C., Thomson, A., Pitropakis, N., Papadopoulos, P., Lo, O., Buchanan, W. J., …Tsolis, D. (2022)
GLASS: Towards Secure and Decentralized eGovernance Services using IPFS. In Computer Security. ESORICS 2021 International Workshops.
The continuously advancing digitization has provided answers to the bureaucratic problems faced by eGovernance services. This innovation led them to an era of automation, broa...

An exploratory qualitative study of middle managers' lived experiences in contribution to strategic alignment at a public university

Conference Proceeding
Kachale, T., Demeke, W., Chrysoulas, C., & Romdhani, I. (in press)
An exploratory qualitative study of middle managers' lived experiences in contribution to strategic alignment at a public university. In Information Systems and Technologies: WorldCIST 2023 Volume 1
This study draws attention to less studied areas of middle management role in business strategy formulation, information strategy formulation, and their alignment in developin...

A security and authentication layer for SCADA/DCS applications

Journal Article
Homay, A., Chrysoulas, C., El Boudani, B., de Sousa, M., & Wollschlaeger, M. (2021)
A security and authentication layer for SCADA/DCS applications. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 87, Article 103479.
Mid 2010, a sophisticated malicious computer worm called Stuxnet targeted major ICS systems around the world causing severe damages to Siemens automation products. Stuxnet pro...

Evaluating Tooling and Methodology when Analysing Bitcoin Mixing Services After Forensic Seizure

Presentation / Conference
Young, E. H., Chrysoulas, C., Pitropakis, N., Papadopoulos, P., & Buchanan, W. J. (2021, October)
Evaluating Tooling and Methodology when Analysing Bitcoin Mixing Services After Forensic Seizure. Paper presented at International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry (ICDABI) 2021 - (DATA'21), Online
Little or no research has been directed to analysis and researching forensic analysis of the Bitcoin mixing or 'tumbling' service themselves. This work is intended to examine ...

Towards An SDN Assisted IDS

Conference Proceeding
Sutton, R., Ludwiniak, R., Pitropakis, N., Chrysoulas, C., & Dagiuklas, T. (2021)
Towards An SDN Assisted IDS. In 2021 11th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS)
Modern Intrusion Detection Systems are able to identify and check all traffic crossing the network segments that they are only set to monitor. Traditional network infrastructu...

Launching Adversarial Attacks against Network Intrusion Detection Systems for IoT

Journal Article
Papadopoulos, P., Thornewill Von Essen, O., Pitropakis, N., Chrysoulas, C., Mylonas, A., & Buchanan, W. J. (2021)
Launching Adversarial Attacks against Network Intrusion Detection Systems for IoT. Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy, 1(2), 252-273.
As the internet continues to be populated with new devices and emerging technologies, the attack surface grows exponentially. Technology is shifting towards a profit-driven In...

Programming Languages: A Usage-based Statistical Analysis and Visualization

Conference Proceeding
Orlowska, A., Chrysoulas, C., Jaroucheh, Z., & Liu, X. (2021)
Programming Languages: A Usage-based Statistical Analysis and Visualization. In ICISS 2021: 2021 The 4th International Conference on Information Science and Systems (143-148).
Understanding the popularity, and its trend, of programming languages can be important to anticipate which languages are best studied for future use, which are widely supporte...

A Traffic Analysis on Serverless Computing Based on the Example of a File Upload Stream on AWS Lambda

Journal Article
Muller, L., Chrysoulas, C., Pitropakis, N., & Barclay, P. J. (2020)
A Traffic Analysis on Serverless Computing Based on the Example of a File Upload Stream on AWS Lambda. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 4(4),
The shift towards microservisation which can be observed in recent developments of the cloud landscape for applications has led towards the emergence of the Function as a Serv...

Review and Critical Analysis of Privacy-preserving Infection Tracking and Contact Tracing

Journal Article
Buchanan, W. J., Imran, M. A., Ur-Rehman, M., Zhang, L., Abbasi, Q. H., Chrysoulas, C., …Papadopoulos, P. (2020)
Review and Critical Analysis of Privacy-preserving Infection Tracking and Contact Tracing. Frontiers in Communications and Networks,
The outbreak of viruses have necessitated contact tracing and infection tracking methods. Despite various efforts, there is currently no standard scheme for the tracing and tr...

Implementing Deep Learning Techniques in 5G IoT Networks for 3D Indoor Positioning: DELTA (DeEp Learning-Based Co-operaTive Architecture)

Journal Article
El Boudani, B., Kanaris, L., Kokkinis, A., Kyriacou, M., Chrysoulas, C., Stavrou, S., & Dagiuklas, T. (2020)
Implementing Deep Learning Techniques in 5G IoT Networks for 3D Indoor Positioning: DELTA (DeEp Learning-Based Co-operaTive Architecture). Sensors, 20(19),
In the near future, the fifth-generation wireless technology is expected to be rolled out, offering low latency, high bandwidth and multiple antennas deployed in a single acce...

Current Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • - Measuring Behavioural Intention to Accept Autonomous Vehicles: A Structural Equation Model