Into the Black Box: Mining Variable Importance with XAI
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hunter, K., Thomson, S. L., & Hart, E. (2025, April)
Into the Black Box: Mining Variable Importance with XAI. Presented at Evostar 2025, Trieste, Italy
Recent works have shown that the idea of mining search spaces to train machine learning models can facilitate increasing understanding of variable importance in optimisation p...
Evolving Staff Training Schedules using an Extensible Fitness Function and a Domain Specific Language
Conference Proceeding
Urquhart, N., & Hunter, K. (2024)
Evolving Staff Training Schedules using an Extensible Fitness Function and a Domain Specific Language. In S. Smith, J. Correia, & C. Cintrano (Eds.), Applications of Evolutionary Computation (83–97).
When using a meta-heuristic based optimiser in some industrial scenarios, there may be a need to amend the objective function as time progresses to encompass constraints that ...