Elizabeth Aston
Elizabeth Aston

Dr Elizabeth Aston Director, Scottish Institute for Policing Research



I am the Director of the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) and a Professor of Criminology at Edinburgh Napier University. I was appointed by the Cabinet Secretary for Justice to establish and Chair an Independent Advisory Group on Emerging Technologies in Policing (2020-2023). I am the co-editor of Palgrave's Critical Policing Studies Series and on the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Policing Studies. I sit on the International Advisory Board of the ESRC Vulnerability and Policing Futures Centre and the N8 Policing Research Partnership. I am on the Governance Board of the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit, and a member of various Police Scotland advisory/reference groups, including the Drug Strategy Board and previously the Naloxone Delivery Steering Group.

My research expertise centres on local policing with a current focus on both technology in policing and the intersect between policing and health. In 2021 I was awarded an ESRC Open Call Grant as PI for a three year project, INTERACT (Investigating New Types of Engagement, Response and Contact Technologies in Policing) and I am a Co-I on the EPSRC funded 3PO project 'Protecting Public Facing Professionals and their Dependents Online'. I was also a Co-I on 'Researching and developing key components of a new Scottish Drug Checking service' and an advisor on the Evaluation of the Police Carriage of Naloxone Pilot in Scotland.

I have a strong record of collaborative research on policing both in Scotland and in Europe, and am experienced in knowledge exchange and building strong research-practitioner relationships. In addition to organising various SIPR conferences and events I was on the Program Committee of the International Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health 2019. I have delivered various invited keynote /plenary presentations e.g. the North-South Criminology Confernece, Flemish Centre for Policing and Security and the Catalan Institute of Security. In addition to academic publications (in the European Journal of Criminology, Policing and Society etc.) I have written for The Conversation, been featured on TV by the BBC and STV, and quoted by the Washington Post, Financial Times and others..

I was co-lead for the the Governance Working Group in the European Police Stops COST Action (2018-2021) and lead editor on our edited collection, Governing Police Stops Across Europe. I have conducted research on stop and search in Scotland, and was an active member of Police Scotland’s National Stop Search Unit ‘Research, Evaluation and Operational Review Group’. I was a joint work package leader on ‘Unity’, a €4.6 million Horizon 2020 EC funded project on Community Policing, technology and co-operation between the police and public.

Prior to my SIPR role I was Head of Social Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University, Depute Programme Leader for the MSc Applied Criminology and Forensic Psychology, and Programme Leader for BA (Hons) Criminology. Edinburgh Napier University was rated the 2nd top modern university in the UK for criminology in the Times Good University Guide 2024.

Prior to joining Edinburgh Napier University in 2011, I held a SIPR Postdoctoral Research position at the Centre for Criminal Justice and Police Studies, the University of the West of Scotland (UWS). I have also worked as a Researcher at the Medical Research Council’s Social and Public Health Sciences Unit at the University of Glasgow. My ESRC CASE award PhD was linked to ‘The Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime’.

My research interests centre on intersections between criminal justice and other policy areas such as health, e.g. policing and drug use. My expertise lies in local policing and I have conducted research on the relationship between substance use and offending; community policing; stop and search; local policing in Scotland; youth diversionary projects; policing of drugs. I am involved in research on local policing, public confidence, visibility and engagement (including online) and the role of technology in policing. I would welcome applications from prospective PhD students interested in any of the above policing topics.


