Data Protection Privacy Notices & HESA Notices
Edinburgh Napier University is a data controller for the purposes of UK data protection legislation (“the legislation”), that is, the UK Data Protection Act 2018 (“DPA 2018”) and the General Data Protection Regulation: EU 2016-679 (“GDPR”) as amended by “EU Exit” Regulations 2019 and now known as the UK GDPR, and processes personal data strictly in line with the legislation and its notification to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) who regulate the legislation in the UK. The University is committed to compliance with the legislation and protecting all personal data it processes.
Below are the University's main overarching Privacy Notices, followed by links to the HESA notices and the University's layered Privacy Notices specific to certain processes.
Please note that the University is transitioning to the use of the term "trusted contact/s" rather than "next-of-kin" or "emergency contact/s" which were used previously. If you see the terms "next-of-kin" or "emergency contact/s", please read these as "trusted contacts", while we update our guidance and privacy notices.
Student Recruitment Privacy Notice
Download the Student Recruitment Privacy Notice
Student Applicant Privacy Notice
Download the Applicant Privacy Notice
Student Privacy Notice
Download the Student Privacy Notice
Staff Privacy Notice
Download the Staff Privacy Notice
Court Member Privacy Notice
Download the Court Members Privacy Notice
Alumni Privacy Notice
The Privacy Notice for Alumni can be found online using the following link
Research Privacy Notice (Generic)
This privacy notice provides some general information about processing taking place for a wide variety of research projects. If you are a participant in a research project you will be provided with a specific privacy notice along with the participant information.
Download the Generic Research Privacy Notice
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) Data Protection Notices
The University is legally required to send some information to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). HESA holds information on students and staff in universities, higher education (HE) colleges and specialist providers in the UK. The Collection Notices describe the purposes for which this data is collected. You can find detailed information at
View the Edinburgh Napier University Graduate Outcomes Privacy Notice and information here:
Additional 'Layered' Privacy Notices
Below are the Additional 'Layered' Privacy Notices you might be interested in:
Associate Staff
Cashless catering EPOS
Catering Manual Trading
Colleague Engagement Survey
Commercial Courses
Commercial Courses Professional Associates
Commercial Courses Recruitment
Culture, Employment and Development in Academic Research Survey
Data Lab MSc Scholarship
Data Subject Rights Request
Edinburgh College Flexible Workforce Development Fund (FWDF) Courses
Employee Health Surveillance
ENgage Gym
ENroute HEA Enrolment
ENroute HEA Membership
ENSA Student Representatives
Equate Scotland
Graduate Apprenticeship Programme
Graduations in Edinburgh
Graduations Virtual
Higher Education Achievement Record (HEAR)
Image Library
International Programmes
IS Unidesk Customer Thermometer Survey
Job Alerts
Joint Supervision Projects
Junior Music Students
Library Membership External Members
Library Membership Students and Staff
Mentoring for Mentors
Mentoring for Students
Microsoft Bookings
Millport Field Trips
Module Evaluation
Occupational Health Referrals Assessments
Online Store
Overseas Graduations
PG Dip Midwifery
PG Teacher Education Programmes
Postgraduate Experience Surveys
Principal's Office External Communications
Procurement Request Process
QS Global Academic Survey
Research Excellence Framework (REF)
Research Leaders Survey
RIE NHS Assure Fund Promo Event
School of Applied Sciences Students Health Data
School of Health and Social Care Near Me Meeting System
School of Health and Social Care Student Practice Learning Evaluation
Scottish Modern Universities Northern Ireland Tour
Self-Defence Class Registration
Sensor Technology Pilot
Simulated Patient Volunteer Programme
South Asia Festival Academy (SAFA)
Special Collections
Staff Recruitment Candidate Satisfaction Survey
Staff Recruitment
Student Accommodation Applicants Criminal Convictions
Student Accommodation Applications
Student Accommodation Guarantor Form
Student Card Production and Distribution
Student Futures
Student Global Mobility and Traineeship
Student Mobility Survey
Student Open Days
Student Work Placements
Summer Accommodation
Template Privacy Notice (for internal staff use)
Where 'layered' Privacy Notices are required in addition to the main Privacy Notices detailed above colleagues are requested to contact for a template.