Cultural reflections on the Scottish HPV vaccination programme
Journal Article
Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Gray Brunton, C., Hanif, N., Harding, S., Hilton, S., …Pow, J. (2016)
Cultural reflections on the Scottish HPV vaccination programme. European Journal of Public Health, 26(1 supp 1),
The Scottish HPV vaccination programme serves young
women aged 11 to 18 years and reports consistently high
uptake rates, yet these figures may conceal levels of un...
The human papillomavirus and HPV vaccine: accounts from young people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups in Scotland aged 16-26 years
Presentation / Conference
Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Gray-Brunton, C., Kennedy, C., Hogg, R., Pow, J., …Hanif, N. (2016, April)
The human papillomavirus and HPV vaccine: accounts from young people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups in Scotland aged 16-26 years. Paper presented at RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2016
Background: School nurses play important roles in delivering human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programme in United Kingdom. International research indicates lower HPV vac...
Simulation and skills teaching the student nurse perspective.
Presentation / Conference
Adamson, E., Hanif, N., & Smith, F. C. (2008, January)
Simulation and skills teaching the student nurse perspective. Paper presented at Nurse Education in Practice, Dublin
Teaching clinical skills using simulation: the student nurse perspective.
Presentation / Conference
Adamson, E., Hanif, N., & Smith, F. C. (2007, July)
Teaching clinical skills using simulation: the student nurse perspective. Paper presented at 2nd International Clinincal Skills COnference, Prato, Italy