Research Areas



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • International Advisory Board for VUB 'Criminology of the Other' Strategic Research Programme
  • Research Advisory Group for Policing Drug Markets project
  • International Research Advisory Board for Clarus Horizon project
  • Invited member & Depute Chair of International Advisory Board of ESRC Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research Centre
  • Written submission on policing of drugs in Scotland to Scottish Parliament's Criminal Justice Commitee
  • Written submission to Justice Sub-Committee on Policing -parliamentary inquiry report on Facial Recognition, quoted 2020
  • Invited member of NHS Health Scotland 's 'Public Health Approach to Justice' Monitoring and Evaluation Advisory Group for 'Rights Respect & Recovery'
  • Invited member of Police Scotland Drug Strategy Board
  • Chair of Independent Advisory Group on New and Emerging Technologies in Policing (appointed by Scottish Government)
  • Invited member of Operation TALLA Information Collation, Assurance and Liaison (OpTICAL) Function (Police Scotland)
  • Invited member of the Governance Board of the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit
  • Invited member of Police Scotland's Naloxone Delivery Steering Group
  • Invited member of Scottish Police Authority and Police Scotland joint Research Forum
  • Invited member of International Advisory Board of the N8 Policing Research Partnership
  • Police Scotland’s Public Confidence Steering Group member
  • Chair of Digital Cyber Kiosks External Reference Group, Police Scotland
  • Local Approaches to Policing Expert Reference Group, Police Scotland
  • NSSU Stop and Search Reference Group member, Police Scotland
  • Invited Program Committee member International Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health
  • SIPR Police Community Relations Brokering Team
  • Police Scotland Research and Evaluation Operational Review Group (REORG) on Stop and Search


Conference Organising Activity

  • Co-organiser SIPR/SCCJR guest talk 'Policing our Climate Crisis: reflections on the 2019-20 Black Summer Bushfires in Australia
  • Invited Chair of Government Events' Digital Policing Conference 2024 (online)
  • Co-organiser of SIPR/SCCJR academic event on Race and Racism in Policing
  • Police Stops Book Launch event, Brussels
  • Co-organiser 'SIPR & Norway Postgraduate Student Knowledge Exchange'
  • Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference Umea Sweden, SIPR sponsored Networking Event
  • Northern Police Research Webinar Series
  • Co-Organiser, 3PO Multi-stakeholder Symposium on Protecting Public Facing Professionals and their dependents Online
  • Invited Chair of Future Scot Digital Justice and Policing Conference 2023
  • Chair & co-organiser of Scottish Drug Checking project webinar
  • International Conference on Police Stops Across Europe
  • Session chair at North South Criminology Conference 2023, Dublin
  • Co-organiser, SIPR guest talk 'Police use of Force, pain and compliance and ocular trauma: the relevance of less lethal weapons'
  • Organiser, SIPR event on 'Using restorative practices to build understanding and relationships between police and minority ethnic communities.'
  • SIPR Postgraduate Symposium 2023
  • Chair of plenary panel discussion at SIPC with Cabinet Secretary, Chief Constable of Police Scotland, SPA & HMICS
  • Organiser of panel on 'INTERACT: Investigating New Types of Engagement, Response and Contact Technology in Policing' at the European Society of Criminology Conference 2023
  • Co-Director, Scottish International Policing Conference 2023 'Community Wellbeing & Safety: Building Partnerships in Policing
  • Co-organiser of Drug Checking in Scotland end of project event
  • Chair of Police Foundation & SIPR Seminar three: ‘How do we get serious about crime and harm prevention?’
  • Organising Committee Scottish International Policing Conference 2022 on Contemporary Policing Demand: Enhancing Capacity, Capability and Resilience
  • Police Foundation & SIPR Seminar four on Legitimacy and Public Confidence
  • Police Foundation & SIPR Seminar five: the future police workforce
  • Co-organiser & discussant at Police Foundation and SIPR Seminar two on 'Police Governance in Scotland'
  • Police Foundation & SIPR 'Policing in the 21st Century Seminar Series': seminar one on Organisational Reform
  • Organised & chaired panel on Police Stops at European Society of Criminology Conference 2020
  • Directed and Chaired SIPR Event on the Future of Policing (online 2020)
  • Hosted SIPR/ENU Webinar on deliberative democratic ideals with Dr Nick Bland
  • Director of the Scottish International Policing Conference 2019 on Digital Policing
  • Session organiser and Chair at Scottish International Policing Conference 2019 on Digital Policing
  • Organised and Chaired a Panel 'Governing police stops: a comparative approach' European Society of Criminology Conference, Ghent , September 2019
  • Invited panellist at Digital Justice Scotland 2018, in a session on innovative solutions for police forces, chaired by Henry McLeish, , 26th September 2018.
  • Co-Director with Inga Heyman of the Scottish International Policing Conference 2018 on Policing and Public Health
  • Co-organiser & contributor ‘Research into Practice’ SIPR-Police University College Finland (POLAMK) two-day event: day 1 Education, day 2 prevention, March 2018.
  • Session Chair and Organiser at Scottish International Policing Conference 2018,
  • Organised a SIPR a two day SIPR visit from 10 researchers from BRA, the Swedish National Crime Prevention Council, Economic and Organised Crime Division.
  • Program & Organising Committee International Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference 2019
  • Organised 'Power, Policy and Practice' A Research Showcasing Event for Social Sciences and Psychology. February 2017
  • Chaired and co-organised a panel on ‘Developing Police Practice through Evidence: success stories and barriers’ at the SIPR International Policing Conference Policing and Professionalisation, December, 2017.
  • Invited Chair of plenary discussion at Social Media and Community Policing Conference, Munich
  • Invited Chair of ‘People and Organisational Development’ workshop at the Scottish International Policing Conference 'Policing: Localism in a globalising world'
  • Chairing of Lothian and Borders Community Justice Authority Learning and Innovation Workshops


