The Associations between Talent Development Environments and Psychological Skills in Iranian Youth Athletes: A Variable and Person-centred Approach
Journal Article
Martindale, R., Li, C., Andronikos, G., Jafari, M., & Badami, R. (in press)
The Associations between Talent Development Environments and Psychological Skills in Iranian Youth Athletes: A Variable and Person-centred Approach. International Sport Coaching Journal / ISCJ,
The environment plays a significant role in the development of talent athletes. A big part of this is preparing athletes with the psychological skills to cope and thrive throu...
German version of the Talent Development Environment Questionnaire (TDEQ-5)
Journal Article
Alfermann, D., Lobinger, B., Nesges, O., Martindale, R., & Andronikos, G. (in press)
German version of the Talent Development Environment Questionnaire (TDEQ-5). German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research,
The quality of the talent development environment and how it supports youth athletes has been identified as one major factor of success. Nonetheless, in psychological talent a...
An investigation of the talent development pathway in Scottish female football
Journal Article
Simpson, D., Martindale, R. J., Travlos, A., Souglis, A., & Andronikos, G. (2022)
An investigation of the talent development pathway in Scottish female football. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 53(3), 218-241.
Literature in Talent Development (TD) for female sports is sparse and as- sumes applicability from existing male TD research. The purpose of this study was to gain an understa...
The effect of proprioceptive training on technical soccer skills in female soccer
Journal Article
Souglis, A. G., Travlos, A. K., & Andronikos, G. (in press)
The effect of proprioceptive training on technical soccer skills in female soccer. International journal of Sports Science and Coaching,
Development of perceptual-cognitive motor skills is a crucial factor influencing soccer training and competition. The aim of the study was to examine the effects of neuromuscu...
Relationship between Sibling Characteristics and Talent Development
Journal Article
Mackenzie, K., Andronikos, G., Travlos, A., Souglis, A., Fountain, H., English, C., & Martindale, R. J. J. (2022)
Relationship between Sibling Characteristics and Talent Development. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(3), 741-748.
Objective/Background: Parents have been shown to be highly influential in the development of sporting talent, however the relationship between sibling characteristics and tale...
Investigating the reasons for dropping out by competitive artistic gymnastics
Journal Article
Swan, I., Souglis, A., & Andronikos, G. (2022)
Investigating the reasons for dropping out by competitive artistic gymnastics. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(1), 55-66.
Objective/Background: Taking part in sport can help decrease the risk of children developing obesity and related diseases in an enjoyable way, yet 35% of children dropout from...
Effect of weight restriction strategies in judokas
Journal Article
Gordon, Y., Souglis, A., & Andronikos, G. (2021)
Effect of weight restriction strategies in judokas. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(6), 3394-3404.
Objective/Background: Prior to and surrounding a Judo competition athletes manipulate Body Mass (BM) to gain a theoretical advantage when competing against a weaker opponent u...
Investigating the Impact of Early Specialization on Career Progression in Football
Journal Article
Morrice, E., & Andronikos, G. (2021)
Investigating the Impact of Early Specialization on Career Progression in Football. International Journal of Sport and Society: Annual Review, 12(2), 167-184.
The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between early specialization and career progression in football (soccer). Young footballers are often motivated to spec...
Factors contributing to the quality of the junior-to-senior transition in Greek athletes
Journal Article
Andronikos, G., Westbury, T., Brazo-Sayavera, J., Olivares, P. R., & Martindale, R. J. J. (in press)
Factors contributing to the quality of the junior-to-senior transition in Greek athletes. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology,
The aim of this study was to investigate which factors contribute to the quality of the junior-to-senior transition (JST) which includes adjustment to senior level, sport and ...
Relationship between the talent development environment and motivation, commitment, and confidence
Journal Article
Andronikos, G., Souglis, A., & Martindale, R. J. J. (2021)
Relationship between the talent development environment and motivation, commitment, and confidence. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(1), 208-217.
Introduction: Examining the influence of the talent development environment on athletes is crucial for understanding sport participation and the identifying the characteristic...