David Muggeridge
david muggeridge

Dr David Muggeridge



Dr David Muggeridge is a Lecturer in Exercise Physiology at Edinburgh Napier University and the Research Degrees Lead for the School of Applied Sciences. He is part of the sport, exercise and health research group and teach across the sport and exercise science programmes. He is currently the module leader for Intermediate Exercise Physiology (Level 9) and contributes to Foundations of sport and Exercise science (level 7), Introduction to Exercise Physiology (level 8) and Advanced Exercise Physiology (Level 10).

David graduated from his undergraduate B.Sc with Honours in Sport Science at Kingston University in 2011. He subsequently completed his Ph.D in Exercise Physiology at University of the West of Scotland in 2015, investigating the influence of dietary nitrate supplementation and UV-A light exposure on parameters of exercise in healthy adult males. Postdoctoral and research fellow positions followed in the area of cardiovascular and digital health with focus on measurement, physical activity and exercise and their relation to human physiology.

Dr Muggeridge's research at the university is primarily focussed within the Centre for Cardiovascular Health. He is currently leading research into the effects of sunlight exposure and seasonal variation in vascular function. He currently supervises a PhD project exploring the Seasonal Utilisation of Nitric Oxide, funded by the School of Applied Sciences and School of Health and Social Care. Dr Muggeridge also supports additional projects, including leading research with Hibernian Football club and as a Co-investigator for the SCAD Recovery project, funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing.

David is an active member of the Physiological Society and is the ENU University Rep to the society.



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • COST VascAgeNet


Conference Organising Activity

  • Conference organiser and committee member - Scottish Cardiovascular Forum


Grant Reviewer

  • The Physiological Society


Membership of Professional Body

  • The Physiological Society University Representative
  • The Physiological Society Full Member



  • Journal of Applied Physiology
  • Scientific Reports
  • International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
  • Sports Medicine
  • Nutrients
  • Nitric Oxide



29 results

Reduced nitric oxide synthesis in winter: A potential contributing factor to increased cardiovascular risk

Journal Article
Liddle, L., Monaghan, C., Burleigh, M. C., Baczynska, K. A., Muggeridge, D. J., & Easton, C. (2022)
Reduced nitric oxide synthesis in winter: A potential contributing factor to increased cardiovascular risk. Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry, 127, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.niox.2022.06.007
Background Nitric oxide is a key signalling molecule that elicits a range of biological functions to maintain vascular homeostasis. A reduced availability of nitric oxide is i...

Clinical and health economic evaluation of a post-stroke arrhythmia monitoring service

Journal Article
Muggeridge, D., Callum, K., Macpherson, L., Howard, N., Graune, C., Megson, I., …Leslie, S. J. (2022)
Clinical and health economic evaluation of a post-stroke arrhythmia monitoring service. British Journal of Cardiology, 29(2), 46-51. https://doi.org/10.5837/bjc.2022.015
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a major cause of recurrent stroke and transient ischaemic attack (TIA) in the UK. As many patients can have asymptomatic paroxysmal AF, prolonged a...

Exercise decreases PP2A-specific reversible thiol oxidation in human erythrocytes: Implications for redox biomarkers

Journal Article
Muggeridge, D. J., Crabtree, D. R., Tuncay, A., Megson, I. L., Davison, G., & Cobley, J. N. (2022)
Exercise decreases PP2A-specific reversible thiol oxidation in human erythrocytes: Implications for redox biomarkers. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 182, 73-78. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2022.02.019
New readily accessible systemic redox biomarkers are needed to understand the biological roles reactive oxygen species (ROS) play in humans because overtly flawed, technically...

Does Connected Health Technology Improve Health-Related Outcomes in Rural Cardiac Populations? Systematic Review Narrative Synthesis

Journal Article
Fraser, M. J., Gorely, T., O’Malley, C., Muggeridge, D. J., Giggins, O. M., & Crabtree, D. R. (2022)
Does Connected Health Technology Improve Health-Related Outcomes in Rural Cardiac Populations? Systematic Review Narrative Synthesis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19042302
Individuals living in rural areas are more likely to experience cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and have increased barriers to regular physical activity in comparison to those i...