Editorial Activity

  • Invited co-editor of EJPS Special Issue on Policing in a Digitalized World
  • Invited to Editorial Board of the European Journal of Policing Studies
  • Lead editor for collection on Governing Police Stops Across Europe
  • Invited Series Editor for 'Palgrave's Critical Policing Studies'


External Examining/Validations

  • External Examiner for PhD thesis, Leeds University
  • Invited External Examiner for PhD thesis University of Bath
  • Invited External Specialist, Northumbria University Approvals Panels for Graduate Diploma in Professional Policing Practice (DHEP) – Durham Constabulary & Northumbria Police
  • Invited External on Validation of Masters Policing Programme at Dutch Policing Academy


Fellowships and Awards

  • Fellowship of Higher Education Academy


Grant Funding Panel Member

  • Chair of Award Panel for SIPR Responsive Research Fund on Anti-Racism in a Policing Context
  • Invited Award Panel member, UKRI Policy Fellowships
  • Chair of Award Panel for International Summer School for Policing Scholars SIPR Travel Grants
  • SIPR Leverage Fund awards
  • Chair of Award Panel, SIPR Future of Policing Grants
  • Public Protection SIPR Grant Award Panel
  • Seldom Heard Communities SIPR/PS/SPA Grant Award Panel
  • Invited Grant Award Panel Chair, Policing Authority, Ireland
  • Scottish Justice Fellow applications (Scottish Government) Grant Review Panel
  • Chair of SIPR Grant Award Panels (Annual Grants, PhD Studentships etc.)


Grant Reviewer

  • Invited ESRC Grant reviewer
  • ESRC Peer Review College member
  • Invited reviewer, UKRI Policy Fellowships
  • Evaluator & Reporter for BELSPO, federal Ministry of Science Policy BRAIN-be 2.0 research programme
  • Invited reviewer for National Science Centre Poland
  • Review of grants for Police Scotland Invitations to Tender
  • Review of Scottish Justice Fellow applications (Scottish Government)
  • Review of SIPR Annual Grants, PhD studentships and other grants
  • Invited to review for European Commission COST Action awards
  • invited reviewer for ESRC End of Award and Impact Grants


