We have an impressive track record in creating innovative, growth-based spin-out companies.
We do this by closely supporting our academics and researchers to convert their novel research into a commercially exploitable product or service. We actively support all ideas through a stage-gate panel process.

Further ENU spin-outs

Leaders in Innovation

Edinburgh Napier University has been named a top 10 university in the UK and second in Scotland for generating spin-out companies. 

The 'Gateways to growth: Entrepreneurial Impact Report 2023'  report, produced by Octopus Ventures, explores and celebrates how UK universities are fuelling economic growth and solving society’s biggest challenges. The report has taken into account high-profile spin-outs from Edinburgh Napier in recent years, including many in the cyber arena, as well as emerging sectors of augmented reality and renewables. 
Be part of our adventure

Our spin-outs may be of interest to you. If you are an accredited investor or you represent an investment group and have expertise in a particular field and are looking for an exciting opportunity, please do get in touch with us. There are also opportunities for you to offer your expertise to our entrepreneurial academics and researchers to help them get their ideas off the ground.