Kenny Crossan
Kenny Crossan

Dr Kenny Crossan

Associate Professor


Lecturer in Economics, Edinburgh Napier University (From September 2005)
o Programme leader, MSc Investment Promotion and Economic Development
o Programme leader, MSc Business and Management (Singapore)
o Depute programme leader, BA (hons) Economics with Management
o Member of the Faculty Research Degree Management Group
o Member of the Faculty Research and Knowledge Transfer Committee
o PhD Programme leader, The Business School.
o Research led, SOE subject group.
o Module leader for Economics of Business Strategy (blended and distance learning – UK/Singapore/ Hong Kong).
o Module leader for Regional Economics and Financial planning (Distance learning)
o I currently supervise four PhD students and two DBA students ( 3 completions)

Editor: NUBS research paper series
Academic Advisor: Edinburgh Napier Journal of Finance and Economics (student journal)

Research Areas



Editorial Activity

  • Advisory Board member: Interdisciplinary journal of Economics and Business Law.
  • Academic Advisor: Edinburgh Napier Journal of Finance and Economics (student journal)


External Examining/Validations

  • External examiner: University of Kent
  • External Examiner: University of Plymouth
  • External Examiner: Sheffield Hallam University
  • External Examiner: Anglia Ruskin University
  • External Examiner: Leeds Metropolitan University
  • External Assessor: Advanced Diploma in Finance; Advanced Diploma in Finance (Investment)- Hong Kong University (SPACE)
  • External panel member for validation of BA (hons) Economics, University of Northampton


Fellowships and Awards

  • Follow of the High Education Academy
  • Highly Commended Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013


Invited Speaker

  • WS Society Charity conference 2018 “Responsible business practices for the third sector in Scotland”


Media Activity

  • Interview with the National newspaper
  • Interview for article in the New Statesman
  • TV interview with STV news, corporate governance in Ranger Football Club (October 16th, 2013)


Research Degree External Examining

  • DBA External examiner, Heriot-Watt University, “Strategic repositioning of Export Promotion Organisations in Ghana: A framework for the internationalisation of SMEs.”
  • PhD External examiner, Plymouth University, " An Examination and Analysis of Bank Corporate Governance Regulation in The Gambia: A Grounded Theory Approach"



  • Reviewer: Interdisciplinary journal of Economics and Business Law
  • Reviewing: Managerial Finance
  • Reviewer: Studies in Economics and Finance
  • Reviewer: Journal of Small Business Management
  • Reviewer: Small Business Economics
  • Reviewer: Journal of Small Business and Enterprise
  • Reviewer: Corporate Governance
  • Reviewer:Managerial and Decision Economics
  • Reviewer: International Review of Financial Analysis
  • Reviewer: Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics


Visiting Positions

  • ERASMUS lecturer, Warsaw School of Economics.



39 results

A review of the influence of corporate governance on the banking crises in the United Kingdom and Germany

Journal Article
Ross, A. G., & Crossan, K. (2012)
A review of the influence of corporate governance on the banking crises in the United Kingdom and Germany. Corporate governance : the international journal of business in society, 12(2), 215-225.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of corporate governance structures in the UK and Germany addressing the extent to which corporate governance stru...

How accurate are VAT registrations as a measure of entrepreneurship?: A spatial analysis of Scotland and its regions

Journal Article
Ross, A. G., Crossan, K., & Juleff, L. (2012)
How accurate are VAT registrations as a measure of entrepreneurship?: A spatial analysis of Scotland and its regions. Local Economy, 27(3), 279-296.
Comparing VAT registration data with Scottish Clearing Bank Statistics on new start-up activity we assess the extent to which VATregistration data reflect the general level of...

The effects of a seperation of ownership from control on UK listed firms: an empirical analysis

Journal Article
Crossan, K. (2011)
The effects of a seperation of ownership from control on UK listed firms: an empirical analysis. Managerial and Decision Economics, 32, 293-304.
There has been a wide‐ranging debate concerning the effects of the separation of management and ownership of large firms. Given recent issues concerning corporate remuneration...

A holistic model of governance for SMEs

Presentation / Conference
Crossan, K., & Henschel, T. (2011, December)
A holistic model of governance for SMEs. Paper presented at BAFA South East Area Group Annual Conference
No abstract available.

The Theory of the Firm and Corporate Governance.

Crossan, K. (2009)
The Theory of the Firm and Corporate Governance. Lambert Academic Publishing
In order to test the theory of the firm and alternative theories of firm behaviour, primary data was collected from 310 managers of UK-based firms. This primary data was then ...

Key corporate governance indicators and their relation to the decision to profit maximize

Journal Article
Crossan, K. (2009)
Key corporate governance indicators and their relation to the decision to profit maximize. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 21,

The effects of a separation of ownership from control

Presentation / Conference
Crossan, K. (2009, June)
The effects of a separation of ownership from control. Paper presented at Business and economics society conference
No abstract available.

The effects of a separation of ownership from control on UK listed firms

Presentation / Conference
Crossan, K. (2008, June)
The effects of a separation of ownership from control on UK listed firms. Paper presented at Business and economics society conference
No abstract available.

The Effects of a Separation of Ownership from Control on UK Listed Firms: An Empirical Analysis

Working Paper
Crossan, K. The Effects of a Separation of Ownership from Control on UK Listed Firms: An Empirical Analysis

Crossan, K. The Effects of a Separation of Ownership from Control on UK Listed Firms: An Empirical Analysis
No abstract available.

A Test of the Validity of the Theory of the firm

Presentation / Conference
Crossan, K. (2007, December)
A Test of the Validity of the Theory of the firm. Paper presented at 4th International Symposium economy and business 2007
Np abstract available.

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • DBA supervisor at UWTSD