Invited Speaker

  • Invited talk on Investigating New Types of Engagement, Response and Contact Technologies at VUB, Brussels
  • Invited speaker at Irish CORD Partnership workshop 'Learning from research partnerships internationally'
  • Invited plenary on SIPR at Irish North-South Criminology Conference 2023
  • Invited presentation to French Embassy delegation on stop and search 'Visite Cour des Comptes'
  • SIPR presentation to Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee
  • Invited panel member on 'Things I wish I'd known as an ECR Roundtable' at Police Working Group of the European Society of Criminology pre-conference
  • SIPR presentation to SPA Policing Policing Performance Committee
  • Invited to speak about the Independent Advisory Group on Emerging Technologies in Policing at SPA/Police Scotland Joint Research and Evidence Forum event on Emerging Technologies in Policing
  • Invited keynote on 'Digital Justice' at Scottish Associate for the Study of Offending Conference 2021
  • Invited plenary speaker 'organisational change & organisational justice' at Police Foundation seminar on the impact of organisational reform: Police Scotland eight years on
  • Invited contribution to SPA/Police Scotland Joint Research & Evidence Forum Performance Benchmarking event
  • Invited Aston & McVie 'Current research & evidence using policing data & statistics' SPA/Police Scotland Joint Research & Evidence Forum Event on The use of policing data and statistics in public discourse
  • Invited plenary speaker on 'Policing Academic Partnerships' at N8 Policing Research Partnership Conference 2020
  • Invited keynote 'Legitimacy and Technology' at 'Street Policing in Smart Societies' Flemish Centre for Policing and Security 30th Anniversary Conference, Ghent, September 2019
  • Invited keynote speaker on 'Policing Research and Education in Scotland' at the International Police Education Conference, London Policing College, December 2019
  • Invited to present ‘SIPR and the role of research in policy and practice’ to the Scottish Community Safety Network’s Chairs and Leads event ‘Making the case for community safety’ , May 2019.
  • Invited to present ‘SIPR and Knowledge Exchange in Scotland’ to the Police University College Finland school seminar series, Tampere Finland, February 2019
  • Invited to speak at the inaugural Postgraduate event at the International Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference, 2019
  • Invited plenary on 'Public Confidence and Enforcement and Engagement Methods' at Institute for Public Security Catalonia's 300th Anniversary Conference 'Present and Future of the Police Force', September 2019
  • ‘Methods of visible policing & public confidence: a review of evidence’ invited presentation to Police Scotland’s Public Confidence Steering Group, 18th July 2018.
  • Invited to be a panellist at a RIO Researcher Skills Forum event on developing your career (2018)
  • Invited to present Unity in a session on 'Community Engagement' at the Canterbury Centre for Policing Research's Annual Conference 'Taming the Wicked: the Role of Partnerships' in June 2018
  • Invited presentation 'Information Sharing and Community Policing in Europe: the Unity project' at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium 'Models for Successful Policing' in June 2018
  • Invited guest lecture ‘Community Policing in Europe: Unity’ at Northumbria University
  • Invited Discussant ‘Placing prevention in a new landscape of partnership and governance perspective’ at the Edinburgh Executive Sessions in Policing on ‘Scottish and New Zealand Perspectives on Policing and Prevention: the challenges of innovation, implementation and evaluation’
  • Invited presentation 'Community Policing in Europe: Unity findings on Communication'. SIPR Scotland-Sweden Comparative workshop on 'Local Policing: perspectives on public confidence, local governance and community engagement. to National Swedish Council for Crime Prevention
  • Invited key panel presentation ‘A comparative analysis of current community policing in Europe’, Social Media and Community Policing Conference, Munich
  • Invited presenter & chair ‘Community Policing in comparative perspective’ at the Edinburgh Executive Sessions in Policing on ‘The challenges of localism within national policing arrangements: the Netherlands and Scotland in comparative perspective’
  • Invited presentation ‘A successful Horizon 2020 funding bid: Enhancing cooperation between law enforcement agencies and citizens - Community Policing’ at SIPR Workshop ‘Horizon 2020 and Opportunities within SIPR’
  • Invited presentation ‘Developing an Evidence Base for Local Policing in Scotland’, Scottish Institute for Policing Research and George Mason University Research Symposium
  • Invited plenary ‘Local Policing in Scotland: a case study approach’ Scottish Institute for Policing Research Annual Conference


