Mary Abboah-Offei
mary abboah offei

Dr Mary Abboah-Offei



Dr. Abboah-Offei is a Lecturer in Public Health in the School of Health and Social Care. She received her PhD in Palliative care from King's College London where she developed a person-centred intervention for people living with HIV/AIDS and tested the feasibility of recruitment and retention using the MRC framework for developing and evaluating complex interventions. She then completed 15 months of postdoctoral research at the University of York, working on global health projects in Kenya and Ghana funded by the British Academy for Improving Early Childhood Development in Urban Slums and the MRC for Health System Strengthening respectively. Dr Abboah-Offei then joined the School of Health and Life Sciences at the University of the West of Scotland, lecturing in Professional Health Studies (including Introduction to Palliative Care, Supporting People Facing Loss, Quality Improvement and Safety in Health and Social Care and Health and Wellbeing Across the Life Span), and joined Edinburgh Napier University in 2022.

Research Supervision: Dr. Abboah-Offei has supervised and co-supervised undergraduate and postgraduate student projects in the fields of public health, nursing and palliative care.

Teaching: Dr. Abboah-Offei has delivered lectures, tutorials and workshops to undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and clinician as well as achieved the status of Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.



Fellowships and Awards

  • Best Poster Award
  • Best Poster Award
  • Fellowship of Higher Education Academy


Grant Reviewer

  • NIHR Expert Review: Harnessing routinely collected data for timely healthcare decisions in LMICs amidst pandemics
  • NIHR Expert Review: Strengthening anaemia policy interventions in LMICS: A collaborative approach to equitable healthcare


Media Activity

  • Featured in a BBC interview on "What's like to care for the dying"



  • BMJ Open - Healthcare providers’ experiences of caring for people living with HIV/AIDS in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: A descriptive phenomenological study
  • Nursing Open - Experiences of foreign nurses in East Asian healthcare establishments to build diversity in interpersonal relationships: Empirical research qualitative
  • HIV Research & Clinical Practice - Staff perspectives on the feasibility of the person-centered care assessment tool (PCC-AT) in HIV treatment settings in Ghana: A mixed-methods study
  • Health Research Policy and Systems - "Flying a plane and building it at the same time" Lessons learned from the dynamic implementation of mass vaccination clinics in the Region of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
  • Taylor & Francis Group - Predictors of face mask use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia: Application of the health belief model, psychological distress and health motivation
  • Health Research Policy and Systems - Mapping the Way: Functional Modelling for Community Based Integrated Care for Older People
  • BMJ Open - Why urban communities from low-income and middle-income countries participate in public and global health research: protocol for a scoping review
  • Health Research Policy and Systems - A Health Technology Assessment of COVID-19 vaccination for Nigerian decision-makers: identifying stakeholders to support evidence uptake
  • BMJ Open: Exploring the syndemic interaction between social, environmental, and structural contexts of HIV infection in peri-mining areas in South Africa: A qualitative study
  • AIDS Care - Perceived Facilitators and Barriers Towards Willingness to Use Couples HIV Testing and Counselling among Heterosexual Couples in the United States
  • Health Research Policy and Systems - Scaling up tobacco cessation within TB programmes: findings from a multi-country, mixed methods, implementation study
  • Health Research Policy and Systems - Effects of Incentives-based Population Policies on Sustainability of China's Recent Maternity Insurance System Reform: A System Dynamics Simulation
  • Environmental Engineering Science - Reusable face coverings and resiliency in COVID-19 pandemic
  • BMJ Open - Understanding the experiences and perception of people living with HIV on integrative traditional East Asian medicine management in Korea: an interview protocol for qualitative research
  • AIDS Care - Development, Implementation and Dissemination: Couples and Parent-Child Communication Workshops in Zambia



18 results

Experiences and perceptions of men following breast cancer diagnosis: a mixed method systematic review

Journal Article
Abboah-Offei, M., Bayuo, J., Salifu, Y., Afolabi, O., & Akudjedu, T. N. (2024)
Experiences and perceptions of men following breast cancer diagnosis: a mixed method systematic review. BMC Cancer, 24, Article 179.
Background: Men with breast cancer experience unique physical and emotional challenges. However, a thorough understanding of these experiences including the psychosocial effec...

Predictors of quality of childcare centers in low-income settings: findings from a cross-sectional study in two Nairobi slums

Journal Article
Nampijja, M., Langat, N., Oloo, L., Okelo, K., Muendo, R., Kiyeng, M., …Elsey, H. (2023)
Predictors of quality of childcare centers in low-income settings: findings from a cross-sectional study in two Nairobi slums. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, Article 1163491.
Background: Rapid urbanization and increased women’s involvement in paid work have contributed to the upsurge of informal childcare centers, especially in low-income settings ...

