7 results

Migrants’ healthcare experience: a meta-ethnography review of the literature

Presentation / Conference
Macedo, S. P., Patel, H., Ali, P., Heckemann, B., Ghosh, S., Watson, R., …Dekker-van Doorn, C. M. (2018, July)
Migrants’ healthcare experience: a meta-ethnography review of the literature. Paper presented at 29th International Nursing Research Congress, Melbourne, Australia
Purpose: Worldwide, more than 214 million people have left their country of origin. Such unprecedented mass migration impacts on health care in host countries. This paper expl...

Defining Old

Presentation / Conference
Fleming, A., Paoletti, I., Hvalic Touzery, S. & Kydd, A. (2017, July)
Defining Old. Paper presented at International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, San Francisco, USA
The number of people classed as the ‘oldest old’ is growing at a faster rate than any other age group. Projections globally show that the numbers of those classed as the ‘olde...


Presentation / Conference
Kydd, A., Fleming, A., Gardner, S., & Hafford-Letchfield, T. (2017, July)
Ageism. Paper presented at International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics
The developed world has an increasing number of people who are classed as the ‘old’, with the largest increase being those aged over eighty-five years. Population ageing is a ...

Ageism from the third age to the fourth age

Presentation / Conference
Kydd, A. (2017, February)
Ageism from the third age to the fourth age. Presented at Cost Action on Ageism, Jagellonian University, Poland
No abstract available.

Gerontology as a specialty

Presentation / Conference
Kydd, A. (2017, January)
Gerontology as a specialty. Presented at Winterschool, Winterthur Switzerland
No abstract available.

Management of indwelling urethral catheters in community settings

Presentation / Conference
Kydd, A., MacKay, W., MacIntosh, T., McIver, V. & O'Kane, C. (2016, October)
Management of indwelling urethral catheters in community settings. Paper presented at 5th European Nursing Congress, Rotterdam
Introduction: This paper presents part of a larger study which examined callout patterns of people with catheters in the community, explored stakeholder experiences and develo...

Defining the oldest old

Presentation / Conference
Kydd, A., Fleming, A., Paoletti, I. & Hvalic Touzery, S. (2016, October)
Defining the oldest old. Paper presented at 5th European Nursing Congress, Rotterdam
Background: It is an incontrovertible fact that the world has an increasing number of people who are classed as the ‘oldest old’ and sometimes referred to as the ‘fourth age’....