Media Activity

  • Coverage of ETIAG Final Report in print in Times, Scotsman, Evening News and online in Evening Standard, Independent, The Times, Ireland Live, Irish News, 22nd February 2023
  • Naloxone evaluation report featured online in BBC, STV, Independent, Mail Online, Police Professional, Glasgow Times, The National, Belfast Telegraph, This is Local London, Planet Radio, North Edinburgh News 18th February 2022
  • Naloxone in Police Scotland Evaluation Report featured in print editions of the Herald, the Times, Scottish Daily Mail, 18th February 2022
  • The Scotsman & Evening News features reporting on new ESRC grant INTEARCT awarded to Liz Aston as PI, 11th February 2021
  • digit.fyi featured new ESRC project INTERACT awarded to Aston as PI, 12th February 2021
  • 'Police administer anti-overdose drug just two hours after completing training' Police Carriage of Naloxone Research mentioned in Evening Telegraph, Herald, STV, BBC Online, Evening Express, Clyde One, Police Life Scotland, BBC Scotland News, Glasgow Life, Head Topics, 11 March
  • The Scottish Sun: Aston central commentator in an exploration of potential crime issues under lockdown conditions 5th April 2020 pg. 8 & online
  • Washington Post -Aston quoted in: 'Defund the police? Other countries have narrowed their role and boosted other services' 14th June 2020
  • The Herald featured Liz Aston's appointment as chair of new independent advisory group, 11th September 2020
  • BBC World Service Radio Interview on 'Community policing: a more holistic approach to law enforcement', 10th June 2020
  • The National -quoted in a feature by Karin Goodwin ‘Scottish Government warned police laws ‘not fit for purpose’ in a digital age’. 8th Devember, 2019.
  • Commonspace ‘Suppression of draft reports alleging corruption in Police Scotland indicative of lack of accountability, expert says’ [Liz Aston quoted 1st May 2018]
  • Financial Times Liz Aston quoted in 'Police Scotland chief constable faces new probe’ 31st January
  • Edinburgh Evening News ‘Drunkenness blamed over surge in city rape reports’ [Liz Aston quoted], 29 May 2018
  • Quoted in Edinburgh Evening News ‘Cyber Sex Crimes on the Rise Across Edinburgh’ by Andy Shipley 23rd November 2018.
  • BBC News TV interview with Liz Aston on policing of hate crime, featured on 6pm BBC news, 10 o’clock news and radio Scotland News Drive, 14th November 2018.
  • STV news and Scotland Tonight: Liz Aston TV interview for extended news report on policing of Paedophile Hunters 10/09/18
  • Edinburgh Evening News ‘New stats show crime falling across Capital’ Liz Aston commentary for the feature, 31 July 2017.
  • BBC News ‘Praise for Police Scotland stop and search changes’, 22 February 2017,
  • The Herald, ‘Nicola Sturgeon urged to take action on stop and search’, 25 June 2015,
  • The Herald, ‘Experts criticise promotion in schools of police stop and search’, 19 June 2015,
  • The Scotsman, ‘Police stop and search should be “last resort”’, 19 June 2015
  • BBC News, ‘Report says stop-and-search should be “last resort”’, 19 June 2015,
  • The Herald, ‘Lib Dems question police stop-and-search schools project’, 7 August 2015,


Membership of Professional Body

  • Scottish Centre for Criminal Justice Research, member
  • Scottish Safer Communities Network member
  • Drug Research Network Scotland member
  • European Society of Criminology
  • Member of Scottish Institute for Policing Research


Non-executive Directorship

  • Director of Scottish Institute for Policing Research


Public/Community Engagement

  • Organised 'Improving the Governance & Practice of Police Stops' workshop online with international audience (pracititioners, academics & public)
  • Organised and presented at SIPR & DRNS) Knowledge Exchange event on Approaches to Policing of Drugs
  • Invited interview on Visible Policing Podcast (2019)
  • Invited presentation at Soroptimists Dunfermline for International Women’s day 2019 to 100+ members of the public.
  • Invited panelist 'Seizing the Future: Police Scotland's powers to seize and examine electronic devices'' Open Rights Group Scotland Conference, October, 2019



  • Reviewer for European Journal of Policing Studies
  • Contemporary Drug Problems peer reviewer
  • Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing invited peer reviewer
  • International Journal of Police Science and Management invited peer reviewer
  • Evidence and Policy invited peer reviewer
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice invited peer reviewer
  • International Journal of Drug Policy invited peer reviewer



87 results

Scottish Institute for Policing Research Annual Report 2021/22

Aston, E., & Craig, M. (2022)
Scottish Institute for Policing Research Annual Report 2021/22. Edinburgh: SIPR

Challenges for drug checking services in Scotland: a qualitative exploration of police perceptions

Journal Article
Falzon, D., Aston, E. V., Carver, H., Masterton, W., Wallace, B., Sumnall, H., …Parkes, T. (2022)
Challenges for drug checking services in Scotland: a qualitative exploration of police perceptions. Harm Reduction Journal, 19(1), Article 105. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12954-022-00686-6
Background The impact of policing practices on the engagement of people who use drugs (PWUD) with harm reduction services is well evidenced. Although the police have tradition...