Improving early childhood development in the context of the nurturing care framework in Kenya: A policy review and qualitative exploration of emerging issues with policy makers

Journal Article
Abboah-Offei, M., Amboka, P., Nampijja, M., Owino, G. E., Okelo, K., Kitsao-Wekulo, P., …Elsey, H. (2022)
Improving early childhood development in the context of the nurturing care framework in Kenya: A policy review and qualitative exploration of emerging issues with policy makers. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, Article 1016156.
Introduction: The Nurturing Care Framework (NCF) describes “nurturing care” as the ability of nations and communities to support caregivers and provide an environment that ens...

An integrative review of the use of the concept of reassurance in clinical practice

Journal Article
Akyirem, S., Salifu, Y., Bayuo, J., Duodu, P. A., Bossman, I. F., & Abboah‐Offei, M. (2022)
An integrative review of the use of the concept of reassurance in clinical practice. Nursing Open, 9(3), 1515-1535.
Aim To synthesize evidence on the concept of reassurance in nursing practice. Design Integrative review. Review Method PubMed, OVID MEDLINE, CINAHL and PsycINFO were searche...

COVID-19 and palliative care capacity, African Region

Journal Article
Afolabi, O., Abboah-Offei, M., Namisango, E., Chukwusa, E., Oluyase, A., Luyirika, E., …Nkhoma, K. (2021)
COVID-19 and palliative care capacity, African Region. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 99(8), 542-542A.

Adapting the Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) to engage poor urban communities in Ghana: protocol for a participatory action research study

Journal Article
Abboah-Offei, M., Gyasi Darkwa, A., Ayim, A., Ansah-Ofei, A. M., Dovlo, D., Awoonor‐Williams, J. K., …Elsey, H. (2021)
Adapting the Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) to engage poor urban communities in Ghana: protocol for a participatory action research study. BMJ Open, 11(7), Article e049564.
Introduction: With rapid urbanisation in low-income and middle-income countries, health systems are struggling to meet the needs of their growing populations. Community-based ...

Do the Clinical Management Guidelines for Covid-19 in African Countries Reflect the African Quality Palliative Care Standards? A Review of Current Guidelines

Journal Article
Afolabi, O. A., Abboah-Offei, M., Namisango, E., Chukwusa, E., Oluyase, A. O., Luyirika, E. B., …Nkhoma, K. (2021)
Do the Clinical Management Guidelines for Covid-19 in African Countries Reflect the African Quality Palliative Care Standards? A Review of Current Guidelines. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 61(5), e17-e23.
Context Palliative care should be a component of COVID-19 management to relieve suffering, improve patient outcomes and save cost. Objectives We aimed to identify and critica...

A rapid review of the use of face mask in preventing the spread of COVID-19

Journal Article
Abboah-Offei, M., Salifu, Y., Adewale, B., Bayuo, J., Ofosu-Poku, R., & Opare-Lokko, E. B. A. (2021)
A rapid review of the use of face mask in preventing the spread of COVID-19. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, 3, Article 100013.
Introduction The original use of face masks was to help protect surgical wounds from staff-generated nasal and oral bacteria. Currently governments across the world have insti...

Do person-centred models of care delivered in the community improve outcomes for people living with HIV/AIDS? A systematic review of the evidence

Presentation / Conference
Abboah-Offei, M., Bristowe, K., Abas, M., Higginson, I., & Harding, R. (2020, October)
Do person-centred models of care delivered in the community improve outcomes for people living with HIV/AIDS? A systematic review of the evidence. Poster presented at 11th EAPC World Research Congress Online, Online
Background/aims: In 2018, an estimated 37.9 million people globally were living with HIV. These people often experience physical, psychological, social and spiritual symptoms ...

Do the clinical management guidelines for Covid-19 in African Countries reflect the African quality palliative care standards? A rapid review

Presentation / Conference
Afolabi, O. A., Abboah-Offei, M., Namisango, E., Chukwusa, E., Oluyase, A. O., Luyirika, E. B., …Nkhoma, K. (2020, October)
Do the clinical management guidelines for Covid-19 in African Countries reflect the African quality palliative care standards? A rapid review. Poster presented at 11th EAPC World Research Congress Online, Online
Background: Palliative care should be a component of COVID-19 management to relieve suffering, improve patient outcomes and save costs. Aims: We aimed to identify and appraise...

Current Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • Understanding the effects of passive smoking on pregnant women - MPH Dissertation at the University of York