Hazel McPhillips
hazel mcphillips

Mrs Hazel McPhillips MSc, BN, RN, V300 prescriber, FHEA



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Coordinator - EMSB: British Burns Association
  • NES: Advanced Practice Toolkit user group
  • NES: Assessment of Capacity
  • Associate Coordinator - EMSB: British Burns Association


External Examining/Validations

  • External panel member - validation event (Robert Gordon University)
  • External Examiner - University of Liverpool


Fellowships and Awards

  • Nominee Student Nominated Excellence Awards
  • Fellow Higher Education Academy


Invited Speaker

  • University of the Philippines Manila
  • Mental Welfare Commission Scotland / NES
  • NETNEP 2022 8th International Nurse Education Conference
  • Royal College of Psychiatrists Annual Conference 2021
  • Project Lift - Community Hosted Conversations (National Education for Scotland)


Media Activity

  • STV News - NHS retention/recruitment


Membership of Professional Body

  • Member of Nursing and Midwifery Council



  • Reviewer 13th International Council of Nurses Nurse Practitioner / Advanced Practice Nurse Network Conference
  • Journal of Research in Nursing
  • NIHR evidence reviewer



9 results

Exploring the Barriers to Advanced Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care in the United Kingdom

Presentation / Conference
McPhillips, H., & Brown, E. (2023, November)
Exploring the Barriers to Advanced Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care in the United Kingdom. Poster presented at NHS Lothian Research Conference, Edinburgh

Referring to other members of the multidisciplinary team

Book Chapter
McPhillips, H. (in press)
Referring to other members of the multidisciplinary team. In B. Hill, & A. Mitchell (Eds.), Non–Medical Prescribing at a Glance. Wiley

Building Relationships

Book Chapter
McPhillips, H. (in press)
Building Relationships. In B. Hill, & A. Mitchell (Eds.), Non-Medical Prescribing at a Glance. Wiley

Equality, diversity, and inclusion

Book Chapter
McPhillips, H. (in press)
Equality, diversity, and inclusion. In B. Hill, & A. Mitchell (Eds.), Non–Medical Prescribing at a Glance. Wiley

Critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning for advanced clinical practitioners in sexual health

Journal Article
McPhillips, H., Wood, A. F., & Smith, J. (2022)
Critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning for advanced clinical practitioners in sexual health. British Journal of Nursing, 31(10), 534-540. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2022.31.10.534
This article provides an overview of key areas within sexual health examination, diagnosis and treatment options for advanced clinical practitioners (ACPs) working outside thi...

Consultation and clinical assessment for advanced clinical practitioners in sexual health

Journal Article
McPhillips, H., & Wood, A. F. (2022)
Consultation and clinical assessment for advanced clinical practitioners in sexual health. British Journal of Nursing, 31(9), 478-481. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2022.31.9.478
Sexual health is a very important aspect of patient wellbeing, but it is a topic health professionals still find challenging within patient consultations. The incidence of sex...

Critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning when advanced practitioners assess and treat skin conditions

Journal Article
McPhillips, H., Wood, A. F., & Harper-McDonald, B. (2021)
Critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning when advanced practitioners assess and treat skin conditions. British Journal of Nursing, 30(22), 1278-1286. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2021.30.22.1278
Advanced clinical practitioner (ACP) roles require a broad range of knowledge of both medical and surgical medicine and the ability to work autonomously in a variety of settin...

Conducting a consultation and clinical assessment of the skin for advanced clinical practitioners

Journal Article
McPhillips, H., Wood, A. F., & Harper-McDonald, B. (2021)
Conducting a consultation and clinical assessment of the skin for advanced clinical practitioners. British Journal of Nursing, 30(21), 1232-1236. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2021.30.21.1232
Advanced clinical practitioner (ACP) roles require a broad range of knowledge of both medical and surgical areas and the ability to work autonomously in a variety of settings....

Commentary: Hyperacute stroke and the specialist nursing impact: exploring the cause and context of feelings of secondary traumatic stress – a qualitative inquiry

Journal Article
McPhillips, H. (2022)
Commentary: Hyperacute stroke and the specialist nursing impact: exploring the cause and context of feelings of secondary traumatic stress – a qualitative inquiry. Journal of Research in Nursing, 27(4), 355-356. https://doi.org/10.1177/17449871211019062
Abstract not available.