Challenges for drug checking services in a Scottish context: a qualitative exploration of police perceptions

Journal Article
Falzon, D., Aston, E. V., Carver, H., Masterson, W., Wallace, B., Sumnall, H., …Parkes, T. (2022)
Challenges for drug checking services in a Scottish context: a qualitative exploration of police perceptions. Harm Reduction Journal, 19, Article 105. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12954-022-00686-6
Background The impact of policing practices on the engagement of people who use drugs (PWUD) with harm reduction services is well evidenced. Although the police have tradition...

A Realist Review of How Community-Based Drug Checking Services Could Be Designed and Implemented to Promote Engagement of People Who Use Drugs

Journal Article
Masterton, W., Falzon, D., Burton, G., Carver, H., Wallace, B., Aston, E. V., …Parkes, T. (2022)
A Realist Review of How Community-Based Drug Checking Services Could Be Designed and Implemented to Promote Engagement of People Who Use Drugs. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), Article 11960. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191911960
With rising numbers of drug-related deaths in the UK and globally, exploration of interventions that seek to reduce drug-related harm is essential. Drug checking services (DCS...

'‘You’ve been framed’: Interactional Frames and Technologically-Mediated contact in Policing

Presentation / Conference
Aston, E. (2022, September)
'‘You’ve been framed’: Interactional Frames and Technologically-Mediated contact in Policing. Paper presented at 22nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Malaga, Spain

Research Briefing on the policing and legal challenges of the proposed drug checking services in Scotland

Falzon, D., Aston, E., Carver, H., & Parkes, T. (2022)
Research Briefing on the policing and legal challenges of the proposed drug checking services in Scotland. Scottish Government

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: Stop and Search case study (in 'Scotland's Research Contribution to National and International Challenges')

Aston, E. (2022)
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: Stop and Search case study (in 'Scotland's Research Contribution to National and International Challenges'). Edinburgh: Scottish Funding Council

Naloxone In Police Scotland: Pilot evaluation

Hillen, P., Speakman, E., Dougall, N., Heyman, I., Murray, J., Jamieson, M., …McAuley, A. (2022)
Naloxone In Police Scotland: Pilot evaluation. Edinburgh: Drug Deaths Taskforce, Scottish Government
This report describes the independent findings of an evaluation of a Police Scotland test of change (pilot) of the carriage and administration of naloxone as an emergency firs...

‘Virtual policing’, trust and legitimacy

Book Chapter
Bradford, B., Aston, E., O'Neill, M., & Wells, H. (2022)
‘Virtual policing’, trust and legitimacy. In J. Terpstra, R. Salet, & N. R. Fyfe (Eds.), The Abstract Police: Critical reflections on contemporary change in police organisations (213-238). Eleven International Publishing
Increasing technological mediation of police-public contact is a significant trend in UK policing. Members of the public are increasingly likely to encounter policing in ways ...

Newly Recruited Research Fellow – Estelle Clayton – Completes the INTERACT Team

Clayton, E., & Aston, E. (2022)
Newly Recruited Research Fellow – Estelle Clayton – Completes the INTERACT Team. [Blog post]

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • Lanarkshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership ‘Development of a treatment process and effectiveness model in South Lanarkshire addiction services’. Professor David Best (PI) and Dr Elizabeth Aston (Co-I) (£59,876)
  • Lanarkshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership, ‘Development of a Well-being Self Evaluation Tool for young people in Lanarkshire’. Professor David Best (PI) and Dr Elizabeth Aston (Co-I), (£18,735)

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • Anna Sierka ‘Exploring the mechanisms underpinning the relationships among trauma, substance use and offending in Scottish incarcerated women’. MRes student Dr Liz Aston (DOS) and Prof Thanos Karatzias, 2013- 2015.
  • Dr Yvonne Hail Local Policing in Transition: Examining the Impacts and implications of Police Reform in Scotland