Accuracy of Wrist-Worn Photoplethysmography Devices at Measuring Heart Rate in the Laboratory and During Free-Living Activities

Conference Proceeding
Giggins, O. M., Doyle, J., Sojan, N., Moran, O., Crabtree, D. R., Fraser, M., & Muggeridge, D. J. (2021)
Accuracy of Wrist-Worn Photoplethysmography Devices at Measuring Heart Rate in the Laboratory and During Free-Living Activities. In 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)https://doi.org/10.1109/embc46164.2021.9629522
This study compared heart rate (HR) measurements taken from two wrist-worn devices; the Empatica E4 and the Apple Watch Series 5, to that taken from a Polar H10 chest strap. T...

CD34+ progenitors are predictive of mortality and are associated with physical activity in cardiovascular disease patients

Journal Article
Muggeridge, D., Dodd, J., & Ross, M. D. (2021)
CD34+ progenitors are predictive of mortality and are associated with physical activity in cardiovascular disease patients. Atherosclerosis, 333, 108-115. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2021.07.004
Background and aims Circulating progenitor cells (CPCs) play an important role in vascular repair and can influence cardiovascular (CV) health and longevity. Exercise is known...

Validity of the iPhone M7 Motion Coprocessor to Estimate Physical Activity During Structured and Free-Living Activities in Healthy Adults

Journal Article
Thomson, N. K., McMichan, L., Macrae, E., Baker, J. S., Muggeridge, D. J., & Easton, C. (2021)
Validity of the iPhone M7 Motion Coprocessor to Estimate Physical Activity During Structured and Free-Living Activities in Healthy Adults. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, 4(3), 212-219. https://doi.org/10.1123/jmpb.2020-0067
Modern smartphones such as the iPhone contain an integrated accelerometer, which can be used to measure body movement and estimate the volume and intensity of physical activit...

Measurement of Heart Rate Using the Polar OH1 and Fitbit Charge 3 Wearable Devices in Healthy Adults During Light, Moderate, Vigorous, and Sprint-Based Exercise: Validation Study

Journal Article
Muggeridge, D. J., Hickson, K., Davies, A. V., Giggins, O. M., Megson, I. L., Gorely, T., & Crabtree, D. R. (2021)
Measurement of Heart Rate Using the Polar OH1 and Fitbit Charge 3 Wearable Devices in Healthy Adults During Light, Moderate, Vigorous, and Sprint-Based Exercise: Validation Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 9(3), https://doi.org/10.2196/25313
Background: Accurate, continuous heart rate measurements are important for health assessment, physical activity, and sporting performance, and the integration of heart rate me...

Clinical application of physical-activity monitoring in patients with CIEDs

Journal Article
Callum, K., Muggeridge, D. J., Giggins, O. M., Crabtree, D. R., Gorely, T., & Leslie, S. J. (2020)
Clinical application of physical-activity monitoring in patients with CIEDs. British Journal of Cardiology, 27, 115-118. https://doi.org/10.5837/bjc.2020.035
Regular physical activity for secondary prevention in cardiovascular disease has many well-recognised benefits, with declines in physical activity being associated with worsen...

Venous occlusion during blood collection decreases plasma nitrite but not nitrate concentration in humans

Journal Article
Liddle, L., Burleigh, M. C., Monaghan, C., Muggeridge, D. J., & Easton, C. (2020)
Venous occlusion during blood collection decreases plasma nitrite but not nitrate concentration in humans. Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry, 102, 21-27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.niox.2020.06.001
Background: To maintain vascular tone and blood flow when tissue oxygenation is reduced, nitrite anions are reduced to nitric oxide (NO). From a practical perspective, it is u...

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • 1385AG : Feasibility testing of wearable cardiac monitoring technologies
  • SiHealth - NaturAgeing
  • Lenus Digital Health Platform
  • Assessing snap40's health monitoring solution amongst healthy adults (ASHMANA)

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • Miss Nikki Thomson